So I can be nice and tight for you

"I ran them through the dishwasher," she told me. "It sounds strange, but that's the best way to clean toys like that."

I laughed. "If it gets plates clean enough to eat off of, I guess it will get things clean enough to put inside you," I said. I looked around for somewhere to put the balls. It seemed inappropriate to leave them sitting beside my plate while I ate, so I carried them with me when I went downstairs to fetch Bud and Jim.

Of course, they had to ask what was in the bag. I thought about telling them it was none of their business, but I could not think of a good reason to keep it a secret.

"They're exercise balls," I said. "They help me keep my muscles toned."

"How do you use them?" Bud asked.

"Well, I roll them around and squeeze them. I carry them around all day. They have weights inside that move around and remind me to use them."

"Oh, yeah," Jim said, "I've got a little sandbag that I do that with. It builds up my grip. But why two? Do you carry one in each hand?"

I almost laughed out loud at that. I hadn't explained it at all well.

"No," I said, wondering how to tell them. "I don't carry them in my hands. It's not that grip that I'm building up." As I expected, that only made them more curious. I could see where this was going already.

"Are your hands, clean?" I asked.

"Yeah, we just washed up for supper," Bud said. "Why?"

"Here," I said, opening the bag and giving each of them a ball.

"So what do we do with them?" Jim asked.

My devilish grin must have been a giveaway. Bud started smiling, but kept his mouth shut. He must have been wondering if Jim would catch on, too. He didn't. Until I pulled my skirt up over my hips and scooted my butt onto the arm of the sofa. Then I could see the light go on behind his eyes.

"Put them in me," I said, pulling my legs up and leaning against the back of the couch.

Bud went first. I held my pussy open for him and he slid one ball inside and pushed it in with his finger. Jim wanted to look a little before he put his in. I pushed the ball already inside me up to my opening and let it roll back again. The boys watched with fascinated expressions as the shiny ball appeared and disappeared. I felt like a magician with an audience.

Jim put his ball into me and I moved it back in my vagina and stood up.

"Don't they fall out?" Jim asked.

"Well," I said, "I can feel them move and I know where they are all the time. Keeping them in me is part of the exercise."

"But why?" Jim seemed intrigued with the whole idea of me exercising my pussy. Bud just grinned. He had had a demonstration of why I wanted strong muscles down there just that morning when he had to force me off his cock.

"So I can be nice and tight for you," I said with a teasing tone. I put my hand over his crotch and squeezed his bulge through his pants. "You want me to stay tight, don't you? Don't you like a tight little pussy, Jim?"

Now both of them were grinning from ear to ear. Jim blushed a deep red and could not think of an answer for that. I didn't need one. The hardening cock under my hand was answer enough.

As we walked up the stairs, I heard the balls clink together. I thought it was too faint to be heard by anyone else, but Jim chuckled.

When I turned to look at him to see what was funny, he said, "I heard that when we were walking to school this morning. I didn't know what it was."

Now it was my turn to blush. I had been hearing that faint clink all day as I moved around and walked from class to class. I had assumed that I was the only one who could hear it. Now that I knew that it was audible from at least four feet away, I wondered how many of my classmates had heard it. Worse, I wondered how many knew it was coming from me. Worst of all, I wondered how many knew what it was making the noise! Or maybe not. Anyone who knew what it was had probably had experience with the balls themselves. I decided to keep an eye out for anyone trying to hide a smile when they heard me clinking along.

Once we had sat down to supper, I tried to maneuver the balls to make them clink intentionally. It was hard, but eventually I found that by pulling one as far into my vagina as it would go, and then pulling the other one in quickly, I could produce a fairly loud clink. The third time I did it Bud, Jim and Bambi all burst out laughing. Bambi looked at Bud and Jim and they looked back, surprised to see that they all knew what was happening. This made them laugh even harder. I turned very red and resolved to stop playing with the balls during meals.

School the next day was an improvement. Maybe it was because I had something good to look forward to after school, instead of something unpleasant. Maybe because I was getting used to the stares and the behind-the-hand comments. I kept to my strategy of smiling back whenever I got a nasty or envious look, and in many cases, the envy died on the vine when the person saw that I was open and approachable.

When lunchtime came, I found myself in line with Jolene Maddox, who introduced me to Janice Dempsey, one of the other girls who had witnessed Monday's restroom encounter. Janice was not one of Sandra's buddies, as Jolene had been. She had been one of the two who had come out of curiosity or admiration. Whichever it was, Janice was having a hard time keeping her eyes above my neck. I had again worn a conservative outfit — a skirt that came to my knees and an opaque white blouse with a bra underneath, but covering up only seemed to make me more interesting to some people. If I were naked except for a band-aid; I'm sure there would be some people who would want to peek under the band-aid.