Chapter 5: Respect

 "Tell me Preppy, have you had any girlfriend before me?" I asked him casually and he looked up from the food he's eating. I suddenly saw his blush and I tried to control the grin from escaping my lips. I must admit, his blushing entertains me a lot. He's so transparent, he is more prudish that a virgin girl. Oh well, even if I am also a virgin I am not as transparent Ian. Considering that he is a guy, its epic.

"Stop calling me preppy." He snapped and I just rolled my eyes. I noticed that he deliberately avoided my question. Doesn't he know that it is making me more curious?

 "So, have you?" He stopped eating, put down his fork and looked at me seriously. He must have noticed that I will not let him off the hook.

"Yes." He curtly said and my eyebrows automatically rose. Really? He had a girlfriend?

"When was that?" Now, I'm really curious. How could a nerd like him have a girlfriend? He doesn't even look flirty. If you look at him, it seems he is so serious with his life that having a girlfriend is not his cup of tea. Who would have thought?

"High  school." Oooohhh! That was a shock. Don't tell me he is a playboy in nature but just pretending to be a nerd? Wait…is he still a virgin? Now I wonder. But I didn't ask him that question maybe when the time is right.

"That's it? You only had a girlfriend once?"

"And first year college." I chuckled. I'm sure he's no longer a virgin. Great then. I wouldn't have second thoughts whenever I wanted to molest him and I wouldn't have to consider his innocence. I wanted to laugh out loud at my thoughts.

"You've had a girlfriend but why you acted like a moron when you confess your feelings to me?" I frankly told him ignoring his dagger look when I mentioned the word moron.  Maybe he'd prefer stupid?

"You are calling your boyfriend moron?" He said unbelievingly. I just laugh at his reaction. He'll get used to it.

"So what? It's the truth isn't it? You want me to sugarcoat my words in order to please you honey?" Which is so not me. I am not born to please anyone. I'll say what I wanna say and do what I wanna do. Unless it's illegal and forbidden by Mommy and Daddy.

"Others girls do everything just to please their boyfriends while you…you curse and call me names." I wanted to laugh but instead I just raised my eyebrows at him. Im sure, his past girlfriends are martyr.  

"In what plane did you here that heresay Ian? Where did you see those kind of girls? Coz in my planet, you can't encounter those kind of girls." I pick my sandwich and took a bite. He just regarded me while I'm eating my sandwich. I removed the lettuce from my tuna sandwich and set it aside on the plate.

"You don't eat lettuce?"

"If its not romaine, I don't."

"I see." He took all the lettuce I've set aside and eat it. I'm amazed. I've never seen a guy eat their girlfriends'leftover.

"You like?" I offered to him the sandwich but he declined.

"No…I just don't like wasting vegetables." I just shrugged at him and continued eating. There is something tugging at my heart but I ignored it.

"Do you think this will work Jihann?" He suddenly asks that made me look up at him. I put down my food on my plate and looked at him. I know what he is talking about. We are so different from each other. Our upbringing are poles apart. Our attitude are like black and white.

"Who knows? We'll see." I said nonchalantly.

"I think I might end up brokenhearted." He whispered but I still caught it. I'm not even sure if he said it directly at me. But I'm sure he is not yet crazy to be talking to himself, right?

"Giving up already?" I smirked at him.

"But I think it is worth it." Ooohhh…How sweet.

"That is so sweet of your preppy." I smiled widely and I felt my heart skip a beat. This guy has a talent of making me feel giddy and over the clouds.

"One more preppy…" There's a warning in his voice but it only made me smile. Is this guy challengeing me?  

"Preppy." I said again just to annoy him more. He leaned to his seat and sigh.  

"Seriously Jihann, stop calling me preppy because I am not a preppy." Those eyes… damn…

"You are a preppy.  A rich bastard who…" But he cut me off.

"Sometime, I will have to tame that mouth of yours." He threatened again but I know better. Didn't he say a while ago that girlfriends should please their boyfriends? Why do I feel like it's the other way around?

"Sometime?  Why not now? Go ahead. I won't laugh." I can barely suppress my laughter.This guy entertains me to no end.

"You aren't afraid of anything, are you? You don't respect me and you are calling me a moron. You didn't even consider that I am two years older than you. You are such a bully."

"Is that a bad thing? And allow me correct you, I respect you. I respect you too much. If I don't respect you, I'm already sitting on your lap at this moment. Besides, why would I be scared of you. Should I bow to you just because you are two years older to show my respect?" I said mocking him and I saw a small smile crept up his lips and his eyes glinted of mischief.

"Come here Jihann." He gently said.

"Why?" I looked at how his eyes turned cloudy.

"Don't respect me." He tap his lap and I laughed at loud.

"Ian, I hate to sit on a guy's lap while he is having a boner. It's not comfortable. Unless, that boner is inside me." I smiled at him seductively. His eyes widened in shock and I laugh out loud.