Molested by an Intruder

We both jumped and she gave out a startled squeak. That struck me as funny and I giggled. Since I was giggling, she started giggling too. Before we woke up Mom, I whispered, "Shhh! Come with me" and gave her a quick hug. With my arm still around her I guided her down the hall and into my room, where I closed the door so we could talk and not wake up Mom.

The stranger was a woman in her late 20's or early 30's. She had black hair down past her shoulders, light gray eyes, pale skin and a lovely, heart-shaped face. I moved my shopping bags off the bed and we sat down together. I put my arm back around her, to reassure her and because it felt good to have my hand on her naked skin. I looked into her eyes and wondered what on earth I was supposed to say to my mother's lover. The situation was so unexpected that I started to giggle again. When I did, so did she. She had a high-pitched laugh that reminded me again of a little mouse and we both gave in to a giggling fit that ended with both of us lying on the bed in each other's arms. I was both very attracted to the stranger and very happy that my mother had made good on the promise she made to me about doing something for herself. On impulse, I kissed her. I figured I was entitled. After all, I had her naked and in my bed. She kissed back. I decided I liked her on the spot. She must have liked me too because she kept kissing me. Before this went any further, I decided that introductions were in order. I pulled my head back to break the kiss, but I kept my lips a fraction of an inch from hers.

"Hi," I said, looking into her gray eyes. I was still trying to think what to say to her.

"Hi, yourself." She grinned. "I hope you're Samantha."

"That's me," I admitted. "Who are you?"

"Jan Overton."

"Hello, Jan. It's very nice to meet you. I'd shake hands but I think we went past that part already. Why don't you kiss me again and then tell me how you know my mother?" We kissed again. She was a good kisser. Without thinking about it I put my hand on her breast and cupped her nipple in my palm. She moaned and I felt her arm around my back pull us closer. She broke the kiss this time. I kept my hand where it was.

"What was the question again?" She asked, laughing. "Yvette and I both work at the plant. I first saw her at a company meeting late last year. I've been trying to get her to go out with me ever since, but she always refused. She said she had to stay home and take care of you. I guess I had the idea that you were a little girl, but you're not; are you?"

"No, I'm only five. I'm just very advanced for my age. And you weren't trying to get her to go out, you were trying to get her into bed, you seducer of older women!"

"Oh, sure. And what's going on here? I have known you for barely five minutes and you already have me naked and in your bed. And if you don't quit playing with that, I'm going to have to kiss you some more."

"As much as I'd like that, I have someone waiting for me and I have to get moving before she wonders what happened to me. It looks like you wore Mom out pretty good last night. She's usually up before now. Look, I want you to do me a big favor, OK? When she wakes up, tell her that I have decided to move in with Bambi. I just came by to collect my stuff. I don't want to wake her up to tell her that. I think if you tell her she will have an easier time taking it as good news instead of bad."

"She told me you would only be gone for the weekend. She was excited about going out last night, but it was hard for her to decide to do it. It was harder for her to bring me here. She's always acted like she had to hide from you; like you would be horrified if you found out she was a lesbian. You don't look particularly horrified to me, and stop pulling my nipple if you don't want to get raped."

I sat up and straddled her hips, pinning her to the bed. I grabbed my top with both hands and pulled it over my head. Lowering myself over her, I let my breasts press into hers. "But I'm just a little girl!" I said in a childish voice. "Please don't rape me!"

"Oh, jeeez," she said. "Those are really nice. You're fantastic. You're beautiful. You're funny. You're certainly not straight. What is Yvette freaking out over?"

"Ask yourself what a lesbian would be like if she tried to raise her child to be straight? Now imagine doing that without letting the child know she was gay?"

"She'd be as fucked-up as Yvette. You're leaving because you want to give her space to be herself, without worrying about her trying to act against her nature because of you. Damn, you're smart too."

"Now you're a flatterer as well as a rapist and a seducer. I may have to stay here to protect Mommy from you. Oh, damn. I've got to go. Tell her to relax. Tell her be herself. Tell her I love her."

"Samantha? I love her too."

"I have to ask. Are you gay or bi?"

"Gay. I've never been attracted to men. Why?"

"Because it would kill her if you left her for a man." I got up and pulled my top back on. As I pulled it over my head, I felt Jan's hands on my breasts. I didn't pull the top all the way down. I stood there and enjoyed being fondled. "You're a child molester, too. And a good one," I told her. "Help me carry this stuff out?"