It's Beautiful!!

Bud had been as lost in the hormonal fog as Jolene was, but he quickly reached down to cover himself. He wasn't quite quick enough, though. Janice beat him to it. She put her hand around the shaft of his cock just behind the head and stood there, entranced by the size of it and the fact that she could not close her fingers around its girth.

There was now no way that Jolene could possibly miss the effect she had on Bud. I was afraid she would bolt when she saw what Janice was holding, so I put my hand companionably on her back, prepared to hold her in place by force. She apparently took this as reassurance, because when she looked down, she flinched, but didn't run as I expected.

She was so reassured that she actually reached out and put her hand over the head of Bud's cock and cradled it. She had a rapt, curious expression on her face and it dawned on me that this might be the first cock she had ever seen. I almost laughed when I thought about how disappointed she would be to learn that they were not all this size.

Bud must have sensed that this was a tender moment for her; either that, or he was just enjoying the heck out of standing around in a crowded schoolyard with two girls holding his cock. In any event, he stood still and endured the situation stoically.

We were all vicariously experiencing Jolene's sense of wonder at holding a cock for the first time. The look on her face was just too sweet for words. Nobody wanted to say anything to break the spell.

Bud might have been trying to be cool about the situation, but his cock had mind of its own. As it continued to stiffen, precum oozed out onto Jolene's hand. Again, she surprised me. Instead of snatching her hand away in disgust, she put both hands around the head of his cock and let the precum drip all over them as she enjoyed this new experience. She giggled with delight as she played with his slippery cock.

Janice wasn't helping matters either. She also wanted to see Bud's cock in its full glory. She started stroking her hand up and down the considerable length of his shaft to encourage it.

Under their combined efforts, Bud's cock was fully erect in no time at all. In full daylight, it was a most impressive sight. The pink shaft was webbed with blue and dark red veins. The head was purplish-red and the skin was glossy with the precum Jolene had smeared all over it. Janice had lifted it so that it stood out horizontally and she had pushed Bud's loose shorts back to expose almost all of it to our view. It was long enough that Janice could get both her hands on the shaft and still leave Jolene plenty to play with.

"Oh, wow," Jolene said, "it's beautiful!"

"I couldn't have said it better," I thought. A glance at Bud's face told me that he was enjoying this group activity. Any thought of modesty or embarrassment had fled before the tidal wave of arousal that he was feeling. I probably could have charged admission to this public masturbation and he would not have objected.

Having gotten his cock to full engorgement, Janice and Jolene now seemed intent on making it squirt for them. Janice was vigorously stroking his shaft with both hands and Jolene was squeezing and caressing the apple-sized head of his cock. From the low moans Bud was making, they were making good headway. He was tensing his thighs and abdomen as though trying to pump all the blood he could into his cock to make it as large and as sensitive as possible.

Bud put his arms around Janice's waist and mine and pulled us against him. I supposed that this was both to express affection as well as to brace himself for the climax that was clearly inevitable.

Belatedly, I thought of the mess he would make when he came and I desperately tried to think of some way to contain it or at least to keep Jolene from being drenched with cum. Bud's tightened grip on me told me that I was too late to do anything, that he was only seconds away from orgasm. I had just resigned myself to seeing poor Jolene blasted with cum when a hand reached into our circle holding the plastic cup from a thermos bottle and a familiar voice in my right ear said, "Here, use this."

I glanced over my shoulder at Sara Henderson as I took the red cup from her.

"Way to go, Sara!" I said, holding the cup tilted over the end of Bud's huge cock. It looked completely inadequate to the task, but it was certainly better than nothing. It was also just in time. Only seconds after it was in place, Bud's monster cock erupted.

When the first stream of cum shot from his cock, I adjusted the position of the cup so that we could all see the whitish liquid spurt out and splash into the bottom of the cup. Four spurts were all he could manage, just about three ounces of translucent fluid. It wasn't surprising, so soon after filling my belly for me, that he hadn't fully recharged.

After the pulsations died down, Janice and Jolene busied themselves by wiping it off with tissues and trying to wring out the last few drops before allowing Bud to replace his cock into his shorts. Jolene was reluctant to let go. She even petted it good-bye as he pulled it out of her hand and stuffed it back into his jock, where it still made an obscenely large bulge inside his shorts.

Before I could think of it, Sara took the cup out of my hand put it to her lips. She winked at the rest of us and took a sip. As she swirled the sticky liquid around over her tongue, Janice and Jolene watched with unsettled expressions bordering on disgust.