Chapter 22 – A Day in the Life of Millie and Sarah

(Millie's POV)

Life has changed for me in the last couple of days. Most of these changes have been for the worse. The village that I had grown up in had been raided by bandits. My husband, Ralph, fought to protect me. When I thought there was chance since my husband fought for a long time however my son, Ender, ran inside to tell me that my husband is losing and asked us to escape.

We escaped in the middle of the night when it was raining. I must of fainted because of the weather. My constitution has been more delicate ever since my pregnancy was noticed and more apparent. When I woke up, I was in a carriage with Ender. My son then explained the situation we are currently in. It seems that while I fainted, I obtained a fever and Ender found a passing procession and asked for help. In return to help me had essentially sold his body but I am to be kept as a half-prisoner.

I was mortified by Ender said since Ralph is a way he will protect me with whatever way he could. Ender reminds me of Ralph in this way back in the day. I was always considered 'rambunctious' as a girl and the other children, including the boys, ran away from me. Well all except Ralph. In truth Ralph was the slowest and I always captured him. Hahahaha thinking back to when we were together was fun. We used to play wrestling (beating up Ralph), adventurer (throwing Ralph into dangerous situations), and house (making Ralph fetch me stuff). They were great times.

But eventually we started growing up and pairing up. By the time I realized only me and Ralph were left un-paired. I had asked Ralph if he had anyone he like and he replied he did. I was sadden by what he said. Ralph then went to explain that there was this girl from his childhood that always dragged him around to do random stuff but he did not resist because he had secretly liked her. The girl Ralph liked was always stronger than him so he decided to try becoming stronger so he could at least be dragged around by her and some day protect her.

I kept becoming sadder by what he said but something did not seem right. I had never seen Ralph with any other girl besides me. It was at this moment that I looked at Ralph. I do mean properly looked at him. Ralph had also grown larger and more muscular. His black hair was cut short and his dark, green eyes were looking at me tenderly. It was at that moment I fell for him.

Ahh the past… But my life now could be considered like a vacation. I am sure Ralph is okay with how he has put up with me so he is still alive. I will have Ender find Ralph once he becomes strong hahahaha. The first day in this procession was a little rough but after young miss scarlet came out and told the men to treat me better it has been much better. I have been able to go on walks once my body felt better. Just the other day I went to thank the young miss Scarlet however when my and her maid heard a scream inside we saw the young miss Scarlet mounted on my son.

We closed the door to give them privacy but I was conflicted inside. There was a girl named Alice back in the village of Rotherhithe as daughter-in-law so this new development made me unsure. Alice is pure while Scarlet is noble. Mmn let's Ender decide in the future he is still young.

Ender and Scarlet tried to make an excuse but me and Sarah don't believe a word. But life has been great recently. I will treat these days as a long awaited vacation I needed. Sarah and I have been getting along well recently ever since that incident so we talk mostly to each other. I did let it slip once hat would not mind my son even liking slightly older women as long as he is happy is my priority.

(Sarah POV)

Fufufufu. My recent days have been the greatest in my time the princess Scarlet. All of this due to a human boy named Ender we found the other day.

Young miss Scarlet has always been a lonely girl. Her siblings have always been busy or away. The king has busy with country while the queen also helps her. I as her personal maid have kept an eye on her for most of her life. I report to the queen what happens to Scarlet and the queen reports to the King what she deems fit.

The young miss Scarlet has been in the palace most of her life. When she did meet people around her age as beast-men children there mainly two kinds. One that wanted to be her friends for political gains and the ones that had their parents try to arrange marriages for once more political gains.

Young miss Scarlet has been lonely for a long time. However recently we picked up a child, Ender, and his mother, Millie, the other day and young miss Scarlet has been more lively. Maybe she was moved by the boys nature to protect his mother but young miss scarlet made a reason to keep the two together. She even planned to take the pair all the way to the beast-man capital.

Well this could be considered kidnapping but I won't tell her because it will be amusing in the future. Fufufufufu.

However I did not expect MY young miss to fall in lover with this boy. Just the other day a scandalous thing occurred. I suggested the two to clear some misunderstandings they had in the past couple of days so I left the two inside the carriage. The mother Millie had came to thank the young miss Scarlet but just at the time we heard a scream. The two of us opened the door to see the young miss on top of a half naked Ender.

Fufufufu. I suggest to give them some privacy so they could finish their 'business'. The two later tried to come up with an excuse of a bug but Millie and I don't buy the story. I have to update the queen about this. The queen has always only wanted Scarlet to find someone she loved and not be used in political uses in the future.

Ever since the young miss Scarlet talks with Ender began, I also talk with Millie. I even heard that Millie would not mind a large age discrepancy as long as Ender was happy. Mmnn if only if Ender was older I am sure he would look like a handsome man if his mother is of any relations. But then again most nobles have more then one wives or a few concubines. If he does marry the young miss Scarlet you could be considered a half noble I could say. Mmnn lets put that plan on hold for now. Fufufufu.