My ass is cold

I was about to voice my agreement on Bambi's superlative skills, when Jolene said, "You're right about that! She just about made me cum from kissing her. I thought I was in heaven the whole time."

Bambi blushed a very rosy color from hearing all the compliments. It looked like she was being nominated for Belle of the Ball at a party that she had wandered into by accident.

I told her, "See what happens when you let your hair down, relax, and just be yourself?" The 'be yourself' comment was supposed to remind her that she wasn't here in disguise, but as her 'real' self.

"You're right, Sam," she said. "I need to let my hair down more often. Thank you for inviting me to your party and letting me meet your friends."

"You're very welcome," I said. "Now I think it's time we paid you back. I have an announcement to make to everyone about Bambi." I paused to let Bambi draw the wrong conclusion. "Her breasts are extremely sensitive. She loves to have them played with. And she is at least one good cum behind everyone else."

No further suggestions were needed. Everyone converged on Bambi and practically smothered her with affection. We used the same gang-tackle approach on her than we used on Connie, except that I took her place and Connie took mine.

Janice and Jolene seemed to have just as much fun with Bambi's breasts as they had with mine. Maybe even more, since Bambi was so responsive to their attention and more vocal in her appreciation.

I tried my best to copy her technique and apply it to her, but I only managed to make her climax three times. I never could get her to the point of fainting from the sensory overload. It was probably because her attention was so divided between what I was doing to her clit and what Janice and Jolene were doing to each of her breasts. I suppose it didn't really matter. By her third climax, she was so wasted that she was hardly able to move. She just lay there with her head rolling loosely and a satiated expression on her face.

By this time only Janice and Jolene had not been sexually exhausted. When I pointed this out to them, they eagerly got down on the deck with each other to try and catch up. Connie, Neeka and I got down with them and helped out where we could and Bambi voiced encouragement and suggestions from her horizontal position, as she was able. With all of our assistance, it wasn't long before they were drained of any remaining sexual tension as well.

Since we were all so weak and exhausted, we didn't bother trying to climb back onto separate chairs, we just pulled a pile of cushions and towels together on the deck and collapsed into a pile of bodies. We were lying in such a tangled heap that I felt someone stroking me in a couple of places and I was doing the same to someone else, but I had no idea either the giver or the receiver was — nor did it really matter.

We had all had multiple climaxes, and those of us who needed them had had naps as well, so we just lay there and rested up until we could manage to work up the energy to do it again.

One by one, each of us would feel up to it, and the rest would oblige as a group. With five other people working on you, it's remarkable how quickly you can have an orgasm. After you've already cum more times than you can remember, it gets easier and easier to get off.

I remembered that Bud had told me how lucky girls were to be able to cum over and over again, while boys had to wait to recharge. It seemed to me that nature must have intended girls to make love to girls for recreation and to boys for procreation, since girls needed less and less time between orgasms while boys needed longer and longer recovery periods.

Our recovery periods were getting so short that one of us was always cumming. This made it easier for the rest of us, since girls are cooperative by nature and we were all willing to share the experience with each other. Whenever one of us would start to moan or pant or otherwise indicate our willingness to engage in another climax, we would shift around and slide over each other to make that person the focal point. This system broke down as soon as Neeka and I came together, and after that it was a free-for-all, with everyone stroking, fondling, kissing, sucking, licking or nibbling continuously on whatever part of whoever they could reach. It didn't matter if they had just cum, you kept on doing whatever you were doing and in another few minutes, they would cum again.

I had never been as saturated with girl-juice before. It was all over my mouth, my hands, and most other parts of my body. My pussy and my thighs and my butt were covered, as was whoever's hand that was that was inside me at the moment. It mixed with the oil and the lotion and made a slippery coating all over everyone. I felt like a noodle in a bowl of spaghetti. It was glorious!

I was in such an orgasmic haze that I didn't notice at first that the afternoon breeze had turned cool and the parts of me that were exposed to the air were getting chilly. I would have been content to lie there and lick the clit in front of my mouth forever if Jolene hadn't spoken up.

"Guys? My ass is cold," she said in a pitiful voice.

For some reason this struck everyone as hilarious. In a matter of seconds, we were all giggling madly and squirming to try to get underneath each other to stay warm. Jolene must have percolated to the top of the pile again because she complained again, "OK, my ass is still cold. I'm going to go get in the spa."

She slid off the pile and walked unsteadily toward the spa. I watched her push up on the cover and squirm up on the edge. With her head under the cover and her naked ass wiggling in the breeze, she looked like she was being eaten alive. I was torn between laughing at her predicament and being afraid she would fall in and drown.

Bambi must have seen her too, because she crawled out from under me (I had honestly thought it was Janice I was licking) and went to help her. Since I had lost my pacifier, I went too. Between us we got the top off Jolene and folded back against the wall. Bambi touched a couple of controls and the spa motor came to life and the water started to bubble and swirl. It must have sounded inviting, because a line quickly formed to climb in.

We wiped as much oil off of each girl as we could and then did each other before we climbed into the water. I was surprised that it was already nice and warm. It felt wonderful. The spa was so big that even with all six of us in it, it wasn't really crowded. Of course, the first thing we did after we got warmed up was to come back together again into a friendly clump of bodies so we could continue to cuddle each other.

The level of friendliness and familiarity among us had gone off the scale over the past few hours. If I wasn't holding someone or someone wasn't holding me, I felt like something was wrong. If I drifted close enough to someone, I kissed them. It was just the thing to do.

We had just got comfortable in the spa when my stomach started growling. I had already been thinking of us as a large tureen of girl-soup, but now I had to face the fact that my food-analogies were all a side-effect of my growing hunger.

"I hate to bring this up," I said, "but am I the only one who's hungry?"

"Oh, me too!" Neeka said. Everyone else chimed in and it was obvious that food would be the next item on the agenda.

"We have pizza makings down in the kitchen," Bambi said. "Pre-made crusts, sauce, cheese, pepperoni, olives, sausage, and no anchovies."

"No anchovies?" Connie wailed.

"Blame Sam," she said. "She vetoed the anchovies."

Connie took revenge on me by trying to pinch my butt. I had to scramble out of the spa to avoid her.

We all shared the few clean towels and got dressed again, even Jolene, who seemed to have developed a preference for nudity reluctantly pulled on her nightshirt.

"Think of it as 'dressing for dinner'," I told her. "You'll be taking it off again later." She cheered right up.