You want to see it get big?

"OK," I said. "Here's a magic trick." I held my hand over my mouth and stuck my tongue out between my fingers. It seemed to be a lot longer that it had been. That figured, since it had been pulled on for quite a while. I wiggled my tongue and waved it around. Bambi and Neeka watched attentively. Neeka knew where this was going, so she kept glancing at Bambi to see what her reaction was going to be.

With the end of my tongue in plain sight, but my lips hidden, I took the pencil and put it through the sleeve in my tongue. From my audience's point of view, the pencil seemed to be passing right through the middle of my tongue. Which it was, of course. The trick was that there was no magic.

"Da daaa!" I said, still hiding the hole in my tongue.

"That's marvelous!" Bambi said. "That's a wonderful trick. How did you do that? It looks just like the pencil went right through your tongue!"

"Weah, dads becauh id did," I said, taking my hand away and showing both of them that the pencil was indeed passing through my tongue.

"EEEEEEEEEEKKK!" Bambi said.

"Oh, my God! That is so cool!" Neeka said.

Both comments were exactly what I expected from each of them.

"There's a hole in your tongue!" Bambi said.

"A big one, too. I see what you meant about the soup," Neeka said. "That is just so cool!"

"But there's a big hole in your tongue!"

I pulled the pencil out and dropped it back on the desk.

"Yes, Mom. There is a hole. And it is in my tongue. And I think it's pretty cool too. See, there's a metal sleeve that's sort of crimped into the hole to keep it open. Oh, and I can drink through a straw with my mouth open. I bet you can't do that."

"I'm sure that will come in very handy, honey. But doesn't it bother you t have a big hole in your tongue like that?"

"Maybe you shouldn't show her the jewelry," Neeka advised, facetiously.

I stuck my tongue out at her for blowing my next secret, making sure that the hole was far enough out of my mouth to be visible. Neeka laughed and I knew I had a great way to freak people out at school.

"Jewelry? What jewelry? You got jewelry? Where is it? Can I see it?" Bambi's mood switched away from horror to curiosity instantly at the mention of jewelry, and I knew Neeka had been right to mention it.

"Little silver bells on silver chains," I told her. "They ring, too."

"That sounds darling! Where are they?"

"Uh, have a seat over here," I told her, guiding her to the desk chair. I really didn't have any idea how she was going to handle this. When she was sitting down and her eyes were just level with my breasts, I pulled off my jogging bra and shook my shoulders to make the bells ring.

The sound was beautiful. It was a faint tinkling that reminded me of wind chimes in the distance.

"Oh, how lovely." Then she saw the rings they were attached to. "Ah, Sam. How do they come off?"

"Actually, they don't. They're welded on. See, the rings go right through my areola, in the meaty part behind the nipple. They're pretty secure." I smiled, but it was a false smile and I think she knew it.

"Well. They are very pretty. I didn't know we had anyone in town who did this sort of thing since the tattoo parlor by the bowling alley closed down a couple of years ago."

"Actually, the guy who spent the afternoon torturing me did it." She was taking the nipple rings better than she had handled the tongue piercing.

"Well, he certainly did a good job. That is some nice workmanship. I can't see the spots where he welded them at all."

"Yes, he was quite a craftsman. He had some toys that were very well made."

"Oh? Did you bring any of them home with you?" Toys were something else she understood. Ben used to bring home toys all the time.

"No. The police needed them for evidence, you see."

"Oh. Of course." I could see the wheels turning behind her eyes. She was just beginning to assimilate some of this.

"Sam? The man you were with. Was this the same man who I would have heard about on the news in the stories about the girls who were kidnapped?"

"Yes, Mom."

"And he kidnapped you and tortured you all afternoon?"

"Yes, Mom."

"And he put a hole in your tongue and pierced your nipples with rings and welded little bells onto them?"

"Yes, Mom."

"And then you captured him and turned him over to the police?"

"Well, yes. But I made him torture me some more first. He had this great electrocution machine that he hooked to my nipples and my..."

"That's nice honey," she interrupted, just as I was about to tell her about my favorite part. "I've decided I don't really want to know all the details. I'm just happy that you're all right... and I'm glad you had a nice time being tortured. I think I'll go warm up some food for you two crime fighters. Hurry and get cleaned up before it gets too dried out to eat."

"Yes, Mom. Thanks, Mom."

She left to go back upstairs with a kind of fixed smile on her face.

