His battering attack quickly brought me to the verge of orgasm. I hung there, nearly delirious with arousal, while he continued to fuck me with those short pulsing strokes. With glacial slowness I got closer and closer to climax. It was almost agonizing to feel myself getting microscopically hotter with each thrust, but still not to cum.
I completely lost track of time. It could have been hours for all I knew. Bud fucked on and on without pause and without variation. I became aware that the climax I had been reaching for had arrived, but my arousal had reached such a white-hot intensity that there was hardly any difference. The transition was so gradual and so subtle that I couldn't say just when it happened. One moment in a sea of no-time and I was aware that I was climaxing. In the next moment, awareness seemed to slip away and only the climax remained. It was the same 'one perfect, clear note' feeling that I had had before when my body and my brain had reached a state of such intense stimulation that no other sensation could intrude. It was nirvana and I reveled in it. For me, the world simply went away, leaving me alone, immersed in an ocean of pure ecstasy.
Somewhere on the far side of eternity, I became aware that Bud had stopped and was pressing into me as hard as he could. The end of his cock was mated with my cervix and I knew that any second he would be pouring his jizz directly into my womb. I waited patiently, eagerly anticipating his gift. I visualized my womb opening up to him, my already well-dilated cervix spreading even wider.
With a deep grunt, Bud tensed. His cock twitched once and then began to throb and pulse as he came. I felt only a couple of spurts, but the contractions went on for over a minute as he climaxed. When they finally stopped, he remained perfectly still, as though any movement at all would start him up again. We stayed locked together like this for a long time, as his climax wound down and his cock slowly went limp inside me.
My own orgasm looked like it would last for a long time. As gradually as it had begun, it was just as gradually fading. Even when Bud backed off and his cock fell free of my gaping hole, it remained a powerful force within me, making me glow with pleasure and joy.
"Wow!" He said huskily. "That was intense!" He stood with his feet apart, his cock swinging free between his legs. I saw a single drop of cum gather and fall from the tip.
I let go of my ankles and slowly lowered my feet to the ground. My legs must have screamed in agony at having been in one awkward position for so long, but I was so saturated with pleasure that I didn't notice. I did find that I had to hold onto Bud's arm while I bent down to retrieve my clothes, otherwise I would have collapsed in a heap on the ground.
As I dressed, I said, "Bud, that was the best ever. I have to tell you, that was awesome. But you need to be careful — I'm sure you would have killed any other girl and severely injured most farm animals with that thing!"
He laughed a short, snorting laugh. "Yah. I know. That's why it's so great with you. I know you can take it. I know I can relax and let go with you. God, you're fantastic."
"Thank you, sir. The rougher you are, the better I like it."
"Yeah. Jim told me about some of the stuff you two get up to. It's hard to imagine that you are that tough. I mean you look so... girly."
"I'll take that as a compliment, thank you. Damn! You know I'm still cumming. I'm going to be cumming for hours!"
"Really? Jeez, girls have it good. Guys only get a few seconds and it's over."
"We better get home. It's really late. Mom will be wondering where the heck we are." I pulled my halter over my head and tied it on. It tried to stick to the nearly-dry coating of cum on my breasts. I loosened both ties so it would hang loose in front of me instead of getting glued to my skin.
Bud looked at the large amount of cum-covered flesh on display and said, "Damn! That is just so hot, Sis!"
"Oh, no!" I laughed. "Don't start that again!"
When we had both got decent again, we resumed our walk home. There were only a couple of blocks to go, so we would be there soon.
"You know," Bud said in a conspiratorial tone, "I almost wish someone else could see that."
"Don't worry. Someone will."
"What? Who?"
"NO! You're not going to show Mom!" He seemed genuinely panicked at the suggestion.
"Sure. She's going to notice, you doof. If she didn't, I'd still show her."
"But WHY?"
"Because she's the one person who will appreciate it most. She will think it's just as hot as you do. And she will be very proud of you for doing it."
Bud seemed stunned. The idea that his mother would be impressed by his sexual prowess was truly alien to him.
"I'm not saying you're wrong," he said, choosing his words carefully, "but I don't see why Mom would be interested."
"Silly. Your mother is interested in every aspect of your life. Keenly interested, I should say. You don't talk to her nearly enough. You'll be amazed. Why do you think she's been spoiling you rotten all your life?"
"Ah, she loves us?"
"Damn right! She wants you to be happy and she wants you to be well-adjusted. She went overboard trying to make you happy. Now it's my job to try to make you well-adjusted."
"'What?' what?"
"Then you don't really care about me. You're just doing this for my mother?"
I stopped in my tracks. Something had gone seriously wrong with this conversation and it needed to be addressed right away.
"Bud, it's time to be serious. We had a discussion earlier that I thought you understood. I know Jim understood it, but apparently you missed the point, so let me go over a few things. Do you remember last Saturday night?"
"Hunh? Heck, yes! I'll never forget it."
"Bud, what do you think I was prepared to do to keep those men from hurting my family and my friends?"
That got his attention. He got real serious as he thought back over how scared he was and what he saw go down in his own family room.
"At first, I thought we were all dead, or worse. Then I thought you were going to sacrifice yourself to save us. Then I thought you were going to kill those two men. I guess you were prepared to kill or be killed to protect us. That's serious heavy."
"That's what I do, Bud. I fight bad guys to protect people. You could say it's my calling. I'm going to do it the best I can. But when it comes to family and friends, that's only half of it. The other half is doing everything I can to make you, all of you, happy. I am equally dedicated to both halves. Do you know why, Bud?"
"Because you care about us?"
"You got it. You know what I'm prepared to do to protect and defend you. I'm equally committed to your happiness and emotional well-being. Don't ever doubt that. Ever."
"Jeez. I'm sorry, Sis. I didn't think. I really need an attitude adjus... oh hell." He got a funny look on his face, like a lightbulb had just gone in his head. He smiled and said, "I get it. It took a while, but I get it. You're doing it to Steve, too. I saw it, but I didn't understand. You probably do it to everyone. I just haven't been paying close enough attention. Heck, you even sat Jim and me down and told us flat out that you were going to change our attitudes about some things, and that we should pay attention. You even told us why.
"You not only want to protect people from each other, you want to protect them from themselves. You want to change people's attitudes about things that you know will make them unhappy. You've been trying to change our attitudes about Mom. You... oh, of course! After Dad died, Mom wouldn't talk about him. If we mentioned him, she got real sad and very quiet. But lately, whenever she thinks of him, she's happy. It's almost like he's not really dead, he's just away on a trip and he'll be back anytime now. You did that. You totally changed her attitude about him so she would be happier.
"Damn. Saying you didn't care about me was like the worst thing I could have said. You do care. You care one great big huge... oh, duh. Oh, hell. I'm an idiot. There is a word that we haven't been saying. I bet you've been waiting to hear it from me. Well, you deserve it. I love you, Sam."