Will you fuck my car?

"I want to see it get huge. I want you to put it in me like you put it in Jolene and I want to see your face when you cum with your clit in my pussy. I do want to do that, yes, I do."

"Ooooo, stop! You're making me have baaaad thoughts. If you don't quit, I will get really horny and my clit will get stiff and I will force your legs apart and I will shove my stiff clit in you and fuck you until you scream."

"Eeeeeeeeeek! I'm screaming already!"

"And I'm getting hot. We really better stop this. We don't want to be late for school."

"Speak for yourself. I have World History with Mr. Smith first period. He's got the most monotonous speaking voice. And he talks just faster than I can take notes."

"I guess I'm lucky. We never know if Mr. Turner will blow something up in first period Physics. There is a lot of suspense, and you have to pay close attention or you could get hit with shrapnel."

"That would kind of keep you awake, all right," she agreed.

"Anyway, I have chores to do," I said, closing my legs and rolling to the edge of the bed. I slid off and checked the clock on the bedside table. I had time enough to go feed my dog.

"Let me feed him!" She said, eagerly. "I want him to get to know me."

"OK, go ahead." I told her the routine, where the food was, how to be sure to wash his bowls before filling them, and everything. Almost everything.

"Be careful not to get caught in a position where he can sneak up on you. That's what happened to me. He crept up on me and put his cold, wet nose into the crack of my ass. It scared the bejeebers out of me."

"I'll be careful," she said, giggling at how I had been surprised by Brute.

Neeka jumped off the bed and dashed out of the room with her short nightgown flapping on her butt.

When she had gone, I climbed the stairs to my own room. Bambi had my clothes all laid out on my bed. As Neeka had suggested, she had picked out something that wouldn't muffle my little bells. The top was a bright green and blue cross between a shawl and a serape that was designed to be worn off the shoulder on one side. It was made of two layers of a sheer fabric stitched together so that there was a lot of bunching, which would hide the sheerness to some degree. It was feather-light and would ride the tops of my breasts and drape lightly so my bells would be hidden, but still be free to swing and ring.

The skirt was a solid aqua that went perfectly with the top. It was really short; just a foot-wide band of stretchy material that would ride very low on my hips and come down only a couple of inches below my crotch. Bambi had laid out a choice of underwear for me — a pink g-string that would show my butt if I bent over or if I let the skirt ride up in back, and a more modest pair of high cut yellow panties that would show nothing but a flash of color if I was careless.

The shoes were green, to match the top. They were open-toe with as moderate a heel as I could expect. Apparently Bambi had learned from my near-catastrophe with the tall mules that I had little experience with heels and she had taken pity on me. Otherwise, the outfit really called for some tall, butt-rolling heels that would get every part of me moving when I walked.

I could hardly wait to put it on and I threw off my nightgown and ran to the bathroom to jump in the shower.

The hot water rolling down my stomach and over my newly-exposed clit was an interesting experience. At first, I couldn't touch it at all. Just the sensation of the hot water running across it was enough to make my legs weak. When I got used to that I dripped soap from the washcloth down my stomach so I could feel the soap bubbles bumping into it. It was all I could do to keep the soap moving and not linger in that spot. I wondered what was going to happen when I got in the shower with a bunch of scrub-happy girls after Gym.

While toweling off, I ran the towel gingerly between my legs and again got a thrill from the texture of the cloth. It seemed that I was going to have to learn to live with being strongly stimulated by anything coming near my clit from now on. That was a prospect that somehow failed to fill me with anything but eager anticipation.

When I finally managed to keep from intentionally or accidentally stimulating my clit, I was able to finish my hair and get my clothes on. The g-string just covered the top of my mons and was tight enough to be stretched across and just out of reach of my clit. If I got turned on, it would be rubbing right on my hotspot.

I dashed downstairs as quickly as I could in the shoes. I managed not to trip or fall over, though. I supposed they were intended to be training-shoes for girls like me.

When I arrived in the breakfast room, Bambi came out of the kitchen to see how I looked in her selection of clothes. I modeled as best as I could and when she saw that I was unsteady she gave me a couple of tips on how to stand and walk in them. I paid close attention, but I was listening for the approach of a pair of bare feet.

When Bambi told me to sit down and turned back to the kitchen to get me a plate, I said, "Just wait a second. I think something interesting is going to be coming through the back door any time now."