"There are some things that Moms are not meant to know," Neeka said, sagely.

"She's finding out that this job isn't all adventure and heroism," I said. "I guess I am too. I went out there expecting to kick some butt. Instead I meet some poor guy who's just messed up. I was more heroic taking down the purse snatcher."

"Look, Sam. Heroic or not, no one else could have done what you did today. Don't beat yourself up for enjoying it. Think about what would have happened if he had grabbed some other girl out of the park and wheeled her off in his trash bin to torture her all afternoon." She shuddered as she picked my brain for some of the nastier things I suspected he had done to them by accident. I realized that she had backed off when the real pain started to avoid being exposed to the same level of stimulation that I had enjoyed so much.

"Yes, I did. I ran like a scalded dog," she told me. I had to watch her lips to see if she was speaking or not. I decided that it didn't matter at the moment.

"You are made of sterner stuff than me," she said. "Hell, you are made of sterner stuff than just about everybody. And I thought I had a chance to keep up. Silly me."

"Dearest love, don't worry about keeping up with me. Just be the best you can. It's all any of us can do. Now let's get a bath. I'm incredibly sweaty and the stink of fear makes a lousy perfume."

We went upstairs and got cleaned up. The luxurious bath I wanted turned into a shower and a friendly backscrub when I decided that the reason I was feeling down was because my blood sugar was low. I needed to learn to watch that. Anytime I used energy quickly, like racing my metabolism, rapid healing, body mods, or giving quarts of milk, I would need to replace it or I was certain to crash and burn. If I kept on doing a lot of this stuff, I would need to learn to monitor my blood sugar as closely as a diabetic. It was too bad that there wasn't a glucose meter like those power-gauge indicators in video games. That would be cool. Then I would know where I stood and how much more I could do without running out of juice and keeling over in a faint.

When we were putting on some comfortable shorts and loose-fitting t-shirts, Neeka mentioned that she intended to stay with me all night and that made me very happy.

"Thanks! I need a big long hug and some warm arms to sleep in."

"I have an even better idea," she said. "Let's both of us sleep with Bambi."

"That is a better idea. But, let's make it a surprise."

"Like showing her your naked clit? You haven't let me look at it closely, yet."

"Because I know what that will lead to and I just don't have the energy. I must have cum a hundred times today."

"Girl! I don't think it was the cumming that wore you out. When he started in on you with that electric thing, I had to get as far away as I could to get out of range of our telepathy. That's how I found out for sure that you were still in the area. I went straight away from the park and after a mile you started to fade.

"I stayed as far away as I could and still keep track of what was going on. When it looked like you would be tied up for awhile — sorry — I called our Moms and let them know we would be home late."

"I appreciate you covering for me. It must have been hard to sit there all afternoon and not be able to do anything."

"I was worried at first. But when he hit you with that electric thing and you had an orgasm I knew you would be OK."

"I what?"

"You climaxed. Right in the middle of screaming and everything. I must have been far enough away to feel it through the pain by then. You may have been too close to it. For you it was masked by the pain."

"Any other time, that might be interesting. Right now, I am too hungry and too tired to think. Let's go eat."

Bambi's roast lamb and fixings were delicious. Meals like that were going to spoil me for the meat-and-three — anything you like as long as it's fried — tea so sweet it could have been mostly Karo syrup — kind of food that was what Yvette and I had been eating. I said as much to Bambi when she sliced me a second helping of lamb.

"Thank you, honey. All compliments cheerfully accepted. But I plan to spoil you just as rotten as I can, so be ready."

"Well, as long as you're in a spoiling mood — can I have a cell phone? I promise I won't spend all day yakking with my friends and stuff."

"Well, I don't know. I hardly ever see a girl without one clamped to her head. You might find it to be irresistible. But what brought this on?"

"The city police detectives use them instead of radios. And I had a situation today where I had to go find a phone to call them. It's something that would be useful to have in my fanny-pack."

"Oh! Well, in that case it's a professional expense, then. I'll see about one first thing in the morning."


She looked at me like she wanted to say something that was on her mind. She got as far as opening her mouth, but shut it again with her lower lip between her teeth. I had seen her do that before when there was something she wanted to discuss, but decided that it wasn't the right time.

She was right to wait. The food had started to revive me from my wasted condition, but I was still too tired to think clearly. Whatever it was could wait until I had recovered. Neeka even had to propose the night's sleeping arrangements because I was nodding off in between bites of dessert. I remember Bambi being happy about the idea but after that I lapsed into a half-asleep state where several minutes seemed to pass each time I blinked.

