Good God Almighty!

"So where is Jim?" Janice asked.

"He's over at the parking lot, making eyes at his girlfriend. I think they're going steady."

"I'd like to meet Bud," Jolene said, "Especially if he's going to be there Saturday."

What she meant was she wanted to meet him in a crowd of people, where she wouldn't feel intimidated. I thought that was a great idea. The more relaxed she was on Saturday, the better time we would all have. I looked over to where Bud was horsing around with five or six of his friends. I didn't want to have to go drag him away; that might have embarrassed him. I was thinking of just shouting to him to come over. I was even thinking, "Bud! Come here!" as loudly as I could in case my mental powers had multiplied. No luck there. Just as I was about to open my mouth, he happened to turn toward us. I waved and motioned to him and he trotted over.

"Yeah, Sis?" He said, putting his hands on his hips as though impatient to get back to more important things.

"Bud, this is Janice and Jolene. I've invited them to come over to the house on Saturday. I told them they might see you there and they wanted to meet you."

To his credit, Bud behaved like a gentleman. He smiled and shook hands briefly with both of my friends.

"Hi Janice. Hi Jolene." He said. "I'm very glad to meet you. Sis, is this going be another party like last time?"

"No, not like last time," I told him. "It's going to be a sleep-over, but mostly Janice and Jolene and I will just be hanging out. I was just telling them about how you work out and stuff." I poked him playfully in his abdomen to make my point. He flinched, but recovered quickly.

Nothing gets a boy's ego puffed up quicker than talking about his muscles. Bud squared his shoulders and threw out his chest. I could see him tensing his muscles. It was certainly a nice display and Janice and Jolene paid close attention.

"I press about 200," he said, proudly. I knew it was more like 160, but I let him have his exaggeration.

Janice reached out and put a hand on his forearm, squeezing it to feel the hard muscles under his skin. Bud obligingly bent his arm and flexed his bicep for her. She felt it and made an "Oooo" sound in appreciation.

Jolene was emboldened by this and reached out tentatively to touch Bud's other arm. As she stroked it with her fingers, she asked, "Do you have — what do they call them - 'six-pack abs'?"

Bud pulled the tail of his t-shirt up to show us his stomach. "Almost," he said, displaying his abdomen from the bottom of his rib cage to where the waistband of his baggy shorts hung low on his hips. We had a view that went several inches below his navel, and I could just make out the downy line of hair that was his pubic bush. He didn't have ripped abs, but he had faint bulges where they would be if he kept up the sit-ups and laid off the fancy desserts.

Jolene seemed impressed anyway and even put her hand on his stomach above the navel to feel the muscles. Bus tensed as much as he could to give her something to touch and she smiled and nodded as she stroked him.

Being in a crowd with two friends on either side gave Jolene the courage to take liberties and she did. She stepped closer to Bud and used her whole hand to feel his stomach muscles. She slowly stroked up and down and then let her hand slide down below his navel. I thought she might even slip it into his pants from the way she was looking at his stomach and the way her breathing had picked up.

Bud saw that he had let his pride get him into a situation that he hadn't foreseen. He couldn't very well ask Jolene to stop, after so clearly inviting her touch. At the same time, it was clear from the rapidly growing bulge in his shorts that her touch was having an effect on him.

Jolene either didn't notice, or didn't care that she was arousing him. She was so wrapped up in the experience of putting her hands on a boy's skin in a 'safe' environment that she was oblivious.

Janice held Bud's arm and alternated between watching Jolene and watching the bulge grow in the crotch of Bud's shorts. She had caught some of the hints I had dropped earlier and was now licking her lips over the growing manifestation.

I was the one who should have done something to stop it, but I was more inclined to pull that beautiful cock out and stroke it to its full glory than to step in to preserve Bud's modesty. There was something powerfully erotic about seeing his huge cock moving by itself; almost as if it had a life of its own. I became obsessed with seeing the bloated head hanging out of the leg of his shorts. I realized that I was more proud of his cock than he was. I really wanted everyone to see the magnificent beast that I had mastered. I wanted to take him around to everyone and show him off, like a prize bull that had just won a ribbon at the fair.

Before any of us could come to our senses, matters got out of hand. More accurately, they got 'out of jock'. While Janice and I stared, Bud's cock became too big for his jock-strap to contain any longer and it fell out of the leg of his shorts and slapped against his thigh just a couple of inches above his knee with a meaty thwack.

"Good God Almighty!" Janice said in a hushed voice. She had the presence of mind to step in and shield Bud from general view on his left. After a split-second, I copied her on his right. With Jolene in front, we avoided making his condition a public spectacle.