Chapter 4: Relationship

"Oh my God you're hitting on me!" I am so sure of it and before I could stop myself I guffawed

"The fuck! I can't believe it! Your boring nerves are hitting on me. Oh my Gods!" I clutch my stomach because it is starting to hurt. I looked at him and he is so serious.   

"Something funny Zamora?" He seriously asks. Okay, I am not such a bitch not to see that he is embarassed but then I wasn't able to stop myself so what I did was control myself from laughing out loud again. This in unbelievable.

 "You are funny. Why didn't you say so? If you'd tell me immediately, I wouldn't be laughing my ass off like this. You are acting like a prudish virgin. Damn it!" I laughed again but he remained serious. Hold gods! Maybe I have a different upbrining with the Filipinos because I am not used to guys who can't express their feelings upfront.

In fact, I am used to being courted. Siegfred and I just hit it off in a party.  We were dancing and then suddenly we found ourselves kissing and he brought me home, the next day we're already a couple. I am not a prudish girl, I do and say what I want. Talking to me is not even hard. That's why I got so mad with Siegfred when he cheated on me because he knows me. And he knows how easy it is to talk to me. It has always been white and black for me, always been a yes or a no.If he doesn't like me, he could have told me and I would have let him go. If he wanted sex I could have given it to him if I want to. I am not a fanatic of virginity. I am bound to lose it anyway yet  I am not also the type to sleep around.  Maybe it's because even if I was raised in the US my Mom and Dad still instill in me some Filipino values.

 "You like me?" I asked and he turned crimson again. I wanted to roll my eyes. Don't tell he this guy is still a virgin? What the heck!

"What if I do?" I reaised my eyebrow at him? Still can't tell me directly eh?

"It's just a yes or a no, preppie."  I challenged.

"What did you call me?" I smiled indulgently at him.

"Preppie. You're such a noob when it comes to relationship, so unlikely for a preppie like you." I smirked at him.

"And you're an expert?" He challenged back. Oh..oh…he need evidence?

I smugly smiled at him.

"My latest ex-bf is a school jock.  I've had my first bf when I was in grade school and I can no longer count those in between. What do you think Ian?" I called him by his nickname.  

"So, this is an accounting of past relationships?" He snap at me while his eyes narrowed in irritation. He's jealous already? Oh c'mon!

"No. Of course not. But you've ask if I'am an expert. I've just told you about my experience for you to gauge the extent of my expertise." Men and their ego.

"You don't have to shout it to the world you, know!" He started walking and left me. I didn't follow him. I check him out while he is walking away from me. Hmm… Not bad. Not bad at all. I told myself while I'm checking out his back.

He may not be as masculine as Sieg but not bad at all.

 "Hey!" I called out after him. He stopped and looked at me. I smiled at him then walked towards him. I stood in from of him and grinned.

"Let's try it out Ian." I saw how his eyes widened at what I just said.  Ahh.. he didn't expect my answer? What does he expect after his confession? He expected to be turned down?

"You like me too?" Disbelief is written on his face.   I prevented myself from smiling.

"Of course not. I said, let's try having this relationship. Who knows, this might work."  I said calmly and started walking again. He followed me until we are awalking alongside each other.

"But you don't like me. Why do you want to have a relationship with me? I scratched my head in irritation.

"Is it necessary for me to like you?"

"Uhmmm… Of course. If not, what's the use of being in a relationship?" Should I tell him that I like his back? Is that enough reason? Is that even valid? He might think that I am lusting after his behind.  Which I don't. I just find it sexy.

Seriously? I don't know what sensible anseer I can gove him. I looked at him and say the words that first crossed my mind.

" You're boring. Isn't that reason enough for us to have a relationship?"

"But  Jihann…" He started protesting but I won't have any of it.

"The answer is just yes or no, preppie. Are we or are we not going to have this so called relationship?" I challenged him as he looked in to my eyes.

"Of course we are having this relationship." He said and I nodded.