I think I'm in love

I looked across Bambi's shoulders at Neeka. She stared back with a feral look of lust. I tried to put all my sexual tension into a psychic message and then mentally hit Send. Neeka stiffened and I saw her eyes go wide as she prepared to do the same to me.

After a couple more exchanges, we were grinning and leering at each other while we batted a rapidly growing ball of sexual energy back and forth between us. I quickly lost track of whether I was sending or receiving, as the feedback became a continuous rolling wave of heat and excitement.

We were so wrapped up in driving each other wild with just our thoughts that I missed when Connie started her orgasm. I looked down and Bambi had already started doing the BumbleBee to Connie's swollen clit. Her rapidly flicking tongue beat against Connie's clit so fast that it looked like a speed-bag being attacked by a world-class welterweight.

Bambi kept going until I felt Connie stiffen and every muscle in her body go rigid. When she went limp, Bambi stopped flicking and tenderly kissed Connie's clit, as if in apology for abusing it so much.

Bambi might have finished, but Neeka and I were still locked in a fierce mental duel to see which of us could make the other cum first and hardest. If I had thought about it, I would have laughed. There could be no winner of any such contest. As soon as I came, she would climax as well, and since she was so focused on sending her feelings to me, I would suffer the same wonderful fate. This close together, it would be simultaneous.

Bambi pulled Connie's legs from us and pressed them together. She must have seen what was happening to us, because she gasped and then sat back to watch — rubbing her pussy while she did. I don't know if she thought she could synchronize with us or if she was just entranced by what was happening.

At least Bambi could guess what was going on. Janice and Jolene were totally perplexed. From their perspective, Neeka and I were making love to each other just by staring. Nevertheless, they watched with growing interest and awe that we could be so into each other that we could make each other this hot without so much as a touch.

I thought about this only afterward, of course, Neeka and I were beyond the reach of the physical world. We were totally in each other's mind, feeding into each other the most intensely erotic images and feelings we could drag up from the most primitive parts of our brains.

The echoing and re-echoing and continuous building of fever-pitch arousal could not last long. We were spiraling toward a mutual climax that both of us treasured, relished, and feared, all at the same time. We had wanted a referee for this, and we had three. If we crashed and burned, there would be someone around to haul us to the loony bin.

The ultimate instant came quicker than either of expected. The last fierce blast of fiery white heat threw us into each other's arms and into a new world of shared rapture. As we had fed each other the fuel that kindled the flame that ignited the torch that lit the fuse that detonated the bomb that was now exploding in our heads, we also poured our bliss into each other as well. Our incredible joy flared into an incandescent star that sent us tumbling off into the void.

I suspect that we passed out at that point. If so, it was a shared blackout. I felt Neeka's presence the whole time and was reassured that whatever happened, I would not be alone.

The journey back to consciousness was like rising to the surface after a deep dive in the ocean. There was a sense of buoyancy and of increasing brightness until we both broke through into the world again.

Janice, Jolene and Bambi had apparently carried us to separate lounges and laid us out to wait for us to recover. It must not have been all that long, because Connie was still out of it when we woke up.

"Are you all right?" Jolene asked in a concerned tone.

"Yes," we both answered together. "Never better," again, in perfect synchronization.

I looked at my hand. It seemed smaller than I remembered it. My breasts seemed huge to me. The skin on my arms was tan and clear of the familiar freckles. I looked at Neeka and she appeared to be having the same disorientation. Each of us had experienced so much of the other's point of view that we were momentarily unsettled to find ourselves in an unfamiliar body.

I knew I was Sam, and this was Sam's body, but I was also Neeka, with Neeka's feelings and senses and memories. I had a sudden flash of recollection, of another life, another family, another me. As I tried to assimilate the memories into my own, to correlate them with who I was and what I already knew, they seemed to fade away, like a dream on wakening, until I was left with just the memories of memories, the echo of an echo.

It was the most beautiful thing I had ever experienced. For a brief moment, I had shared the soul of another person. I had been Neeka. I had known what she knew, felt what she felt, thought what she thought. The experience of a shared existence dwarfed the experience of a shared orgasm. For a second, I felt alone, but only for a second. Then I felt a warm embrace and a whisper in my mind, "Never." With that whisper, the feeling of sharing came rushing back. The awareness of another mind, of another consciousness overlapping my own returned.

I turned to look at Neeka and I immediately knew that the mental link we shared had widened greatly. I seemed to be able to see her thoughts as clearly as my own. If I concentrated, I could feel her body, her breathing, her heart beating beneath her breast.

I smiled and felt happy to have a wonderful friend like her. My happiness became hers and hers mine. We must have looked like two fools, sitting and grinning at each other like that. When we both laughed together, the image must have been complete.

It was almost painful to pull away from each other, but we both agreed that it wouldn't be fair to our friends to ignore them and we deliberately turned away from further sharing. "Until later," we promised and pledged.

"Can I ask what that was all about?" Bambi said.

I was about to tell her about the sharing when Jolene asked, "Yeah. You two did to each other what Bambi did to Connie, but you did it just by looking. What's up with that?"

"And how can we do it too!" Janice asked.

"We were just on the same wavelength," Neeka said. I had been about to say that, hadn't I?

"We just knew what the other was thinking," I said. "And knowing turned us on more and more until... Boom!"

Bambi looked at us with her mouth open. Janice and Jolene would take what I said figuratively, but Bambi knew I was stating the bare facts. She goggled at us as the implications of a mental link to sharing arousal and orgasm hit home.

I nodded at her as though I could read her mind and she snapped her jaw shut, momentarily considering that I might be able to do just that.

I shook my head, 'no', to reassure her, but she again assumed that I was in her head and her mouth fell open again.

"Frightening, isn't it?" I asked her, wiggling my eyebrows ominously.

She laughed at that. Seeing my exaggerated facial expression reminded her that there were other ways to tell what someone is thinking without any special mental powers other than basic empathy.

Connie began to stir, so we got her sitting up and gave her a cool drink.

"Oooooo. What happened?" She asked. "I was... you were... then I... Whoa! That was amazing!" She shook her head to clear it and looked up at Bambi, who was standing by her to make sure there were no ill effects. "I think I'm in love," she said with a giggle.

Bambi sat down next to Connie and leaned over to kiss her. I thought it was just going to be a peck, to thank her for the nice comment, but Connie seemed to be getting into it. I took Connie's drink from her hand and her arms went immediately around Bambi. The two of them kissed for what seemed a very long time. It was so intense and they were so into it that the rest of us just watched quietly and waited.

When they finally came up for air, Connie dropped back against the chair-back and said, "Oh, gee! Bambi, you're marvelous! You have skills, girl! I've been screwed with less emotional involvement than you kiss. I apologize for suggesting that beer be served. I have been going to all the wrong parties!" To the rest of us, she said, "She has the most talented tongue I've ever met."