Chapter 21 – Ender’s Dilemma

After Ender was once more dressed, he sat down across from scarlet. Scarlet currently had her head in her hands looking down. What Ender could see of her face were red after 5 minutes of silence Ender decided to break the ice, "Um, Scarlet?"

That short sentence caused Scarlet have her ears raised, her face grew redder, and her tail shot straight up with the hair on standing on ends. "You we should probably try to explain the thing that just happened to the two women outside when get our story in order."

Ender's words caused Scarlet's hairs to stand on end as reimagined the scenario once more. Each time she remembers more parts of Ender's body comes to mind. Even though ender was younger than her he seemed to be around her height, Ender's body seemed more lean than other average boys, Ender's hair seemed long but it only emphasized his eyes all the much more.

Ender continued to probe, "Your words were misleading so if you do not mind would you please explain why you called me here?'

Scarlet crouched further down into a ball. Mumbling Scarlet made an unintelligible sentence, "Can… be… end?"

Ender was more confused, "Scarlet I could not hear you properly. Can you repeat yourself?"

Scarlet crouched so low that no skin could be seen in almost in a whisper where only the two could be heard, "Can you be my friend?"

Ender was confused before asking, "Don't you hate me? I am a human?"

Scarlet head could be seen shaking barely in the bundle of clothes and fur.

Ender question once more, "Don't you have other friends? Isn't Sarah your friend?"

Scarlet answered meekly, "I don't have friends really. All the people around my age don't act normally because of my status. Sarah could be considered one but she is more like a care taker. She may look young but that is also in part of her beast-man bloodline. She is nearly 23 years old."

Ender also asked a question that he wanted to ask for a while, "Don't you hate me? You make me do all kinds of crazy errands."

Scarlet's face shot up at the time where her pink-red eyes were watery with tears threatening to fall. Scarlet quickly replied, "No, all of those have been misunderstanding. Wu wu wu."

Ender had never been in a situation like this in both life times where a women was crying because of miscommunications. Ender's mouth opened and closed a few times before saying, "Then why do we not start all over? But tell me what exactly you are thinking about from here on out? But you have to start by talking about yourself."

Scarlet quivered for a moment before nodding. After another 5 minutes of composing herself Scarlet sat up and tried to give an imposing aura but before she could speak Ender interjected, "Friends do not try to suppress one another."

Like a deflated balloon Scarlet began trying to speak, "I-I-I am Scarlet Gorepelt. I am the third princess of the beast-man kingdom Packtern. My father is king Wild Gorepelt. I have one older brother and one older sister however my older brother is usually dealing with kingdom and military affairs and my sister is at the Scholar's kingdom attending the Institute of Blisrine for the past 3 years."

Ender was shocked but not as much as he would appear. Ender had vaguely guessed. In truth Ender had guessed Scarlet of a duke but not the King. What made it awkward for him was that her ancestor was part of the team that Killed the past life Demon King Izrath. However, Ender was human in this life time. What Ender truly wanted was that the so-called monsters to be able return to their rightful territory and be recognized as creatures of the gods of equal standings.

The people of the present should not suffer for their ancestors. But if the people of the present stands before Ender, then he will reap their souls like wheat if need be. If he is to be a Demon King, the king of the monsters, then he will become a monster if he needs to.

Ender after reaffirming his stance replied, "I am Ender Maelstrom child of Millie Forewillow and Randolph (Ralph) Maelstrom from Rotherhithe. I am an only child but have two child hood friends named Percy Suireheart and this is Alice Sherris."

Scarlet frowned when she heard Alice's name before asking, "Is Alice a girl?"

Ender nodded, "Yes I have known her since we were babies. All three of us have been friends."

Scarlet frowned deepened as she mummed to her self. Ender at this point as asked a more pressing question, "Scarlet as we have cleared our misunderstanding a bit, but what should we tell the two women outside?"

When Scarlet thought to this matter her face turned red. Scarlet could not think about a possible answer as she kept on thinking about Ender's body. Ender seeing that Scarlet was distract decided to come up with a plausible lie of an insect climbed onto him and he removed his shirt to get the insect off. Scarlet stood up but there was a bump and she fell onto him. The bug also slipped out when the two women opened the door.

Scarlet nodded a chick pecking seeds in agreement. Scarlet then asked the two women inside to explain the situation. The two gave them incredulous looks like they did not believe a single word they said. In Ender's black eyes he was blaming it all on Scarlet while in Scarlet's eyes there was a dreamy remembrance. The two's eyes only caused further caused doubt of what had happened. Sarah was thinking that she must tell Scarlet's mother of this matter, and Millie was thinking of having the talk of possible pregnancy at a young age and that the two should wait until they are adults.

Seeing that there was no point of talking Ender decided to set a time for Ender and Scarlet to talk in the future time of the travels. The two decided with Sarah's and Millie's approval to be in the mid-morning or mid-afternoon.