We only had a little while longer than I expected before the door opened and Neeka slumped in. Her hair was a wreck and matted in spots with dog-drool. Her hands, elbows and knees were deeply grass-stained. Her short nightgown was twisted and pulled off of one shoulder and her fingernails were caked with dirt.

"My goodness, Monique!" Bambi exclaimed. "What have you been doing?"

Neeka glared at me and I laughed out loud at her wretched state.

She straightened her gown and said, "I went out to feed the dog. I tried to play with him like Sam did, but he plays rough!"

"You look like one of the toys we used to get for him," Bambi said, trying not to laugh too much. "After ripping them to shreds, he would bury them in the woods."

"He tried to do the same to me!" Neeka said. "After dragging me all over the yard, he took me to a soft spot between the trees and started digging a hole. It was all I could do to get away from him before he covered me up. He still knocked me down twice before I could get up the steps and out of his reach."

"I may have spoiled him," I admitted. I let him get rough with me and now he thinks he can do it with everyone. If you go out there again, maybe you should take a lifeguard, just in case you need someone to dig you up when he's finished playing with you."

Neeka put her fists on her hips and sent me a few choice images that I won't bother to describe to show me how she felt about the inadequate warning I had given her about the risks of playing with an animal the size of Brute. When she ran out of nasty-grams, she flounced out of the room and went upstairs to try and scrub some of the dirt off.

Bambi waited until we heard the faint whine of the small elevator going up to the second floor before making any comment.

"You scamp! You set her up!"

"Guilty as charged. But she wanted to imitate me and I thought letting her do this would be more effective than arguing to show her that sometimes that's not a good idea. We talked before about how her trying to keep up with me might not be too smart. I had the idea that she might still thinking that she could try to match me. This may make her think twice before doing it in a situation where that might get her hurt. Brute can be rough, but he wouldn't really hurt her. Anyway, I think she enjoyed playing with him more than she let on."

We both managed to stop laughing at how funny Neeka looked long enough to eat the delicious breakfast casserole that Bambi had made.

"This is wonderful!" I told her. "But how did you have time to cook this? Surely you didn't get up that early."

"That's one of the secrets that I've been learning about cooking. Casseroles are better if you make them the day before and heat them up at the last minute. It gives the flavors a chance to blend together."

I had been almost sure that she had got up and started cooking in the middle of the night. Now, I was glad that she was learning some shortcuts and time saving techniques, in addition to how to scallop potatoes and fricassee chicken. It was hard to complain about the effort she put into things when they came out this good.

"I'm being spoiled," I said. "I love it, though."

She kissed my cheek and then automatically checked to see if she had got lipstick on me. I let her rub without mentioning that she wasn't wearing any. She looked great without it. Without makeup, she looked like a fresh-faced girl with rosy cheeks and naturally red lips.

"Where are the guys?" I asked. I thought they might be late for school if they didn't get down pretty quick.

"Oh, they've eaten already and gone back upstairs to get ready. They'll be along any minute. Monique is the one who is running late. Do you suppose she needs a hand?"

I didn't need to suppose. Neeka had showered, but had to give up scrubbing all the green stain off her knees and was just now pulling on a pair of raggedy jeans to hide them. She needed a swipe of deodorant and a top — no the one with the long sleeves, you didn't get your elbows clean either — and she'd be racing down the stairs with her sandals in her hand.

Bambi made her a sandwich made by spreading some of the casserole between two pieces of toast. She put that and a small bottle of juice into a paper bag for Neeka to take along. I was impressed at her ability to improvise to keep us fed. When Neeka came through, Bud and Jim were with her.

"Walking or riding today?" Bud asked. I wanted to follow up with him about my talk with Joey Valdes, but I knew Neeka would want to discuss her backyard adventure at greater length.

"Riding. I'll catch you on the way home, unless you want to have lunch with a bunch of girls."

His face started to fall at that suggestion, no doubt a holdover from his prepubescent days when girls were 'icky'. But when it occurred to him that he probably knew the girls in question, and rather intimately at that, he broke into a smile and nodded.

"Sure! See you at lunch."

Jim kissed Neeka goodbye, his hands giving her rear a little friendly massage. I kissed Bud so as not to be standing around leering at Jim and Neeka. Neeka kissed Bambi. I kissed Jim. Bud kissed Bambi, so Jim did too. Then Bambi kissed me and I kissed Neeka. We damn near started the whole thing over again, but somehow we managed to get out the door and head for school.

