What on earth is this?

As much as we rationalize our behavior to ourselves, it takes having it explained to you by someone else to make you really understand it.

"Thanks, Bud. I love you, too. Now we better get home before Mom wears out that curtain in the front window."

Bud squinted down the street at our house at the end of the next block.

"You're guessing, right? Can you see that far?"

"Sure, can't you? She's been peeking out that window every few seconds. Maybe you need your eyes checked."

"My eyes are fine. 20/20. Maybe we should check yours."

"What next?" I thought. We hurried on and managed to get home before Bambi called out the National Guard to search for us.

I hadn't touched the doorhandle when she pulled it open.

"Thank heavens you two are all right. I've been worr... well, I've been concerned," she said. She looked us up and down to satisfy herself that we were both OK. She stopped when she saw my breasts.

"What on earth is this?" I think she knew exactly what it was. She just wanted to hear the explanation.

I untied the halter from my neck and let it fall, so she could see the full extent of my condition. She looked suitably impressed.

"Look what your son did to me in the front yard of an empty house on the way home from school! He covered me in cum! Can you believe this?"

Bambi shook her head. I snuck a look at Bud, who was standing to one side, looking like he had been led into an ambush.

"And that's not all!" I heard Bud groan and start to edge away from me. "Right afterward, he fucked me hard with the biggest erection I ever saw. He fucked me for a LONG time. He made me cum so hard I could hardly walk. And that's why we were so late getting home."

"Bud!" She said sharply. He flinched but didn't break and run. "Did you do this to your sister?"

Bud nodded meekly.

"Well," Bambi said, "I must say, that is very impressive work young man. And you fucked her again right away, hard enough to make both of you late getting home? Most impressive! Bud, I'm very proud of you." She put her arms around him and gave him a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Keep up the good work, son."

I thought her last comment was taking the gag too far. The look of utter confusion of Bud's face only lasted a few seconds. I swear I could hear the wheels turn in his head as he saw through our charade. Then his expression broke and he started laughing. At that point we started laughing too.

"You two are amazing. You're more like sisters than Sara and Lori. You act the same, you look the same, and you sure think the same. You really got me good. If Sam hadn't just been explaining some things to me on the way home, I might have fallen for it."

"What things?" Bambi asked.

"Well, she told me you would think what I did to Sam was hot. I didn't think so, but she did. And you do, don't you?"

"And what makes you think that, young man?" She planted her fists on her hips.

"Well, I can see your nipples through that blouse, and they tell me you think it's hot."

Bambi stood right in front of Bud and pulled her shoulders back, putting her nipples as close as she could to his face. "And what are they telling you now?"

Bud smiled and reached out and pulled her blouse open. He bent over and kissed her hard nipples and gently sucked each one into his mouth for further attention.

Bambi melted like butter in a hot frying pan. She put her arms around Bud and hugged him as tightly as she could. When she let go, she said, "Supper is in the oven. Come on and eat it before it dries out." She walked off to the kitchen to begin serving.

"Aren't you going to tell her she forgot to close her blouse?" I asked.

"Whatever for?" Bud said.

I ran upstairs for a quick cleanup before supper. I really needed a shower, but I didn't want to make everyone eat later than necessary. Still, I had to take time to call Connie and invite her to over on Saturday.

The woman who answered the phone had a distinct Mediterranean accent. When I asked to speak to Connie, I heard her cover the phone and call out loudly. After a few seconds I could hear Connie's voice in the background, asking who was calling. After that, just some whispering and scuffling as the phone was passed around.

"Hello?" Connie sounded surprised to be getting a phone call. I wondered if she spent too much time working to have much of a social life.

"Hi, Connie. This is Samantha Kramer. We met at the restaurant and you gave me your number. I'm sure you remember me." I emphasized the word 'sure' just in case.

"Oh, yes! I remember." She dropped her end of the conversation so quickly that I had the feeling she wanted to say more. I guessed that whoever answered the phone was probably still in earshot.

"Good. I realize this is short notice, but I'm having a little party Saturday and I thought this would be a good time for us to get to know each other better. That is, if you're not busy."

"Saturday? No, I'm off Saturday. Um, what time?" She sounded excited, which was good news. But she still sounded inhibited, like she was being overheard and couldn't talk freely. I decided to do most of the talking.

"I thought about 3 o'clock. That would give us some time to hang out outside and catch some rays. We have a really nice deck with a spa that I'm dying to use with some friends. We'll have supper here, probably delivery, but we can decide what later. Dress very casually, just bumming around clothes - you know. Nobody here to impress, just a few, ah, intimate friends. Four or five girls. There may be a boy or two around the place, you've seen them, but they won't bother us. Unless you want them to, that is. Oh, if you'd like, you can sleep over. It's a big house and we have plenty of beds. I'm sure we'll have lots of fun. I hope you'll come. If you do, I know you will. In fact I guarantee it. Say 'yes' if you understand."


"Good, because I plan to make you cum until you scream for mercy. Say 'yes' if you want me to make you scream for mercy."

"Oh, yes!"

"Excellent. Then I'll see you Saturday?"

"Yes. I'd love to. Thank you for inviting me."

"Great! If you have a pencil, I'll give you the address."

"Oh, I know where the Reynolds' house is. I'll see you then. Bye now."


That was short, but very interesting statement. Connie knew who Mrs. Reynolds was, and she knew the address and how to get here. It wouldn't have taken much for her to look up the name in the phone book or to ask around at the restaurant, but it showed initiative on her part and I liked that. She obviously wanted to get to know me better, and I liked that too. Connie was becoming more interesting.

I took a quick shower and pulled on clean clothes to eat in and went downstairs. Bud and Bambi were just sitting down and I noticed that there were only three places set.

"Jim not joining us tonight?" I asked.

"He's eating dinner with the Morgans," Bambi said. "He'll probably be over there all evening."

Jim was getting in as much time alone with Neeka as he could, since she and I would probably be busy the rest of the weekend. I had a momentary flash of jealousy, which I quickly chided myself for. I was tempted to 'speak' to Neeka, but she and I would be seeing quite a lot of each other from now on, and it would be selfish of me to interrupt one of the few times that she and Jim would have to themselves. Or as much to themselves as Mrs. Morgan allowed. I smiled at that. From what I had seen of Fiona Morgan, there might not be too much chaperonage going on.

"Good!" I said. "He was really looking forward to seeing her. I'm glad they found a way to get together."

"Did you see Jim after school?" Bambi asked.

"Briefly. He was mooning after Neeka and getting underfoot. I told him to come back here and pester you instead. Did he?"

"Oh, he and I had some quality time together. Thank you. We had a nice talk and he told me about his interest in Monique. He even asked my advice on some plans he had for courting her. It was very... Victorian." Bambi smiled at the recollection of their discussion.