Revenge Phase "Beginning"

(A/N: A little warning. I planned this revenge phase to be 2 parts. I do want to finish it now, but I need to wake up really early tomorrow. Some will be angry because this chapter does not really have the contents of the revenge. Some of you will also complain about me being an ass for making this 'arc' much longer than it should and I will not fault you for thinking that. Although I do have a reason, whether you will trust me or not depends on you.

Revenge is not something that can be rushed. Well, it can, but not what I have in plan. If you just wanted to know what will happen, then please wait until all of the Revenge Phase chapters to be out.)

The sound of chicken crowing in the distance, indicating that sunrise was near.

Most people may be still asleep, but not for Ray and Artoria. They began their day with a morning run that traverses for 20 KM.

Maybe it was too much, but with the agility point of 47, it was a normal morning routine to start the day.

For Ray, it was the day where his long-lasting revenge will start.

He used this morning run to consider what kind of punishment they will receive for their transgression.

For some, cheating is a misdemeanor. But for the person that was being cheated, it was a felony. Even more so when it brings the death of the person.

Ray technically died and was 'resurrected' by going back in time.

He originally wanted them to suffer from violence and torture. But if he thought that it will only bring a temporary solution.

Instead, he wanted them to suffer in society for the rest of their lives.

Besides, physical pain is only temporary. Granted, the more pain they deal, the more trauma that the receiver will have. But it can be healed through time.

In Indonesia, with many people being Muslim, it is given that many are religious. With many religions, fornication is an act of sin that can bring disgrace to not only them but their families as well.

That is... if they did not get caught. But what if they did?

(A/N: I'm sorry. It is not my intention to preach, especially when I did this premarital sex in the past.)

With what Ray had planned, it was inevitable that the cheating couple will face severe repercussions.

On their way back to the boarding house, their morning run was interrupted because they met someone they recognize, Angeline, one of the staff from his cafe.

"Good morning, Ray, Artoria!" Angeline greeted Ray.

"Good morning, Angeline." both replied.

"Are both of you doing your morning run?"

"Yes, we are. We are actually on our way back." Ray said.

"Oh? Sorry for disturbing you then." Angeline said as she began to run again but stopped because she forgot to ask something,

"Do the two of you going to the cafe?"

"Sadly, no. Artoria and I have something to do today. I previously told Greg..." Ray went silent for a bit before continuing,

"I forgot to mention this to him, but can you relay this to everyone that they need to find a designer and also constructor to redecorate the cafe as soon as possible? Preferably the start of next week. I will pay the full amount."


"Well, I kind of give a bad promise to several people yesterday about our cafe. Sorry about that." Ray said as he scratched the back of his head.

"I can search for them today. I don't know if they can finish it by next week though."

"That's okay. I owe you one, Angeline."

"Fufu, I will use this 'debt' later. See you next time, Ray, Artoria." Angeline said as she continued with her morning run.

Artoria was looking at Ray with a deadpan expression. She knew what and to whom Ray promised his words. But Artoria did not say anything.

They resumed their morning run until they arrived at the boarding house.

Ray was the first one that went to the bathroom. It was Monday so he needed to go to school. Artoria waited on the bed for her turn.

It was already 3 days of real-time since Artoria came to this world. It did not count the days that they spent on both [Training Ground] and [Dungeon].

But the air of awkwardness when waiting for the person to finish the bath did not disappear. More and more Artoria began to see Ray as a man.

Not like she did not saw him as a man before, but the feeling was more... pronounced.

Same with Ray, but with a touch of lewd thoughts here and there.

Ray is a man, after all.

Ray did not forget to carry his school uniform to the bathroom. So he did not need to be naked or use a bathrobe when he got out of the bathroom.

On a side note, his school uniform consists of a white shirt with Tut Wuri Handayani logo on the left pocket, a black belt, and a grey long pants.

(A/N: You can search for the logo on Google. I do not have a huge range of vocabulary to explain the shape of the logo.)

After he was done using the bathroom, he packed his bag as it was Artoria's turn to shower.

Same with Ray, she brought her outfit to the bathroom. But it was not like she needed to, because she can conjure her armor after all.

The reason she brought her outfit to the bathroom was because she unconsciously wanted Ray to look at her as a woman, which he already is.

Today's lessons were Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, and History. Ray only needed to bring the books and read them once when he arrived in school, courtesy of his [Eidetic Memory].

If only he has [Natural Born Genius], a personal skill of Da Vinci in Nasuverse, Ray did not have to bring books at all.

Ray already checked the price of the skill last night, but it costs about 100.000.000 System Points. Although he was curious before, after checking the price of the skill, he decided that it was not a good idea to have the skill. Not because it was a bad skill, but because he will not have that much System Points.

Ray can grind System Points in the [Dungeon], but he has things that he needed to take care of.

Besides, Ray did not need to use System Points for now. He probably will when he started his journey to other worlds though.

