I'm not THAT tired

"I'd rather not get involved in the investigation directly," I said. "That would mean answering a lot of questions officially. But this definitely sounds like something I want to look into. This guy needs to be stopped."

"Isn't this kidnapping?" Bambi asked. "Wouldn't the FBI be involved?"

"I guess it would technically be kidnapping," Neeka said. "But the FBI has other priorities nowadays."

"It may be because of the victims," Bambi said. "That may also be why we haven't heard more about this on the news. I think the law enforcement agencies are more aware of the harm that it does to a victim to have what was done to them turned into a public spectacle. These poor girls need to try to put their lives back together. Having a camera stuck in your face every time you leave the house is just going to traumatize them some more."

"Yeah," Neeka said. "I can't imagine how terrible it would be to be tied up and tortured." She shut up abruptly and looked away as soon as she realized what she had said.

There was a long silence, during which everyone tried to avoid saying anything or looking anyone in the eye. I thought of several comments I wanted to make, but I thought better of each one of them. Some of them were pretty funny, too. Finally I couldn't stand it any more. My lips started to twitch as I suppressed a smile and I knew I had to say something.

"OK, no one is going to say it, so I will," I said, laughing. "There is no one more qualified to deal with this than me. If girls are being tied up and tortured in this town, then I want to get in on it."

That seemed to break the tension. Neeka snorted and giggled into the keyboard. Bambi turned pink and said, "All right. This is where I tell you that I know about the little games that you and Jim have been playing. I guess Neeka knows, too; unless you two have found a way to keep secrets from each other."

"Yes," I said, "Well, I didn't want to embarrass you by bringing up a painful subject, so I've been trying to be sneaky about the whole thing. I guess I should have been more honest with you, but you warned me about getting into this sort of thing and I didn't want to disappoint you."

"I know," Bambi said, "and I appreciate it. And I still think you need to be careful. But every day I realize more and more that you are special. Your abilities take you so far off the normal path that I can't tell you, 'don't go here' or 'don't do that'. I'm going to have to start trusting your judgment about these things.

"This 'mutilation' business bothers me a lot, but for someone with your ability to recover from serious injuries, it may be an acceptable risk. How's your hand doing?"

"I'd almost forgotten about my hand. It's not even swollen anymore, just a little tender," I said. "I was pretty woozy right afterward. But that was from low blood-sugar from doing the repair. I was fine after supper. The point is, I was able to function immediately after it happened because I had learned to handle the pain. I'm not invulnerable. My bones break. I get bruised. I bleed. To keep any of this from putting me out of action at a critical moment, I have to be able to handle a lot of pain. Making it enjoyable helps, because I unlearn the reflex that makes me avoid painful situations. If I had flinched from intercepting that bullet, Deputy Murphy would be dead right now, instead of out on patrol with his partner."

I looked at the clock on the computer screen.

"Actually, Murphy has been off shift for twenty minutes now, and it's probably time we were all getting some rest. It's certainly been a long and busy day and I want to get in a workout session in the morning."

Bambi asked, "Should I wake you in the morning? What time would you like to get up?"

"Don't let me sleep past nine-thirty."

"That late? Are you that tired?"

"Well, I may not be sleeping all that time. I'm going to be sleeping in Bud's room tonight. It's something we've both been looking forward to all week."

"Ah! Well, in that case, I'm sure he's probably wondering where you are, right now."

"Yes, he may have an outstanding problem that he needs me to help him with. And I could certainly use some relief myself. But I think we're probably going to be sleeping most of the time. One good fuck and I'm going to be down for the night.

"That raises a question, though. Neeka, can you hear me dreaming?"

"I never thought of it. I'll have to see. Would you like me to try to wake you up in the morning if I can?"

"Please. Were you going to stay with Jim tonight? I'm sure he would like you to."

"No, when you and I are that close, you're sending so strongly that I get confused between what's happening to who. When you climax; I climax. It's impossible to have sex with someone else at the same time. Maybe if we were all doing it together, it would be different."

"Now that's an interesting idea. I wonder if Jim and Bud would go for that? Scratch that. I know both of them would love it if we were all in a foursome."

"Oooo. Yes. That would be something. Maybe tomorrow night? We'd have to try to work everyone in, though. Do you think Janice, Jolene, and Connie are up for an orgy?"

"Could be. We'll have to play that by ear. Especially with Jolene here. I don't want to rush anyone into anything."

I looked at Bambi. She was being very quiet during this conversation.

"Mom? What are you thinking? Are you thinking how you'd like to see both of us being fucked by Jim and Bud at the same time? Are you thinking about how you'd like to be in the same bed with us? Is this whole conversation getting you extremely turned on?"

Bambi almost swooned. Her face was flushed, but not from embarrassment. She had her hands clenched in her lap in an obvious effort to keep from touching herself. I could see her hard nipples poking up under her thin blouse.

"Did it turn you on watching Bud fuck me this morning? Did you enjoy watching him ream me out with that big cock? Did it make you hot? Did it make you wet? Did you cum watching us? Are you turned on now just thinking about it?"

Neeka sent me a mental message, "I don't know about her, but you've got me turned on hearing you relive the experience. I thought you were tired and wanted to go to bed?"

"I'm not THAT tired," I sent back. "And if she's this aroused this quick, then she must have been reliving it herself all day. I want to help her get a good night's sleep."

"May I help?" Neeka sent.

"All you want," I sent. "I'm sure she'd love it. She's been having a ball thinking of herself as a teenager again. You see she's cut back on the makeup?"

"I noticed. She does look more our age. It's amazing. I hope I look this good in fifteen or sixteen years. Top or bottom?"

"Bottom. Help me get her over to the mat."

I leaned over and kissed Bambi deeply. She moaned in response and let me suck her tongue into my mouth. I undid the few buttons on her blouse and pulled her to her feet while stroking her breasts with my fingertips. I knew she couldn't resist being teased like that. Neeka and I walked her over to the mat and laid her down on it on her back.

Neeka took over stroking her breasts while I undid her short skirt and pulled it off her hips. I pushed her legs apart and lay down between them, stroking her pussy with my fingers. She moaned again and pushed her pussy against my hand. I petted her like I was stroking a cat.

Neeka began to lick Bambi's nipples with short flicks of her tongue. Bambi shivered and spread her legs wider, begging me to explore her sex.

I pulled her pussy lips apart with my thumbs so I could see the folds of her labia, glistening with drops of her juice. I pushed on either side of her clit to make it stand up for me, then I kissed it as softly as I could. At the same time, Neeka sucked one of Bambi's nipples into her mouth.

I licked all around Bambi's clit, making her crazy with desire for me to touch it. I licked and sucked her labia, savoring the flavor of her juice. She started making little high-pitched noises that told me we were really getting to her.