I was sitting at the table, staring at the last morsel of food on my fork.


The fork was no longer in my hand and the table had been cleared.


I was leaning over the bathroom sink with both my hands on the countertop while a toothbrush was going over my teeth. Even though it wasn't my hand on the brush, it went just where it needed to and withdrew just when I needed to spit.


I was holding my arms up while a nightgown was pulled over my head.


I was sitting at my vanity table while Neeka brushed my hair.


I was crawling into bed. Two warm soft bodies cuddled up to me on both sides and kissed me goodnight.


I was having a wonderful dream in which Bambi and Neeka were making soft, slow love to each other. In my dream I was playing the part of Neeka.


I was having an orgasm. It was lovely. I was so relaxed. I smiled and drifted on a cloud for a bit before I went back to sleep.

The morning sun was reflecting off the cheval mirror in the corner of the room next to the window. It cast a bright, shimmering spot of light on the wall next to the bed.

I stretched languidly. I felt wonderful. There's nothing like a good night's sleep to recharge your batteries. I turned over to find Neeka nose to nose with me. As I looked into her sleeping face, I though it was the most beautiful sight I could have asked to see the first thing in the morning. As soon as I thought it, she smiled and her lovely green eyes flicked open.

"Thank you," I heard in my head, followed by a flood of love.

She put her arms around me and kissed me. We lay there, lip to lip, our arms and legs twined around each other as we tried to top each other with different ways of visualizing how much we loved each other.

As much fun as it is to explore your lover's body, it is a thousand times as enjoyable to explore their mind. When you touch someone, you have to wonder if it feels as good to them as it does to you. You try to express your feelings, but you never know if what they are really thinking is what you are thinking, or even what you think they are thinking. If that even makes any sense.

When you can reach out and bond your mind to another, to feel what they feel, to hear their thoughts, to experience their reactions as though they were your own, then you have truly achieved intimacy. I think that is impossible to do that without having or finding unconditional love. When you are mind to mind, you cannot hide, you cannot lie, you cannot fake it. You will either love or hate the other person. We were lucky. We had love.

We hugged tightly and rolled across the bed in each other's arms, twisting the sheets into a knot around our legs. That is when I noticed that Bambi was missing from her own bed.

"She's off getting you something to wear to school," Neeka said. "She woke up earlier, while you were still snoring away"

"I do not!"

"You do too! I have a witness. And I told her that you had promised to wear a sexy outfit for Polly today. I told her you would probably want to wear something that let your bells swing freely so people would hear it and it would draw attention. She's up in your room putting together an outfit that will be acceptable school clothes and still be as sexy as the law allows. She was so excited at the challenge that she ran out of here without a stitch on."

"Suppose I wanted to keep the bells a secret?"

"What were you planning to do in the showers after Gym? Band-aids over both nipples?"

"Tee hee! I hadn't thought about that. You're right. They won't be a secret for very long, so it's better to show them off."

"Speaking of showing off — are you going to show me your clit?"

"Sure. I haven't even looked at it good myself, yet."

We unwound ourselves from the sheets and I sat back up against the pile of pillows and pulled my nightgown up over my waist so Neeka could lie between my legs and get a really close look. As my knees spread apart, my outer lips opened and my completely uncovered clit was exposed. So we could both get the best view, I put the soles of my feel together and pulled my knees as far apart as they go, almost a 180 degree split. This flattened my mons and my outer lips, throwing the long bump that was my clit into sharp relief.

"Wow!" Neeka said. Her warm, soft breath felt like a strong breeze on my exposed organ. "I never realized how long they were under that layer of skin."

"This one gets bigger," I said.

"Yeah. You've thought about how you used it on Jolene a couple of times. I'm sorry I missed that. I was busy getting fucked long, hard, and deep at the time. Does it really get as big as your memory says? Or is that just wishful thinking?"

"Oh it was real. Just ask Jolene. I think I can get it up to three inches if I get really turned on and I put my mind to it."

"Well, that would certainly be big enough for most purposes." Like me, she got busy thinking about what purposes those might be. She had some ideas that I hadn't thought of. As they went through her mind, I saw them and my clit started to grow in response. We started a feedback loop that, if we let it go on, would be difficult to stop.

"OK," she said, regretfully. "We will explore this at greater length later on."

"You want to see it get big."