Oh, you're making me CRAZY!

Ultimately, the tension became too much for Janice. She took her tongue out of my pussy and crawled up my body until we were nose to nose. At first I thought she wanted to kiss, but instead she hissed, "I can't take it anymore. I'm dying. I have to cum. My clit is so hard I feel like it's going to split in two. Please!"

I took pity on Janice, who was clearly in a bad way. I sat up and slid my leg over hers so our pussies could kiss. When she felt our clits bump into each other, she immediately started grinding them together, saying, "Oh Yes! Thank you! Thank you! Oh God! I'm going to cum!"

Her prediction of an imminent climax proved optimistic. It was several more minutes of even greater arousal before she reached her peak. By that time she had managed to infect me with her heat and I was close to a major orgasm as well. We held onto each other's arms to pull ourselves together and looked right into each other's eyes as we came closer and closer to climaxing. There is nothing hotter than watching someone else who's about to cum from close up. I could feel her get closer and closer, and it just carried me along, too.

At a certain point, we could both tell that the other was about to cum, and we just grabbed hold and hugged together as hard as we could. We both peaked at exactly the same instant and we both cried out in a harmonious shriek of lust and ecstasy.

Even as Janice's voice was echoing in one ear, I heard Neeka cumming a few feet away. Shortly afterward, I heard Connie add her voice to the chorus.

Jolene and Bambi were only a few seconds late, but they seemed to be having the best time of any of us. Bambi was shaking like a leaf in a hurricane she was cumming so hard. Jolene had tears streaming down her face and she was trying to scream, but all that would come out was a high-pitched "EEEEEEEEEEEE!"

I wanted to ask what they had been doing to make each other cum that hard, but I was too blown away by my own climax to do anything but hold onto Janice and pant to catch my breath. Everyone held onto their partner and coasted down the other side of the hill. Eventually, I was able to relax enough to let go of Janice and lean back in the chair. She came with me and lay on top of me with her head pillowed between my breasts.

Everyone else had sort of collapsed into a heap as well. Shortly, we were all grins and giggles as the mutual afterglow set in.

"Holy Moly!" Connie said. "That's a great way to get a party started. That was wonderful! I don't remember the last time I came that intensely. And I've never been in a group where everyone came together like that! I was about to cum. Neeka was already cumming. Then Sam and Janice came together and Neeka just lost her mind. She took off again and I went right along with her. That was amazing!"

Neeka grinned and gave me what was supposed to be a sly look. I giggled because her grin was lopsided and she was too wasted from experiencing two simultaneous orgasms — hers and then mine through our telepathic link. Her sly look was a miserable failure too, but the intensity of the memory that she sent to me was almost enough to knock me out.

"Sam's not through yet," I heard Janice say. I was too busy reliving Neeka's climax to answer her. I just lay there, smiling and twitching as already saturated nerves were jolted one more time.

When Neeka quit, I was as limp as a rag doll and smiling so broadly that my back-teeth were showing. The others were in mostly the same shape as I was. No one had much energy left and what movement there was consisted of casual stroking and cuddling.

Bambi was the first to be able to get to her feet. I suppose she was driven by a need to play hostess, because the first thing she did was to get Jolene a soft drink from the small cooler we had loaded onto the dumbwaiter. She then went around taking drink orders from everyone else.

"What, no beer?" Connie said, when given her choice of beverage.

"No," Bambi told her, "not today. Alcohol would just dull your senses and make you sleepy in addition to loosening your inhibitions. I think you want your senses sharp and awake and I think you have already shed any inhibitions you night have had when you arrived.

"Besides, you already look inebriated to me. Or do you need another dose so soon?"

"I can always take another dose of that!" Connie giggled.

"Oh, oh!" Janice said. "I think someone needs the BumbleBee!"

"BumbleBee! BumbeBee!" Jolene chanted, clapping her hands.

"What's a BumbeBee?" Connie asked.

"It's something that Sam showed Jolene and me," Janice said. If you haven't cum enough to be drunk from it, this will put you under."

"Yeah, Sam," Jolene said, "Show her the BumbleBee. I want to watch this."

"I'm too pooped," I said. "But Bambi does it the best. Connie, maybe if you ask real nice, she will show you."

Connie looked up at Bambi and said, "Please? I'm curious."

"I should have you sign a waiver," Bambi said. "In case your health is not up to it. You don't have a heart condition, do you? Any tendency to fainting spells? No? Well, someone get a towel to use to muffle her screams. We don't want the neighbors calling the cops. We might get hauled off to jail — handcuffed and naked."

"Now there's an idea," I said, putting my hands behind my back. "Handcuff me. Throw me in a cell with ten horny desperadoes who've been cooped up for months with no women."

"Hush." Neeka said. "You're making me hot again. I'd like to see you tied up and thrown to the wolves." She giggled. "Poor wolves!"

Janice picked up a towel and folded it into a pad to hold over Connie's mouth. She and Neeka traded places.

Connie saw Janice kneel beside her and a questioning look and then one of alarm crept across her face. "You're not serious?" She asked.

Janice nodded. "We'll probably need to hold you down so you don't hurt yourself, too. Now just relax and enjoy it."

Connie looked like she was already regretting opening her mouth in the first place. "Maybe..." She started to say before she was interrupted by Jolene.

"Really, you've got to try it," Jolene said reassuringly, as she took hold of Connie's arm and pinned her to the chair. "Janice and I have both done it and it's the most intense experience you can imagine."

"Really?" Connie said, in a squeak of near panic.

"Just spread your legs for me, honey," Bambi said.

Connie reluctantly complied. Her look of terror quickly drained from her face, to be replaced by one of anticipation and sensuality as Bambi started slowly kissing her way up Connie's thigh. Janice and Jolene each licked a nipple and stroked Connie's abdomen with a free hand.

Neeka and I jumped in too. We each took a leg and pulled them apart to give Bambi free access to Connie, without having to worry about getting her head caught in a scissors-lock.

Bambi brushed her lips across Connie's pussy lips and flicked out her quick little tongue as her mouth passed over Connie's clit. She kept on teasing until Connie's clit had poked its head out from under a fold of skin and presented itself for inspection. Bambi closed her lips around Connie's clit and sucked on it to work some more blood into the small piece of flesh.

Connie cried out sharply in surprise and pleasure in response to this treatment. She tried to close her legs, but Neeka and I held firm and stroked the inside of her thighs until she relaxed them again.

Bambi continued to work on Connie's clit until it was standing well up from her pussy. She licked and teased it until Connie was nearly delirious with the tension of being so aroused and so hard and not being made to cum.

Connie flailed her head back and forth in a fit of heat. She tried to squirm and writhe, but the four of us held her firmly in place.

"Oh, Yes! Oh, God! OH! DAMN! OOOOOooooo," Connie said. "Oh, you're making me CRAZY! OH! Oh, please! Pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease!"

It wasn't clear if she was begging for release or a continuation of the ecstatic torment. Either way, Bambi was relentless.

I started to get very turned on just from watching. We were all showing signs of reawakening arousal. I saw Bambi fondling her own boobs with one hand while she worked on Connie, so I know it was affecting her as well.