Chapter 6: Fight

"Jihann, sit down properly." I just looked at him from browsing my ipad but I didn't follow what he said. When will he ever get used to my clothes? I ignored him and continued browsing my ipad.

"Jee..." He said again while driving. I rolled my eyes and look at him.

"I am comfortable this way Ian." He sighed before he shot a glance at the way I'm seating at the passenger seat of his car. I was sitting on folded legs while still wearing my cheerleading skirt. The skirt is hitching up and my mid-rise short shows.

He stopped the car beside the road and reach for the jacket on the backseat and throw it on my lap. I raised my eyebrows at him in amusement.

"Seriously?" I really can't believe this guy. We've been together for two weeks and he is still not used to the way I dress up? He saw me everytday with these clothers for Christ's sake!

"Seriously." He said flatly and continued driving. I just shrugged my shoulders and continued browsing my Ipad. When I found my playlist, I put on my earpods and ignored Ian.He's used to it. He doesn't mind that we don't talk that much while he's bringing me home. I'm the one who is not used to being quiet while driving. Siegfred and I usually chat our way home or sometimes we even ended up parking on the side of the road just to make out.

But then, Ian is not Siegfred. In fact, their attitudes are so different and I should stop comparing them.

"By the way Ian, you don't have to fetch me tomorrow. I'll be attending Zack's party after class." I casually said without looking at him but I saw him glance at me.

 "I presume; you're not asking my permission. You're merely informing me." I looked at him this time. I look at him this time and I can see his irritated expression.

"Yes. I am telling you that I'm coming to Zack's party. Is there any problem?" He didn't say anything; I just notice his hands tightening on the steering wheel but he didn't answer my question. He maneuvered the car to the parking space allotted for my unit once we arrived. He turned off the engine and unlock the doors then went out of the car. I scrambled for the seatbelt and immediately went out the car too. What's wrong?

"Ian!" I called after him. I run after him as he climbed up the stairs to my unit. We usually don't use the elevator since my floor is just two floors away from the parking.

"Ian, what's the problem?" I shouted at him almost breathless while matching his long strides.

"I don't know!" He sounded mad and frustrated. I grab his arm to stop him from climbing up the stairs. He stopped then faced me. I saw him heaved a sigh.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know Jihann. I don't know if I should be angry because you made your decision without informing me or I should be thankful because at least you have the decency to inform me.." He brushed his hair with his fingers obviously showing his frustrations.

"Obviously you're mad." I can feel a sense of guilt as I look at his angry and frustrated expression. "Why?"

"Seriously, I don't know how to act and where to put myself. I don't know if it is normal for you to just do what you want, go wherever you want to go. Or maybe I'm just used that my past girlfriends always ask my permission first before they go somewhere. So naturally, I would get mad upon knowing that you've decided without me." Oh! So that was it! I took another step so we are on the same landing. I moved closer to him and  put my arms around his nape and smiled at him sweetly.

"So, you wanted to have an upper hand in this relationship?" I said too sweetly and I saw him swallowed as he looked at me.