Neeka and I headed for her car, which was still parked at her house. On the way, she let me have it with both barrels.

"That was a dirty trick, to set me up like that," she said, swatting me on the arm to show she was serious.

"You're right. I apologize. But you wanted to play with the big dog..."

"Yes, I did. But I didn't get to play with him. He played with me. I felt like a toy when he grabbed my leg and dragged me into the woods."

"He wouldn't have hurt you. He's a big pussycat."

"Well... but it was just so... humiliating."

"Oh, dry up. I know you had fun."

Neeka giggled, "I suppose. And you're right, I wasn't afraid he would hurt me. In fact, it was kind of fun being at his mercy like that. Kind of like I was being kidnapped by a nasty beast to be dragged off and held for ransom."

"But not buried like a bone?"

"No, that was a bit much. But next time I'm going to wear a pair of old jeans and a t-shirt I don't care about."

"Next time?"

"Yeah, well... Next time I will pay more attention to what you're not saying."


"And I'll have backup close by, in case things get out of hand."

"Good. Backup is a good thing to have."

"OK, OK! I get the point. You don't have to rub it in."

We got in her car and she drove off toward school. It was a couple of blocks later that she brought up something else. I only got a glimpse of it before she spoke.

"Let me ask you something. I've been thinking about how we're practically living in each other's skin and well... have you and Jim been screwing at all?"

"Not since you started dating him. Why?"

"Because it's OK with me if you do."

"What brought this on?" I asked. This was a new development. If she'd been thinking about this, it wasn't when she was around me, or maybe yesterday while I was out of range or unconscious.

"Well, it just seems that since we're so close and all then it just seems strange to draw a line and say you can't sleep with Jim."

"I see. If we share our heads, why not share boyfriends?"

"Yah. It's confusing. We have sex with each other. We have sex with Bambi, but we stop at the boys? I think it will be better if we share everything. We will anyway, unless one of us goes across town to get laid."

"That's a good point. We'll have to discuss this with Bud, though. I can't speak for him. He and Jolene have something private going."

"Yeah, I picked up on your status as sex-surrogate. She trusts you as much as I do."

"You don't trust me. You know me. Trust implies faith."

"True. I know almost every thought that goes through your head. It's endlessly fascinating, by the way."

"I'm glad I'm so entertaining."

"That, too. But I mean we're as close as any two people could possibly be. I can't be mad at you. I can't be jealous of you. I can't even work up a mild dislike for you."

"Thank you."

"No, silly. I mean it's just not possible. If you did anything that might offend me I would know exactly why and how you felt about it. I would understand completely, and then I would feel the same way, so it's not possible for me to be mad at you for any reason."

"You just thought of this?"

"You know it," she said with a grin. I knew she was about to yank my chain.

"Yes, I do. This is why we don't talk much. I know you know what I'm thinking before I even think it!"

"I knew that, too."

"Aaaaaahhhhhh!" I let out a throaty scream of frustration.

"Yeah. It's like two Grand Masters playing chess. Each knows the moves the other will make and how they will respond to each move. So they just stare at the board for a few minutes until they both come to the same conclusion about who would win and declare the game over without moving a piece."

"Good description. Keep talking about chess and I might forget how horny I am." I hadn't got my dose of male hormones yet today, and it was getting that 'needy' feeling again. Even though I had such an intense time in the dungeon the day before, I still hadn't had a dose of cum for almost 24 hours. I was beginning to feel the itch between my legs that meant I would have to go back to my schedule of masturbating every couple of hours to keep my sanity.

"If you're that hot, there is something I've always heard about, but never seen anyone do," she said with an interesting tone in her voice. "That is, if you're up for it."

I laughed. The idea that there was something I might not do if I was hot enough struck me as funny, too. I tried not to peek into her head to find out what she was about to suggest.

"OK, I'm interested. What is it that you think is so nasty?"

We were coming up the street beside the student parking lot. She turned in and pulled into a spot between two other cars that was much further from the building than she had to park. After she turned off the engine, she shifted the floor-mounted gearshift into fourth gear, which I thought was odd.

"Will you fuck my car?" she asked.

"Right! And how do I do that? Crawl underneath? That's not nasty, it's just dirty."