Climb Aboard the Erection Express

I kept avoiding her clit until I could see that it was hard and shiny and about to pop, then I left her pussy completely alone. I joined Neeka and we started working on a breast each. We both latched onto her nipples like leeches and started sucking.

Bambi was thoroughly enjoying the attention to her breasts, but she was getting desperate to have some stimulation to her pussy. She tried to reach it with her hands, but Neeka and I each grabbed a hand and pinned them to the mat while we continued to work her over.

"Please! Oh, please touch my pussy!" she begged. "Please, please, please!" She started crossing her legs and squeezing her thighs together to get some kind of stimulation between her legs. She threw her knees back and forth on the mat and then spread them wide and pumped her hips in the air, as though fucking an imaginary lover.

"You're making me crazy! I've got to cum! Please let me cum! Please!"

She was starting to sound desperate. I felt sorry for her predicament. She was so turned on that her butt was sliding around in a pool of her juices. The nipple in my mouth was hot and puffy. Her abdomen was heaving and her legs were jerking. She was right on the verge. It wouldn't take much to push her over the edge.

I decided that we had tortured her enough. I moved back between her thighs and resumed licking her burning hot pussy. I slowly licked her slit all the way up from her hole to just short of her clit and then I paused with the tip of my tongue just barely touching the base of her sensitive nub. I let the heat of it soak into her and then I lowered my lips around her clit and started sucking it gently.

That was all it took to get her off. She wrapped her legs around my head and her arms around Neeka and started shaking like she was in her own private earthquake.

When I thought she was winding down, I pried her legs off my head and slipped free. Neeka thoughtfully substituted her thigh and Bambi wrapped herself around it. While I watched, Neeka and Bambi started kissing and Bambi undid Neeka's jacket and began caressing her breasts. Neeka looked like she was really getting into it, so I peeled off my suit and left it over a chair before I headed for the stairs.

When I opened the door, I shot a quick question at Neeka.

"Go ahead," she thought back. "We're fine. We're better than fine. She's a VERY good kisser. I've wanted to do this since I found out that she and Mom were having an affair. Don't worry. I won't let her keep me up too late. See you in the morning."

I hurried up the stairs to my room. I needed to shower off before crawling into bed with Bud, but after watching my mother and my best friend making love I was so turned on myself that it was all I could do to keep my hands off my own clit.

The shower was shorter than it really should have been. I was building up quickly to the 'must cum soon' stage and I had already started breathing heavily. I was still damp when I knocked softly on Bud's door.

"Who is it?" He called.

"You know damn well who it is, you scamp! It's your very horny sister. Can I come in?"

"Come in," he said. I was through the door before he got the second word out of his mouth.

Bud was lying on his back on the bed, stroking his cock. Once again, he had polished up a real beauty of an erection. The skin was taut all over it and the head looked like a small red apple. The veins looked like tree roots.

"Damn, stud! That cock looks bigger every time I see it!"

"Could be," he said. "I've been thinking about this all day. I was even thinking about when I had you bent over the kitchen table this morning."

I climbed onto the bed next to him. I took over stroking his cock for him. I tried to do it just the way he had been. The feel of it in my hand made be tingle all over with excitement.

"Were you? Me too. I was wishing we had more time. Things were kind of rushed."

"Rushed? I suppose. Things were kind of seriously strange with Mom watching."

"Did that turn you on?"

"Unhunh. It turned her on, too. It really turned her on. Did you see her going at it? She really went to town on that pussy. Damn, that seems strange to say, you know?"

"Did you think she didn't have one?" I laughed.

"Well... no! But still..."

"You hadn't seen it before?"

"Well, sometimes she would wear something too short, you know. Then we could see it. But that's the first time I've seen her jerk off. She was really into it. It was incredibly sexy. She's fantastic. You weren't so bad yourself. I had to resort to the old multiplication tables to keep from coming too soon."

"Oh, Bud! Don't you ever worry about that. If you need to cum, you go right ahead. No one is keeping score. Besides, I always cum when I feel you squirting in me."


"Yeah. It's just about the best feeling there is." I kissed the tip of his cock. When my lips touched it, I felt it twitch. "When you pump me full of cum, my insides just go crazy. Can you feel it when I cum?"

"I sure can. It feels like there's a mouth in there sucking on my cock. It feels like your whole body is trying to suck the jizz out of my balls."

I kissed his cock again, putting my lips right on the little lips of his hole. Then I started licking the head all over and giving it little baby kisses. He leaned back against the pillow and watched me.

"Damn, but that's awesome! You always know what feels great."

I took my mouth off his cock and rubbed it with my cheek. I said, "I meant what I said about being addicted to your cock. I've just got to have it in me every so often or I start having cravings. Cock cravings. I need your cum in me, too, you know. It's like a drug to me. It mellows me out. Right now I need it bad. It's been a pretty hectic day and I'm really tweaked out. I need a good fucking."

"I think I can manage that. Let go of that and climb aboard the erection express."

I straddled him and rubbed my pussy on the head of his cock to get it wet and slick. I got up as high on my knees as I could go and lowered myself onto his steel-hard cock. When the head was in place, he put his hands on my waist and pulled me down onto him harder and harder until the head popped inside me.

I let out a squeak when I felt the huge head stretch out my opening and slip inside. Bud waited a minute to let me get used to him before he started pulling down again. Inch by inch he forced me down onto that big cock. When he was halfway in, I had to stop and work my hips around to try to stretch out more so he could continue.

I had been worried about being stretched out too much from all the sex with Bud and Brute, but it felt like either his cock was getting bigger or my pussy was closing up again. It was strange. I almost felt like a virgin again, being reamed out for the first time. I wondered if, in the process of returning my hand to the way I was before the bullet shattered it, my body had tried to restore my pussy as well. If I had let it go on, would it have made me a virgin again? The question was fascinating, but I could not concentrate very well with a big cock driving up into me. I kept losing my train of thought and just focusing on the feeling that was rushing from my pussy up into my breasts and my head.

With only a couple of inches to go, Bud said, "Here, I'm being selfish. You must be tired. Let me do all the work." He pulled me down to his chest and held me tightly while he rolled me over onto my back. He lay me down on the bed and stuffed a pillow under my ass and the small of my back for support and to elevate my pussy to the best angle for penetration.

I melted into a pool of luxurious erotic sensation as he held my hips and pushed his cock deeper into me. I just lay there and played with my breasts, rolling and pulling on my areolas and my nipples while he watched. After a minute, I noticed that he wasn't looking at my breasts, but just at my face.