A Great Day

We both grabbed a bag and I took some coats over one arm. We lugged it all to the front door.

"I'll be at the Reynolds house on Ridgeway Court. It's in the book. Call me later and let me how she's doing, OK?" I gave Jan a quick kiss goodbye. It seemed the friendly thing to do.

I pushed the screen door open, grabbed my stuff and hauled it to the car. Mrs. Reynolds helped me get it into the back seat. I turned and waved goodbye to Jan who was standing in the doorway, watching us. When we were about to drive off, Mrs. Reynolds said, "I may regret asking this, but who was that naked woman I saw you kissing?"

"Would you believe, my mother's other lover?"

"You're kidding!"

"No. I have a streak going. I plan to seduce all my mother's lovers."

"Impressive. You were in there all of twenty minutes. If there is a World Record for seducing women, I think you just broke it."

"I can do better. I'll bet you I can get Neeka naked and in my arms in under a minute from the time she walks in the door."

"No bet. I thought I was going to be teaching you how to use your sexuality to get what you want. Hah! You are the expert. I am just an amateur."

"Well, actually, I did have her in my bed, naked, in under five minutes. And you can verify that. She promised to call me later. You can ask her."

"You're serious?" She thought we'd been playing out a fantasy.

"You think I'm kidding? Nope. I'm perfectly serious." There was a lull in the conversation during which she kept looking at me sideways to see if I was going to crack a smile. The third time she did it, I just nodded.

"Incredible." She said, shaking her head.

"Well, I had to make sure that Mom would be in good hands. I think she will. That's why I'm in such a good mood. I think Jan is just what she needs. I hope she moves into my old room."

"That was fast."

"Not really. It seems that Jan has been chasing her for months. This was the first time that Mom would agree to a date. Afterward, they both came over here. They had a lot of fun last night and Mom is all worn out. This must have been the first time in years that she was in bed with someone of the right sex. She probably tried to make up for lost time. Maybe I should send over a pizza or something. They might not get out for awhile."

"We'll send Chinese take-out. It reheats better."

"Good idea. Mom likes Chinese, but we rarely ate out."

"Her favorite is Moo Goo Gai Pan. I assume you found out what Jan likes? You seem to know everything else."

"Gee, I missed that one. Darn! I'm slipping!"

"You're incorrigible. What am I going to do with you?"

"It's only a guess, but I'd say the same thing Mom is doing with Jan."

"I think you're right. Your room or mine? Or the front lawn? Or the kitchen counter? How about the back seat?"

"You kinky girl! My room. Ten minutes. Come naked."

Ten minutes later a beautiful naked woman came into my room and made passionate love to me. It wasn't even 9 AM and I had already been in bed with two lovely women. I had a date for later that looked very promising as well. This was shaping up to be a great day.

Bambi and I were lying on my bed, cuddling and enjoying the mutual afterglow. She asked, "What would you like to do now?"

"Once more, please," I answered, stroking her thigh. "Then I'd like to take a sunbath."

"You're wonderful. Have I told you that in the last two minutes?"

"Shut up and kiss me."

"Greedy, too. Would you like me to use the strap-on?"

"Oh, yes! But go easy. Last time you broke something."

"Ha. Ha. Back in a sec." She hopped out of bed and opened the bottom drawer of the dresser. I peered down over her shoulder. There was a large collection of sex toys in the drawer. They were all shapes, sizes, colors and types.

"My goodness! It's a whole store! How many do you have?"

"Ben loved to buy me things. Especially sexy clothes and toys. I have a lot of both. This is just some of the toys. There are some in each guest room and a big box full down in my closet."

"You know, that's the first time you've mentioned your husband's name."

She tensed up and then her shoulders slumped in resignation as she decided if it was time she dealt with the unpleasant subject. I bit my lip while I waited for her, wondering if I had gone too far.

"I guess that's one of the things I do to cope with him not being here. If I don't say his name, it puts some distance between me and a big hole in my life."

Her face fell and I was sorry to have made her sad. I got down off the bed and sat on the floor with her. I crawled into her lap and put my head on her shoulder. She put her arms around me and we rocked. I wanted to say something to make her feel better, but I was afraid of saying the wrong thing, again. Usually, I had no trouble at all shooting my mouth off; a habit that occasionally gets me into trouble. This time I thought it over first.

"You told me that he liked for you to tell him about the women that you made love to," I said. Bambi nodded. "Well, I want you to make love to me and I want you to think of him watching us. Would he have liked to do that?"