Practicing the Bumblebee

I reluctantly opened my legs and let them take their hands away from my throbbing pussy. A shudder went through me as I felt their fingers withdraw. I let out a sharp gasp as Jolene flicked my hard clit before taking her hand out.

As fogged as I was, my mind raced to think of some place we could go for the last twenty minutes of the lunch period. "Come with me." I said, taking my tray and returning it to the kitchen. I led the way out of the dining hall and down the stairs to the old library in the basement.

Since a damp basement turned out to be a poor place for a library, the books had been moved to the new library building some years before and the space was now for storing seldom-used stuff, like seasonal decorations and the platforms that turned the dining hall into a theater or banquet hall. The restrooms were still unlocked, but almost never used unless there was an overflowing toilet that closed one on the main floor of the building. It was a perfect place for a tryst.

I hopped up and sat on the corner of the formica counter that held the row of sinks. This gave me an extra foot of height and put my chest just at the perfect height. "Get those panties off!" I commanded as I unbuttoned my blouse and took it off. Janice and Jolene pulled off their soaked undies without hesitation and converged on my exposed boobs. They stood on either side of me and each attacked a breast. You'd think they had been bottle-fed as babies the way they latched onto my boobs and licked and kissed so eagerly.

I was in heaven. Having two girls making love to me was a new thing and one I could easily get used to. As heady as the experience was, I kept reminding myself that it wasn't my turn now and I shouldn't get carried away and hog all the action. Still, they seemed to be completely absorbed with my breasts and if I was enjoying the attention as much as they were obviously enjoying paying it, then I should just chill and go with the flow.

I let the boob adoration go on as long as I dared. I didn't want either of my friends to have to go back to class frustrated and the clock was ticking on our little party. I reached out and hooked a finger in the waistband of each of their skirts and pulled them close enough for me to be able to get a hand between each girl's legs. When I touched them, it was like lighting a fuse. Both got more excited and more energetic in their caresses. After I had petted their pussies for a few minutes, they were practically mauling me. Both were moaning blissfully with my fingers twisting in their holes.

I tried to get my fingers deep enough to reach their g-spots, the same as Bud had done to me. I was able to do it with no trouble to Janice. I massaged her spot with my middle finger and rubbed her clit with my thumb. When I tried to do the same to Jolene I made a discovery that surprised me — Jolene was still a virgin. Having been a member of that club not too long ago myself, I was touched that she had chosen to take up with me. Still, a woman had taken my virginity and if Jolene wanted to give me hers, I would be as considerate and as gentle as Bambi had been, which was certainly more than any boy could be expected to do.

Since I could not reach far inside her, I focused on Jolene's clit, rubbing all around it until I had it standing tall and then using my wet fingers to gently stroke it until she was about to cum. When I thought she was close, I had Jolene switch places with me on the counter. While Janice watched, I pulled Jolene's legs apart and put her knees over my shoulders so her pelvis was tilted up toward my mouth. I bent over and put my chin on the counter between her legs and licked her pussy.

"Janice," I said, my voice muffled in muff, "I'm going to make her scream. Get ready to put your hand over her mouth."

Janice stepped closer and prepared to carry out my instructions. Jolene looked like she was having second thoughts about the whole thing, but she was so hot by now that she could not back out.

I gave Jolene's clit a few slow vertical licks to get her ready and then I used Bambi's BumbleBee technique on her. Sure enough, I had no sooner started flicking her clit with the underside of my tongue than she came really, really hard. When she took a deep breath to scream, Janice clapped her hand over her mouth so that her scream was muffled. I had to hang on tight to keep her from thrashing around so much that she fell off the counter. When she slowed down, we just let her lie back against the metal mirror while she recovered. Apparently I needed to practice some before I could get girls to pass out from the BumbleBee.

I led Janice down a few feet to the next open spot and had her assume the same position on the counter. As I bent down to taste her sex, I said, "Try not to bring the whole school down here, OK?" After having seen what I had done to Jolene, she was eager to try it for herself. She nodded and spread herself open for me.

Since Jolene had cum so quick, I took a little more time with Janice, kissing her clit tenderly and even sticking my tongue up her pussy as far as I could before assuming the BumbleBee position. I looked up at her face as I started and I saw her eyes roll back in her head and a hand fly into her mouth as she realized that she really was going to scream with pleasure from what I was doing. She was a trooper, though. When she came, she bit down so hard on her hand that I thought she would draw blood. She still squealed like a stuck pig when I kept flicking her clit during her climax. She also squirmed around so much that I had to hold her to keep her from falling into one of the sinks on either side of her.