Revenge Phase "Being the Victim"

It was 3 days since he started his revenge.

Just like what he planned, Brian sent 3 separate files all containing Nadia and his adultery act with days named on each file.

Ray examined the file to see if Nadia suffers some kind of pain.

At first, she was moaning quite lewdly. But with each passing thrust, her face morphed into that of a hurt animal.

Tears streaming down her face, 'enjoying' the torment that she was feeling.

Brian, on the other hand, did not stop his movement. He was busy feeling good himself that once all of the condoms ran out, 2 of them, he continued raw.

Not like the protection worked anyway. Maybe that was one of the push that made Brian wanted to do raw because he saw that the condoms had holes in it.

Ray just needs to anticipate the result that may or may not be arrived today.

But Ray holds his excitement because he was sparring with Artoria once more.

Speaking of Artoria, she was delving down the [Dungeon]. Looking for risks that may pose a threat to Ray while making herself stronger.

She had to admit that delving the [Dungeon] is the fastest way to gain strength.

But with the dangers inside the [Dungeon], even Artoria herself can only go down until the 30th floor alone with some scratches here and there.

Technically, Artoria and Ray can just delve down until the last floor of the [Dungeon] because of Avalon in each of their body.

But they do not know if the [Dungeon] can cancel the passive effect of Avalon. Which was why Artoria came down to the [Dungeon] herself in the first place.

The first 15 floors were clear. But as she went down, the more restricted Avalon's passive healing be.

After entering the 25th floor was when Avalon stopped healing.

Considering that Avalon was created by God himself, it proved that the [Dungeon] was a place where people should not attempt to challenge without proper preparation.

But that did not deter Artoria at all. In fact, she became much more excited to delve down the [Dungeon].

She stopped on the 30th floor because she felt that beyond this point, she cannot survive alone. So she went to the [Training Ground] and waited for Ray there.

How can she go to [Training Ground] herself? Well, speaking your intention towards the sky seemed to work.

Artoria reported her findings to Ray, which made him wanted to be stronger. So there he was, lying on the ground while his upper body separated to his lower body once more.

Artoria became much stronger ever since she went to the [Dungeon].

It was like they were back to the start again, just like his life that went back to the past.

"Haha... I guess the mountain can become higher..." Ray said as he became unconscious.

Artoria sat down beside Ray while she put his head on top of her thighs. She did not forget to change her battle armor to her usual white and royal blue dress.

Like a loving wife, she stroked his hair slowly, removing the dust that was on his hair.

But she kept going even if there was no dust left. The feeling of taking care of a person is something that she surprisingly enjoyed.

In the middle of her rubbing, Ray stirred awake after meeting the Dragon for the nth time. When Ray felt the rub, he was embarrassed but enjoyed it nonetheless.

From afar, they looked like husband and wife which the wife was taking care of the husband with love and care.

Even though he wanted to let her continue the head rub, Ray had something much more important to do, which was going to school. Because they entered the [Training Ground] quite early in the morning, and Ray only changed the time dilation to 3 hours equals to 1 minute, it was already time for him to take a bath.

As he pretended to be stirred awake, Artoria let go of her hand. She noticed that Ray woke up way before. But she thought that Ray was enjoying it, so she kept moving her hand despite being embarrassed.

Unlike in the past, now Ray can start the conversation from the air of awkwardness that ensues after every session of his unconsciousness.

"Where are you going next, Artoria?"

"I want to see your school," Artoria said

"Well, I have classes until 3 P.M though. So I think you should wait for me in the boarding house..." Ray thought of something and continued, "If you want to come to my school, it is better if it is when 1 P.M."

"Why is it, Ray?"

"Well, I'm sure you will know it today," Ray said as he sent both of them back to the real world.

The reason why he said 1 P.M instead of 3 P.M was because the result of his revenge will be known to the public at that time.

Ray knew that he just said to himself that he will do this revenge, including techy stuff, on his own. But he realized that he did not have the time to train his hacking skills if any.

So, he asked Hana once more to send the videotapes to the local news stations, radio stations, and to many phones belonged to the students later. He did not forget to ask Hana to play the tapes on digital billboards so that the whole city, or better yet, the whole nation can see their act.

After packing his backpack and wore his school uniform, he went to school.

He did not bring anything this time except his Microsoft Surface laptop. Because he already fully remembered all of the textbooks.

When he arrived at school, with nothing better to do, he decided to meditate.

