Learning to control my Superpowers in Gym

When Janice had calmed down enough to be safe to leave alone, I went back to Jolene to see how she was doing. I grinned with satisfaction when I saw that she had, indeed, passed out from cumming so hard.

I told Janice, "I hate to wake her up, but if we don't get going we will be late for class."

Janice was still too groggy to speak coherently, but she smiled and reached out and stroked Jolene's cheek. A string of drool was running from the corner of Jolene's mouth into the sink.

I pulled my blouse out from under Jolene's inert form and put it back on. While doing up the buttons, I said, "Jolene? Wake up Jolene. It's time to wake up, sweetie." I had to shake her to get her to open her eyes. When they stopped rolling in her head, she climbed unsteadily off the counter and practically fell on me. She grabbed me in a bear hug and kissed me harder than I have ever been kissed before. She tried to stick her tongue all the way down my throat. If we had had the time, I would have let this go on, but the bell was about to ring. I disentangled myself from her and got her to help me get Janice down off the counter as well.

When we were all standing on our own, I reached out and picked up their panties off the counter to hand to them. Jolene reached for hers, but Janice said, "You don't wear panties, do you?"

"Only on special occasions," I said, "Most of my casual clothes look better without underwear, so I quit wearing any."

"Then I won't either," Janice said. Jolene dropped her hand and nodded agreement. "Besides," she continued, with a smirk on her face, "I want to be ready the next time you want to do that to me again. And I hope you will. Please?"

"Oh, you bet!" I said. "I want to do this again sometime and someplace where we can all scream our heads off. What are you two doing Saturday night?"

"Anything you want to do, Sam." Jolene said, with a grin the equal to any of mine, "Anything, anytime, anyplace." Janice nodded vigorously and happily in agreement.

We had to run, but we all made it to our next class just as the bell rang for the start of the period. When I reached into my bookbag for my textbook, I stuffed the two pairs of damp panties into it. I wanted to stuff them into my blouse pocket as a sort of decorative kerchief, and to show off my conquests, but the smell would have driven me crazy and it probably would have got me sent to the office, too.

Gym was much more pleasant, because I had remembered to bring a t-shirt that fit and one of my new sports bras. The result was that I was more relaxed and able to ignore the inevitable looks of my classmates. I was also able to participate better in the activities, although I quickly realized that I would have to be careful to avoid doing anything too improbable in front of the other girls.

I almost got caught once, when we were doing tumbling runs. I came out of a somersault too energetically and launched myself into a high arc that I immediately knew was too much. I tucked and almost rolled into a stand-up landing when I came to my senses and instead just let myself flop on the mat with a big whoof! When I rolled over, massaging my leg as though I had got a cramp, that deflected any comments that might have been made about the 15 feet I had covered in the air.

After that I was more careful, but I started to wonder what my real potential might be. I promised myself that I would let it all out the next time I had a chance to workout unobserved.

The shower was almost as much fun as before. I waited until everyone had picked a spot before I went in. I thought the other girls would be less likely to avoid me if they had to be obvious about doing it.

I was right. When I turned on a shower between Polly and Dawn, both looked at me with sidelong glances but with a quick look of resignation, went back to their showers. I was enjoying what I thought was a normal moment when I began to feel the eyes on me again. When I wiped the soap from my eyes I saw that I was again the center of attention. The two girls on either side were simply enjoying the equivalent of theatrical box-seats. I supposed that again I had allowed the idea of 'normalcy' to creep into my vocabulary, when I knew that such a thing was unlikely to ever again apply to me.

I shrugged off the brief disappointment I felt and tried to have fun with the situation. If they were going to get off looking at me, I might as well have fun with them. The way I saw it, one of two things would happen. Either they wouldn't want to play and they would quit staring so I would leave them alone, or they would want to play and I would have fun with them. My problem was to pick a game that would be innocent enough that we wouldn't get in trouble. It couldn't be explicitly sexual. I had to be able to imagine myself in front of the assistant principal saying, "Oh, is that what you thought we were doing? You have such a dirty mind! That's not what we were doing at all."

Heck, maybe the assistant principal would get off on hearing stories of all-girl orgies in the gym showers. Maybe I was worrying for nothing.

Whatever. If they were going to stare at me, I would take that as an indication that they wanted to get to know me better — that they wanted to play.

I began quite simply by turning to Polly and handing her my soapy washcloth. "Do my back?" I asked, as innocently as I could.