Thinking About Becoming a Porn Star

I had no idea what she was talking about, but I smiled and nodded as she explained the motorcycle to me. She was enjoying this so much I didn't have the heart to tell her I was still scared to death of the thing. She had probably already picked up on that and explaining everything to me was just her trying to make me more comfortable with it.

"The more powerful a bike is, the less likely it is to be comfortable to ride. Especially with custom bikes like this, comfort is rarely a major consideration. Most of the time they try to make them sound as loud and impressive as possible by tuning the exhaust to resonate with the sound of the motor. Touring bikes are designed for comfort, but they are heavy, under-powered and less than nimble.

This bike is the best of both worlds. It has all the power you could ask for, amazing torque, but it also is very comfortable. And it's really gorgeous. I love it!"

"Good! Do you have something to wear while riding? Aren't you supposed to have a special leather suit or something?"

"Leathers are a good idea, but around here they would be incredibly hot. Helmets are also a good idea, but this state stopped requiring them a few years ago. No, I have a black pantsuit that I plan to wear. I have a cap with a visor and a pair of wraparound driving glasses that will go with it. It will look just like a chauffeur's uniform. Do you think Mr. Morton will be able to come up with something for you to wear?"

"Bambi seems to think so. You know he does costumes for porn stars?"

"That's funny. I've never met the man, but you picture him as this old-fashioned dressmaker with bifocal glasses and a tape-measure around his neck. He seems like the last person to be involved with that sort of thing. Oh my God! You're thinking about becoming a porn star!"

"Hey! It's just a fantasy. All right? Don't tell me you never thought about it."

"You mean lying around all day, being fucked over and over by handsome guys with big johnsons? Who hasn't?"

"Someone who doesn't get off on being watched, I guess. Anyway, it will have to stay a fantasy for me for a while. Since it looks like I have another job."

"Well, you would certainly be qualified for video. You're beautiful; you have great boobs; and you love to fuck."

"Oh, I do. I do!" I said, speaking from my very limited experience. "There's nothing like it. Sex is the greatest thing in the world. I can't believe I waited so long to start. If I had known how great it was, I would have tried harder to get around Warden Mom. I guess I must have been really sexually repressed. It must have affected my personality in ways I can't even imagine. I just feel so much more relaxed and happy after a good climax, you know?"

"Yeah, me too. I wonder if all the people who get drunk and do drugs and stuff aren't just doing it as a substitute for sex." That was one of the most insightful things I had ever heard her say. I thought about it before I answered.

"Could be. You might be onto something there. Too bad a lot of people think sex is worse than drugs. I bet that Yvette would have been more pissed at me if she had caught me with a boy than if she had caught me with a marijuana cigarette. But she's not a good example. I keep thinking about how, from her point of view, she hadn't had real sex for years. Now that is the worst case of sexual repression you are ever going to hear about."

"That's not your fault. It was her choice."

"Yes, but she made it because of me. I still feel responsible."

"This is part of why you're going into this superheroine thing, isn't it?"

"I guess it is. I couldn't do anything to help Yvette except to get away from her. I hate that. I want to do something. It's just so frustrating. I must be transferring my desire to do something for Yvette into doing something for everyone else."

That seemed right. Thinking that I was doing this because I was getting something out of it made me feel better than telling myself that I was doing it for 'the good of humanity' or some other bullshit. Altruism makes me queasy.

"I think Ayn Rand said that," Neeka laughed, obviously about my last thought. I didn't know who she was talking about, but I knew she was trying to be supportive about my coming to understand my motives. She put her arm around me and gave me a hug. She seemed just like a big sister when she did that.

"I've got to get home," she said. "Mom will be wondering where I am."

"OK, see you tomorrow. Will you walk with us again?"

"I'd love to, but I'm too used to having my car, you know? I could give you guys a ride, if you like."

"Maybe when it rains I'll take you up on that. It's just such nice weather right now that I really enjoy walking."

"It also gives you some time with Bud and Jim."

"That too. We got off to a bad start, but they're really sweet boys. The more I'm around them the closer I feel to them. Listen, come over when you get off tomorrow. I'll want to show you my new wardrobe."

"It's a date," she said. She walked down the drive and up the street and I went inside to see what was for supper.

As it happened, I was just in time to help set the table. As I got out the silverware, Bambi handed me a plastic bag with the two steel balls in it. I had forgotten them and left them in the workshop.