After he packed his bags, he asked Artoria, "Do you want to stay here? Going to the [Training Ground]? or the [Dungeon]?"

"I will go to the [Dungeon], I want to check something inside."

"Ok, see you later, Artoria," Ray said as he put his hand on Artoria's shoulder and sent her to the [Dungeon], did not forget to change the time dilation to 1:1.

Although Ray wanted to know what she wanted to check inside the [Dungeon], he has something else more important.

His school starts at 7.00 A.M. But because it was Monday, he needed to be on the school grounds earlier.

In many schools, at least in Indonesia, there is a flag-raising ceremony every Monday that students must attend.

There is also some additional school uniform that students must use, those being a school-issued hat and tie.

After checking that everything was ready, Ray locked his room and went to school.

Fortunately for Ray, his school was not far. With a 10 minute walk, he arrived at 6.10 A.M.

With much time to spare, he decided to read the textbooks for today's lesson in his classroom.

The school has 3 buildings which consist of a 2-story 'U' shaped building with an empty area on the middle and two regular 2-story buildings. Because the school did not have a big lot, the building needed to be close to each other.

The empty area is multi-purposed as a basketball field, flag-raising ceremony field, and also a parking lot for cars.

(A/N: If you are still confused with the school layout, search "SMAN 10 Bogor" in Google.)

Right next to the school, there is a big field that the school and the residents near the school as a soccer field and also for gym classes.

Ray did not need a lot of time to read all of the books because he only needed to skim the pages. So, after he was done reading, he leaned back on his chair and started playing with his phone.

As time went on, his classmates started to come into the class.

As the clock reached 6.50 A.M, all of his classmates, 30 students, have arrived and talked to each other.

Not a single student greeted Ray, not because they were shy or anything, but because they hate him.

The reason for their hate was similar to why the teachers hate him, his 'stunt' of almost killing a group of people.

They did not know that this group of people were bad guys trying to seduce Nadia, they only knew that it was innocent people that Ray beat up, courtesy of a rumor.

The rumor, of course, started by Brian.

Because Ray's stunt was also showed on the news, nobody thought twice before believing the rumor.


A long bell sound can be heard, indicating that all residents of the school have to be on the multi-purposed field for the flag-raising ceremony.

Once they arrived, the students were divided into their classrooms, some were invading others to chat with their friends during the ceremony.

Although there is a punishment for people that talk during the ceremony, nobody remembered it.

The flag-raising ceremony lasts for 80 minutes, a long time for some. Because they have to stand, sometimes on the heat of the morning sun.

Because of the pollution, the morning sun became too hot for many people, except the ones near cold regions like the foot of a mountain.

Ray stood on the first row of his class. Nobody from his class wanted to be in the front, so he 'invited' himself to be there.

Although in his past life, he did not like to be in the front. Now, he was re-living his past and enjoying it.

- Many hours later -

The last bell was sound, signaling the end of the day.

After the flag-raising ceremony, the first lesson was Mathematics.

While many students despise this lesson due to its being on the first thing after standing on the heat for too long, Ray did not have the same sentiment.

Ray was asking many questions, some of which were difficult for even the teacher to answer.

Although he genuinely wanted to expand his knowledge, the teacher thought that Ray was testing him. Due to having too much pride, the teacher scolded him.

It was the same for the rest of the lessons, except for History since the teacher deliberately skipped some things so that the student can ask questions.

By the end of the day, he was despised even more by the teachers. But the same could not be said for the students.

They were enjoying the 'show'. Seeing the teacher stressed and Ray being scolded was fun for them. But nobody dared to speak up to defend Ray, even though they unconsciously got deeper knowledge which will help them in the coming months.

As Ray packed up his things, Nadia came into the class walking towards Ray, carrying an unusual big backpack.

Although, she walked towards Brian rather than Ray.

Ray and Brian were seatmates, but they did not talk to each other today.

"Hello, Brian. Are we still going to your house?"

Ray was fast to take the question, he thought that a perfect opportunity just appeared on itself.

His original plan was to invite both Nadia and Brian to one or the other's house and learn together there with the reason for a "national exam will begin in 3 months so we must prepare."

Acting like the jealous boyfriend, which was his actual role, Ray said, "What are you doing going to his house? Why did you not tell me about this?"

"Ah... um..." Nadia was nervous, trying to find a reason.

She obviously cannot say that they will have sex, can she?

But Brian came to her rescue and said, "Well, we were just going to review today's lesson to prepare for the coming exam."

Nadia exhaled quietly, thanking Brian in her thoughts.

Ray heard her exhale and knew what they originally wanted to do if he did not 'intercept'.

'Don't worry, you will have your lovey-dovey time together.' Ray thought.

"Can I come? I mean I have certain things that I do not understand." Ray lied. Considering that he almost read all the textbooks for the important lessons that will be tested in the national exam, it was a 100% guarantee that he will get full scores for all of the topics, those being Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, and English.