When he met the Dragon, he was taught of meditation.

It will not help Ray to increase his physical strength or anything, it was more like a way for Ray to go to the "Dragon's Den", as he would like to call it, whenever he wants.

With the addition of calming energy throughout his body whenever he meditates, it was not a bad thing.

As usual, his classmates start to pour in as the time was near 7 A.M.

When the bell rang, Brian did not show up. Which means he either forgot about the class, or he had something that he needed to do. Not like it mattered because Brian and Nadia will face their punishment.

Whatever Brian was going through, he did not care. Besides, he needed to go to the cafe to supervise the reconstruction later.

Yes, the cafe has started the reconstruction. Because Ray already assigned some of the employees to take care of the designs, he did not need to be there. But he wanted to make sure that the reconstructor team did not make mistakes.

Yesterday when he went to the cafe to talk with the reconstructor team about the payment, they were already paid by Angeline.

When Ray asked why Angeline paid them, she said, "They were my family's personal team of constructors."

Ray wanted to pay back to Angeline, but she only said that this was her investment in the cafe. She only 'insisted' that Ray can make this cafe can become internationally popular and have branches in every country.

It was a tough dream, but Ray promised that he can do it.

A few minutes after the bell rang, Brian came into the classroom.

He was staring at Ray with a serious look. From how Brian looked at him, he knew that it was starting and cannot wait even for a few more hours to just release everything to the internet.

'I need to be patient. Soon...' Ray thought in his mind.

As if nothing was wrong, Ray asked Brian, "It is not you to be late, what happened?"

"I... I was late to woke up." Brian said nervously.

No matter how many schemes that he tried to cook up, nothing will move the fault to Ray. This can only mean one thing...

Ray knew that when Brian looked so nervous, he did something very wrong. So, as to give fuel over a burning fire, he said,

"Why are you so nervous? I mean, late for just 10 seconds won't hurt your reputation." Ray said jokingly yet so sarcastic at the same time.

Brian wondered if Ray knew what he and Nadia had done. He even went as far as thinking that Ray was listening to them that Monday.

But he decided that it was no way that Ray was listening, except if he has an NTR fetish. Even if Ray did, there was no way Brian can prove it.

"Really? Nah, man I was just... umm... drinking my father's alcohol last night and accidentally emptied the bottle." Brian lied as he sat down to his chair.

"Well, that's a bummer. I hope the punishment isn't too harsh." Ray said as he touched Brian's back like he was calming Brian down as a friend.

Not long after Brian sat down, the teacher came to the class.

"Good morning, everyone." The teacher said.

- 6 hours later -

The bell rang, signaling that it was time off for one hour before the class starts once more.

Ray was sitting on his chair, meditating as soon as the bell rang. While Brian was just sitting on his chair, expecting someone.

And that someone came to the class, it was Nadia.

When she entered the class, she recoiled when she saw Ray. With the state that she was in, Nadia did not want to meet Ray right now.

But, she needed to tell Brian something important.

"Hello Brian, Ray," Nadia said.

Brian was the first one to reply to Nadia's greeting, while Ray was the last one because he was irritated that his meditation was disturbed.

"Brian, can I have your time for a sec? I need to tell you something."

"Just the two of you?" Ray asked.

"Uh, yes. This has something to do with your... surprise."

"Hmmm..." Ray looked at Nadia 'suspiciously' and said, "Well, off you go then. I hope it is a good surprise."

"Of course, it will. Don't worry, Ray." Nadia said and continued, "Come on, Brian."

Then, the two culprits were away. Immediately after they left the classroom, Ray said to Hana,

'Hana, do it now!'


Then, a notification came into the students' and teachers' phones.

A random number sent them a WhatsApp message. One by one, they started to open their cell and see the message.

It was 3 chat bubbles from an unknown sender, all of it was a video with a size of 50 MB each.

Some were skeptical, others downloaded the suspicious video anyway, not fearing that the video may have any virus inside it.

One of the students finished downloading one of the videos in seconds. Miraculously, that student was one of Ray's classmates.

The said student saw the thumbnail of the video, he knew that this video is really juicy. So, like a normal high schooler, he screamed, "Wow!"

The thumbnail was Brian and Nadia having sex in a missionary position.

Of course, people in his vicinity came to him, desiring to know what had just been sent to him. By then, many have finished downloading one of the videos. But because they saw the thumbnail, the boys downloaded the rest of the videos.

