Sex Magnet

Bambi sat back down on her side of the booth and took a sip of her coffee. When she put the glass down, she had an ice-cube in her teeth. She dropped the ice into her hand and reached across the table and rubbed it on my bare nipple. I jumped and pulled my top back down over my breast. I hadn't even noticed that it was exposed. I looked around the café, but we were the only customers at the moment and I could not see anyone behind the counter from where we were sitting.

"I know what I want to do about my virginity," I said.

"What?" Bambi asked.

"I want you to take it. I want you to break me in. I'm sure there is some way we can do it."

"Well, yes. There is. Are you sure about this?"

"Oh, yes. Very, very sure."

"You're not just saying this because I got you hot? Don't you want to wait and think it over?"

"Yes, I'm saying this because you got me hot! I can't think of a better time to make this decision than when I'm horny as hell and I sure don't want to wait any longer than I have to. Can we go now?"

On the way out of the café, we passed by the counter and the girl behind it smiled at me. She looked familiar, like she was someone from school that I'd never been introduced to, and she was seriously cute. Those freckles were adorable! I smiled back politely. As I was going out the door, I saw the mirror near the ceiling in the corner. The one that let anyone behind the counter see everything that was going on in the back. I turned again to look at the girl. She was still smiling at me, but she looked like she was too shy to speak.

Bambi and I were crossing the parking lot when I said, "Go on without me. I'll meet you at the car." I walked quickly back to the café.

The chime rang when the door opened and the girl looked up and saw me come back in. She looked like I had just made her day. I went over to the counter and leaned over to talk to her.

"Hi, I'm Sam." I said.

"I'm Neeka."

"Neeka? That's a cute name."

"It's really Monique, but everyone calls me Neeka."

That settled it. There was a red-headed Monique in my class. It's funny how you sometimes don't recognize people when they appear out of their usual place in your world.

"Neeka, did you see something back there in the booth?" She dropped her eyes and nodded, hesitantly. "Did seeing her kiss me get you hot?" Another shy nod. "Do you like my breasts?"

This time she found her voice. Her eyes flicked up to look at my chest. "Oh, yes! They're gorgeous!"

"Would you like to see them?" Suddenly we're back to nodding. I raised my top and leaned over the waist-high counter. Neeka's eyes got really wide. I could see that I had her hooked.

"Kiss them," I ordered, to see if she was as playful as I hoped. Neeka was on them on a flash, kissing and licking. After only a few seconds I pulled my top back down and said, "OK, that's enough." The look of disappointment on her face almost broke my heart. "Why don't you give me your phone number?" I asked.

Neeka grabbed a paper menu off the counter and wrote her name, address, phone number and even her email address before I could get the menu away from her. I crooked a finger at her to lean closer and when she did I gave her a quick kiss.

"I'll call you," I said, stuffing the menu in my pocket. "Oh, one thing — Do you like boys too?" Neeka nodded again, with her eyes on the counter. The shyer she acted the cuter she looked. I'd always heard that the shy girls were the wildest under the sheets. This one was probably a tigress in bed.

All I had up to now was a bunch of rumors, old wives tales and half-baked theories about sex. Here was an opportunity to check out some things for myself. Neeka seemed interested. I was interested and curious and horny. And Mrs. Reynolds had shown me that boys were not the required participants that I had always assumed they were.

"Perfect!" I said. "We can have a lot of fun, then. Bye now!"

All the way back to the car, I tried to get the smile off my face. I must have failed miserably because I had no sooner shut the door than Bambi asked, "Well? Did you get her number?"

I started to act surprised, but then I thought I should probably get over being so transparent. Bambi and I were just so alike that it was if she could read my mind. I knew our relationship was going to be complex, but I was going to have to get used to bouncing from mother to lover to sister to friend all the time.

"Not jealous, are you?" I asked.

"No. Proud. Was that the first time you've asked a girl for her number?"

"Yeah. It was an impulse thing. She just looked so cute when she smiled at me like that. When I knew she had seen us, I just had to go back and talk to her. When I went back in, her face lit up like she was so happy to see me. It was like it was her birthday and I was her present. It this what you meant when you said I would be a magnet — that I could have sex with anybody I wanted?"

"That's it exactly. Moths to a flame. You need to be careful, because you can't turn it off.