
'Hush! So, we all had opportunity. The Method was clear, one of us reached through the press of bodies and unzipped Jim's fly. Now as to Motive; who among us would want to hold Jim's... ah... um..."


"Man root."


"Trouser snake."

"... member? I guess that would be all of us. Neeka has possibly the greatest degree of familiarity with the... ah..."

"Womb plunger."

"Beaver cleaver."

"Love tool."


"... crotch rocket, so she would rate low on the Motive scale. Connie and Janice have, presumably, never met the... er..."



"You made that up!"

"Did not!"



"Man muscle."

"Gee, this is hard."

"Not yet, but it will be if you keep staring at it like that!"

"... spooge howitzer in question, so they rank high for curiosity. Bambi..."

"Watch it!"

"... and I would be somewhere in between. I just love cocks, especially big hard ones just dripping with... ah..."


"Cottage cheese."


"Man goo."

"Oooo, I like that one. Sounds like mango."

"... pussylube. I just go crazy for a hard..."


"Love muscle."

"Tube steak."


"... skin-flute. Holding one in my hand is so exciting. I love feeling it swelling up and getting hard. I love licking the head and tasting the first drops of juice as it oozes out of the tip. The sticky sweet, coppery flavor reminds me of melted ice cream. I love the feeling of my tongue on the soft skin of a really hard cock. I like to lick it all over, but especially under the head where I can make it jump and twitch when I touch it just right. I love the anticipation of spreading my legs for him and having him lower his body onto mine with that hard cock pressed between us. I love the sensation of almost being ripped apart when he forces it into the mouth of my pussy and then shoves it deep inside me. It feels great to be fucked hard by a big... ah... um... Guys?" Everyone seemed preoccupied.



"Oh! Uh... dong! No, I said that already."

"Oh, damn! Go back to the part about licking it!"

"... slab of man-meat. And I think we all agree on that. Now we need to collect evidence at the crime scene. The best evidence is, of course, fingerprints! Jim, we'll need to see Exhibit A and check for fingerprints. Come on now, this is going to assist in the investigation. Don't be shy. Let's have it out. But don't touch it. We don't want to contaminate the evidence."

Jim stood up and unzipped his shorts again. He jiggled his hips this way and that, but he couldn't get his cock out without using his hands. He solved the problem by undoing his shorts and dropping them to the floor.

Jim's cock appeared to be half-erect. It stood out from his groin in a graceful arch with the head pointing toward the floor. Although not as thick as Bud's it was at least an inch or two longer and it's size and shape would not have shamed a small pony.

The sounds of appreciation were spontaneous and sincere.



"Oh My God!"

Bambi said nothing, but her eyes looked about to fall out of her head.

I got down on my knees to take a better look. I wished I had a magnifying glass so I could examine it in more detail, but I settled for putting my nose almost against the shaft and squinting. From that perspective, I could see it growing. I could see the skin stretching as it got bigger and bigger.

"Well, I don't see any fingerprints. But I know who the guilty person is!"

I looked around at each girl to see if any of them would crack when I announced that I knew who it was. Everyone looked guilty to me. They were all breathing fast and they were all shifting around as though they had an itch and could not scratch it. No one met my gaze. They were all too busy staring at Jim's big cock, which was now as stiff as a board and stuck out at a 45 degree angle from his body. If it had been smaller, it might have stood straight out, but the weight of it made it hang down. That made the sight of it even sexier — to know that it was so huge and so heavy that it couldn't even stand up straight.

I knew I was going to have to wrap up the investigation pretty quickly. I was getting too close to my work and I was seconds away from flinging myself onto the coffee table and begging to be fucked. Everyone else may have been having similar thoughts, because they all had a distracted expression.

Neeka hadn't been with Jim all week. She had already told me that she was going to die if she didn't get that cock in her very soon. From her expression, and the lust I could see boiling up in her mind, she was even closer than I was to begging.

Connie had her lower lip sucked into her mouth and her arms crossed over her chest. I could see her erect nipples poking through the fabric of her shirt. She had been the most surprised at the sight of Jim's monster.

Bambi was frozen. If she was breathing, I could not tell. Forbidden fantasies must have been racing through her brain and she had gone rigid to keep from acting on any of them. Every few seconds her tongue would peek out from between her lips and then disappear again.

Janice must have been somewhat prepared. She had seen Bud's cock close-up and had been told that Jim was equally well equipped. She still had that deer-in-the-headlights look on her face, though. And she had one hand on her breast and the other clamped between her legs.

"One of us here committed the crime," I said. "One of us is guilty. One of us will pay the price. You see, only one of us had sausage pizza — the same sausage pizza that I can smell on Exhibit A here; transferred by her sticky fingers. And that person is Janice!"

"Hunh?" Janice said. "Oh, hell. Yes, I confess. I had to do it. Jolene told me that Jim's cock was even bigger than Bud's and I couldn't imagine that. So, I took advantage of the situation to find out for myself. I did it. And I'm not sorry in the least!"

"Me neither," Connie agreed. "That's the biggest one I've ever seen."

"Jim," I said. "Give Janice a chance to apologize."

Jim stepped directly in front of Janice with his cockhead bobbing in front of her nose. Janice went cross-eyed looking at it. Her eyes opened wide and her lips slowly parted. Jim must have been able to feel her breath.

Slowly, Janice leaned forward with her mouth open. Her lips met Jim's cock and she kissed it tenderly. Her mouth opened further and she tried to suck the head between her lips. It was much too big for her to get into her mouth. All she succeeded in doing was to inflame Neeka's passion beyond her ability to restrain it.

Neeka stood up and put her hand on Jim's cock and pulled it away from Janice's face.

"Sorry, Janice," she said, "but I can't stand it any longer. Jim, here or upstairs. But now. Right now!"

Jim glanced at Bambi. It was clear that he wanted to perform in front of her, but he wanted to have a more private stage. He picked up his shorts and led Neeka quickly up the stairs. By the time they were half-way up, they were running.

"Darnn!" Janice said. "I wish that were me."

"Me too," Connie said.

"I think that goes for all of us," I added. "But Neeka has dibs on him and it has been almost a week since she's had any of that. I'm sure she didn't mean to be rude, Janice. Maybe she will feel more like sharing later."

"Oh, I'm not offended," Janice said. "You told us he was her boyfriend. I was surprised that she let it go as far as she did before she reacted. Did you notice how he turned to give her a good view of me kissing his cock? She was positively drooling!"

"I'm drooling, too." Connie said, grinning. "But not at the mouth. How on earth can you handle something that..."




"... I was going to say 'huge' but I like 'gargantuan' better. God, that thing would just rip me apart!"

"It can be very painful," I said. "And you have to really want it. But once you've had a really big cock in you, nothing else is going to feel as good."

"Honey, they spoil you for anything less," Bambi said. "My... boyfriend had a cock just like Jim's. I was addicted to it the first time he put that monster in me. It hurt like hell at first, but even so, I knew I was hooked. Once we started screwing regularly, and I got used to it, I started to crave it. I thought about it all the time. I started wearing... well, I started doing everything I could to turn him on. It really changed my life."