Nadia and Brian looked at each other, seemingly thinking if they should invite him or not. If they invited him, then they will have less time for lovey-dovey time. But it was Ray that they were thinking about.

A person that IS Nadia's girlfriend. As annoying as it is for Brian, he did not have any choice but to accept.

He did not want to be on the full brunt of Ray's jealousy and anger like the stupid people some years ago.

"Well, of course, you can. You are my best friend and Nadia's girlfriend so why should I reject?" Brian said.

"Good point..." Ray said as he fake smiled.

After Ray and Brian finished packing their respective backpack, they went to Brian's house.

They wanted to use the public transportation, but because Nadia brought such a big backpack, they used a taxi.

Inside the backpack was Nadia's bath tools as well as her clothing. She already planned to stay in Brian's house.

Miraculously, Nadia and Brian's parents were out for the week because of work. So with that information, they already planned to cohabit together for the week.

While they were on their way, Ray decided to strengthen the magic circle inside Nadia's womb, as well as add another effect which will force her to bear a 'little' bit of pain that will increase the longer they have sex.

Ray intentionally did not add an upper limit for this pain...

30 minutes later, the taxi arrived in front of the house. As his last 'kindness', Ray paid for the ride.

Entering the house, Brian went to the kitchen while Ray and Nadia went to the study room, which was not far from the entrance door.

For the current Ray, it was a long time since he was inside this house. He met with Brian's parents and he was quite close to them as well.

The study room was tinted green with white flooring. There were paintings and desks for Brian's parents and himself to use. There were also sofas, chairs, and a coffee table to greet the guests.

Ray sat on one of the sofas while Nadia sat on another one. Nadia did not want to sit close to her boyfriend in fear of Brian's jealousy. It was not like Brian will do bad things to Nadia whenever he was jealous though, so Nadia did not have any other 'concrete' reason not to sit beside Ray.

Silence permeates the room. Because Nadia was rarely alone with Ray now, she did not know how to create a conversation. While Ray himself did not bother to even start one.

Not long after they sat down, Brian came with drinks.

"Ah, thanks, Brian," Ray said.

"Your welcome... bro." Brian said, hesitates to call him 'brother'.

Then, they started to 'study' topics, starting with Biology. Well, it was more like Brian was subtly told Ray to get out of his house.

Ray obviously got what Brian was trying to do, but he intentionally became an idiot.

He was buying time for the magic circle to activate inside Nadia. With the already 'aphrodisiac' effect, Ray slowly inserts his mana to activate the magic circle.

Nadia does get hotter as time goes on. Her red face clearly showed it.

"Ray, I think it is time for you to go," Nadia said as she became more sexually aroused.

Ray, acting as a jealous boyfriend once more said, "Why? I don't want the two of you to be alone."

'Ugh, too cheesy.' Ray thought in his mind. But he kept going to finish his revenge.

"Don't worry, Ray. We are not going to do anything. We have something to discuss privately because we want to surprise you." Nadia said, obviously lying.

Ray made his face looked sad like a puppy that was just being kicked out of its owner's house.

"*Sigh* Okay then. I will go back..." Ray said as he packed his bag.

He can see that Nadia already touched her nether region. Ray can also see that both of them were looking at him, so he used this chance to hypnotized them using a little magic circle he conjured in front of his eyes and commanded them,

"Do not forget to videotape your intercourse, send it to me, and delete the traces," Ray ordered.

It was not as if Ray wanted to see them doing intercourse. But the public on the other hand...

"...Yes." Nadia and Brian said.

With the snap of his finger, they came out from their hypnotized state.

When Ray was in front of the door of the study room, he looked back, still looking sad and said, "Don't do anything weird, alright.".

Ray then came out of the room. As soon as he closed the door, he can hear the sound of a table falling and hitting the floor.

He then smiled and said softly, "The show has begun."


I hope you still enjoy reading this novel. Well, whether or not there are people that read this, my will of finishing this novel is still burning. I'm quite a sensitive boy though so I was kinda broken-hearted that people hate me for what I did, which is reasonable.

But it is not like I want you to stop commenting complaints though. In fact, it is what straightens me up to finish this freaking arc, if I can call it one. I do really appreciate any comments that I receive. But I must confess though, I did avoid reading at the comments these last 'few' months. Then I realized that I kind of failed you guys for not uploading any chapters for weeks. I still can't promise anything about the speed of which I can release chapters because I know myself, and you guys probably are too.

Also, thank you for those that wrote a review. I haven't read it yet but I promise that I will after completing Revenge Phase chapters.

You guys know that I mentioned SMAN 10 Bogor somewhere in this chapter, right? Well, it was the high school where I graduated from. So for y'all that is also an alumnus, I hope my real identity did not come out. Because I did make a 'drama' of some sort. Well, not exactly me though. But this cheating arc was inspired by my own experience. So you can probably make the connections...

Like I always said at the end of every chapter, Thanks for Reading :D.