Chapter 7: Tease

"It's not like that Jee. I just wanted to be informed." I inched my face closer to him and I can clearly see the blushed creeping up his face. I smiled widely.

"I'm going to Zack's party. Are you coming or not?" I bit my lower lip and he swallowed while intently looking at my lips. I suppressed my laugh.

"Your question should be, are you allowed to go or not?" I moved my lips closer to his lips but avoided it and whispered closer to his ears.

"No... babe. I'm going to Zack's party and it's either you come with me or I'm going alone." I whispered seductively to him. I feel his arms on my waist.

"Dad and I have an appointment tomorrow evening Jee." His hand tightened on my waist and he pulled me closer to him. Our body touched and I can feel my effect on him. I really enjoy teasing him and I know he just couldn't resist. This guy is totally smitten by me.

"Very well're coming." I removed my hand from his nape but I didn't move away from him. I love being this close to Kriztian. I love feeling his warmth and I want to stay this way a bit longer but I need to break away from him because there is CCTV and I don't want to create a scandal. I turned around started going upstairs.

"Jee!" He called after me but I didn't look back until we reach my unit. I opened the door and when he entered and Immediately closed the door and pinned him behind it. I put my arms on his nape and move my body closer to his.

"I know you wanted to come. You don't want me to go at that party alone. I know how possessive you are and I don't want you wondering what I'm doing at that party while you're doing some business with your Dad. I'll ask permission from Tito Tamako." I smiled sweetly at him.

"You don't have to do that. I can tell Dad myself." He pulled me a bit closer. I know he'd been controlling himself at the stairs and I'm excited to know how far he can go this time.

"Let me ask his permission. I wanted to impress them you know. I wanted them to think that I'm an ideal girlfriend even if I'm not Ian." He just sighed and nodded. As a reward, I tiptoed and kissed him on the lips which he eagerly answered.

This is considered our first real kiss. For two weeks, what we shared are just pecks on the cheeks, on the lips and never like this. I cling to him tighter and his kiss deepened and our bodies molded with each other. But when our kiss started getting intense, I pulled away.

We are both breathing hard and catching our breath. That…was amazing.

"So, you are going to fetch me tomorrow at achool?" I said after I recovered my breath and I almost laugh at his expression.

"Yes." His face inched closer but I deliberately avoided his lips. No... not yet.

"Next semester, preppy, make sure to sync your class schedule with mine. I know it is hard driving from your office to our school." He just raised his eyebrows at what I said.

"Or maybe you just got bored waiting for me while I'm stuck in the traffic on the way to school. Coz' I don't really mind driving for you." How could he read me so easily? Darn it! Yeah, I have to admit that I got so bored that most of the time I'm tempted to just call a taxi so I can go home early. But guilt is eating me up whenever I think of his efforts just to arrive in school early to fetch me.

"Wahtever!" I pouted and I saw how his eyes darkened as he looked at my lips.

I pulled him closer and our lips touched. This time I didn't pull away when our kiss deepened. I opened my mouth when his tongue seek entrance. His hands are now gently caressing my sides while pulling me closer towards him. Why? I can't get enough of this guy. For pete's sake I want to just cling to him for the rest of my life.

"Are we going to have sex Ian?" I asked while trying to catch my breath after that mind blowing kiss. Holy…why do we need to breath?

"No..." there's uncertainty in his voice.

"Why not?"

"Because I know that you're just teasing me. Testing my limits. You're a witch."

"What if I am not teasing you? You know, I wanted to do it with you." I tried to reach his lips but he avoided my kiss. I wasn't insulted, instead, I smiled at him. How I love his self control.

"I wanted to do it with you too, babe. But not this time."

"Why not?"

"Because I like you way too much to ruin you." He moved my body a little bit away from his body.

"You will not ruin me. You'll make me whole. I'm sure of it."

"Jee, when will you stop teasing me?" I smiled at him.

"Until you give in. Until you stop acting like a prudent virgin. Until you can no longer take it. Until you burst in your pants." My smile widened when I saw his face turned crimson. Adorable…An idea suddenly sparked and it was just too tempting to resist. I lowered my hand and touched the bulge on his pants. He jerked and pushed my hand away.

"You tease." He hissed at me but his eyes turned darker.

"C'mon Ian."

"Jee, I know something that you think I am not aware of. " That momentarily stopped me from doing anything else. But I soon realize that it is his tactic so I'll stop seducing him.

"Hmm?" I raised myself and sniff the side of his neck. Why is he so tall?

"You're acting like a certified tease but the truth is, you're still a virgin." That totally stopped me. How the hell did he know? I thought my acting was very convincing. Even I, nearly believe that I am no longer a virgin.

"You knew all along?" Fuck!

"Siegfred told us everything before he left." That bastard. He really wanted to ruin me?

"You knew yet you allowed me to tease you? Why tell me now?" He looked at me with unquestionable desire in his eyes and pulled me towards him. God! I can feel his arousal in my stomach.

"Because I am about to give in and I don't want to act like a prudent virgin anymore. I am telling you because I can no longer stand your advances and as you can feel, I am so ready to burst in my pants. I am telling you so you will stop teasing me and so I could hold on a little bit longer to the fact that the only thing that's stopping me from taking you is the knowledge that you're innocent despite that wicked mask you're wearing."