Then, he played the video in full volume. Because he thought that everyone has the same video, why not play it in full volume?

Ray walked towards the boy. He noticed Ray and point the screen towards him.

"Hey, looked what your best friend and girlfriend did."

As if it was a cue to start an act, he began to act sad.

"No... There is no way..." Ray said as he made his voice vibrates like someone that was about to cry.

Ray ran towards Brian and Nadia, thankfully they were not that far. Ray as slow as possible, at least in his perspective, so that his strength will not crush the second floor.

When he saw Brian, he thought that it was a perfect opportunity to punch him in the face. And punch him in the face he did.

Brian was thrown away to the nearest wall that was 2 meters from Brian's position.

After punching him, Ray said, "YOU BITCH!"

Nadia shrieked because she was shocked that Ray suddenly punched Brian.

'Finally, I can punch him as many as I can.' Ray thought. He waited for so long to punch Brian once more.

He did punch Brian in his past life after he knew about Brian and Nadia's relationship, but he thought that it was not enough.

Ray was so happy to punch Brian that he almost smiled.

He then walked towards Brian, grabbed him in his collar and started punching him while Ray kept saying, "Fuck you!"

Of course, this made people went towards them. When they saw what Ray did to Brian, they did not do anything.

They thought that it was a given that Ray became like that because he was being cheated in the worst way possible.

The audience looked towards the scene, many were disgusted by what Brian and Nadia did despite their hate towards Ray.

Although Brian started to bleed, Ray did not stop his punch.

In a futile effort to stop Ray, Nadia asked for help from the students, which no one dared to go.

They knew just how much Ray's punch was hard just by hearing at the sound created from his hand contacted Brian's skin.

It was not weird if Brian will have a facial fracture somewhere after this fiasco is done.

Ray, having too much fun punching Brian, increased the power of his punch unconsciously. But before he can destroy Brian's face, Hana interrupted.

[It is not advisable to continue punching him with that much power, Host.]

After he heard what Hana said, Ray decreased his power. But he still kept punching him and stopped after a while.

Brian lost consciousness. His jaw fractured, his nose broken, bleeding from the holes of his face including his ears.

It was not a good scene to show in front of everyone, but nobody said a word. They were shocked by how much damage Ray can deal with just his hands.

There were also teachers. After seeing the video of Brian and Nadia's premarital sex, some went to the class to call Brian and the rest went towards Nadia's class

But before they arrived, they heard a punching sound. Afraid of something bad happening, they went towards the source of the sound.

Seeing that there was an 'audience', they prepared for the worst.

When they arrived, it was the worst. But, they cannot do anything. Not because the students were in the way, but because they let it happen.

It was against teachers' code of conduct to let a fight happen between students, but in front of them was not even a fight. But they will bring Ray and Brian to the teachers' hall.

But they decided to step off for now and brought Brian to the nearest hospital... not until Ray finished saying his words to Nadia.

"Why, Nadia? Am I not good enough for you?! I thought you were loyal. Do you know how much your actions hurt me? Is it because of that time? You know that I just want to protect you, not making you scared of me that you resorted to doing this sort of thing. If only you talk..." Ray said as he tried his best to act as sad as possible.

He felt that it was too cheesy, but it was enough to spice up the already messed up drama.

"Ray... listen to me... please..." Nadia, on the other hand, started crying. She did not know how Ray knew their illicit relationship.

"No! I won't listen to you anymore! Not after this!" He said as he let Nadia looked at one of the videos.

The audience started "Booing" her. They told her words that a father does not want their daughter to hear.

Shocked was an understatement. Not in a million years she assumed that she was being filmed.

Nadia felt that this was all unfair. She was mostly feeling pain those 3 days of sex. But now that not only Ray know, but the whole school knows.

Unknown to the school residents, Nadia and Brian's videos were being played in many digital billboards inside the city of Bogor.

Nadia will not know how much shame she just brought to not only herself but her whole family.

Now bearing Brian's child, confirmed by herself this morning, Nadia can only cry regretting her choices in the past, just like how Ray did in his.


Hello readers,

This is the second part of the revenge act. Although I just realized that I need one more to write the result of this revenge bring to the parties that were involved and to their families as well, at least the families of Nadia and Brian.

I think I enjoyed writing more than in the past. Because I'm feeling quite stressed this past days, I can release it in writing, especially this arc.

Well, I do not have anything to say so...

Thank you for reading :D