I laughed. "No one has ever asked me that. Mom would have kept me in a chastity belt if she had one. I had almost resigned myself to being an old maid. Right now I'm a virgin who needs to cum every few hours or I get too horny to think straight. I fantasize about getting laid all the time. I really want to get in the game. I certainly don't want to stay a virgin just to stay a virgin. I need to get my cherry busted bad. Damn, I'm getting wet just thinking about it. Let's get back to the subject. I don't think I'm too young to donate milk. The more I think about this, the more I want to do it. But you are right — I don't know enough about what it will do to me to be able to say how I will handle it with school and cheerleading and everything. As for dating, would boys mind if I were lactating?"
"Some might be turned off," Bambi said. "I think most would think it was cool... do they still say 'cool'? But think of this, it would be a fantastic ice-breaker. You tell your date what you are doing and warn him that you might have a leak and to let you know if he sees any wet spots on your blouse. We can assume he's going to be looking anyway, so now he has permission to stare at your breasts. If he seems OK with it and you want to get more intimate, you ask him if he wants a taste. Heck, tell him that you are hurting and you need him to help you get some relief. Any boy who refuses to help a girl in distress isn't someone you want to be dating anyway. Come to think of it, this would work equally well on girls, too. Maybe better. It would help them get over being envious of your size."
"That's brilliant! I hadn't thought of any of that. You know, you started to talk me out of this, but now you're giving me more reasons to do it. Still, you're right about waiting. But how about this — I'll wait until the end of the school year. That's only a little more than two months. School and cheerleading won't be a problem then. I'll have time to try it and decide if I want to keep it up. How's that?"
"That sounds like a very mature decision. If you don't mind, I'll hold this pamphlet for you." She folded it and put it into her purse.
"Sure, no prob. Say... you're not thinking of doing this too, are you?"
"Well, it does sound interesting. It's for such a good cause. It's not like I would be doing something new. I have some years of experience, after all. And I would like to get a head start on you, young lady. If I'm going to try to keep up with you, I'm going to need all the head start I can get."
"That's great! We'll be our own little herd of milk-cows. We can even share the pump. I bet I'll still beat you. I bet I can produce more by the end of the summer than you can. Want to bet me?"
"You're on. You have youth, enthusiasm, and bigger tits; but I have experience. It should be fairly even. But if you quit, I win by default."
"There you go, talking me into it again." I said.
"I guess I am, aren't I? I put the idea in your head and here I am, urging you on. I must have a milk-fetish or something. Better watch out, I might sneak into your room at night and suck you dry while you sleep," she said playfully.
"You kinky so-and-so! I think you just want an excuse to play with my breasts."
That produced an awkward moment during which we both realized that there was more than a grain of truth in that comment. I did the only thing I could think of to relieve the tension. I grinned at Bambi from ear to ear. She grinned back. I decided to change the subject.
"If I am going to start having sex, I guess I will need to be on the pill. Can I go to your doctor? I'd rather not go back to the one Mom was taking me to."
Mrs. Reynolds dropped her eyes and stared into her glass. I didn't need a building to fall on me to figure out what that meant.
"You know me better than I know myself," I said. "How long?"
She still couldn't look at me. She opened her purse and took out a pill dispenser. When she handed it to me I could see that five pills were missing.
"You've been on the pill since Monday," she told me. "I was going to say something, but it never seemed to be the right time. I'm sorry. It seemed like a good idea. After the first week with the weights, you didn't need the same dose of painkillers and I thought instead of just giving you a placebo, I would substitute the birth control. I knew Yvette would never have let you take them and if you decided to go back and live with her, I wanted to give you a going-away present."
"You wanted to give me a sex-life, even if you weren't part of it? That's so sweet. If we weren't in a public place, I'd kiss you." I guess I knew when I said it that it would not end there. Without even looking around to see if we had an audience, Bambi slid out of the booth and came around to my side of the table. She bent over and kissed me. Not a peck, not a buss, but a very thorough, very deep kiss that got my heart going fast. When I realized that she was not in a rush, I took her hand and pushed it up under my top and put it on my naked breast. She caressed my breast expertly as she kissed me. I tried to kiss back, but I was getting better than I was giving. When the kiss was over, I was in something of a daze.