We are your brothers

Xi Ying Yue.. oh no! Now Jiang Ying Yue sat in her room quietly that night on the pretense that she still was not feeling well. Recalling back of what had happened today, Jiang Ying Yue was still quite confused.

Firstly, she found out that she had died in the plane crash. Upon waking up, she got the news that she was adopted by this family. Because Jiang Rong knew that she was still recovering, even though the truth was that she had already recovered fully, she was asked to be in her room to recuperate. Since then, she had been in this room sorting out her thoughts.

Going through the memory of Gu Mingxia, she found that she had transmigrated to what could possibly be a parallel world. Initially, she thought that she went back to the earth's ancient era but as it turns out, she did not! Why? Because firstly, they do not use dynasty here. And the naming of the countries and the way this world work does not not exist in the history that she learnt.

From Gu Mingxia's memories, apparently this world was divided into 4 continents. Namely, East,South,North and West continent. The east continent had 3 countries which were Blazing Sun Empire, Heavenly Cloud Empire and Dark Star Empire.

This world revolved around martial arts; it is where the strong is respected and the weak is scorned. They absorbed the spiritual energy of Heaven and Earth into their bodies called Spiritual Qi and convert it as their own enigma power. Holy shit! And with her being a trash in cultivation, there is no way she could pave her way up and take a revenge against that Gu Bolin's family. 'Heavens! I just want to live a quiet life but I have promised Gu Mingxia to take revenge for her. What am I supposed to do now?'

Apparently, Jiang Ying Yue (back when she was Gu Mingxia), she was in the Blazing Sun Empire. Among the three countries, Blazing Sun Empire was a lower rank country with the lowest cultivation level (highest being level peak Spirit Master). The country she is currently in, Heavenly Cloud Empire was a middle rank country with the highest level being peak of Emperor Regno. And Dark Star Empire was a first rank country with the highest cultivation level is peak of Monarch Regno. The reason why the cultivation level of these countries varies was because the distribution of Spiritual Qi was different. Back then, only talented people would be invited in the middle or upper rank countries. Without their consent, you cannot enter their country. She did not know about the other continents though.

'Sigh.. these information are a lot for me to take in but I can do this!'

In this world, the cultivation is divided into a few levels. The lowest is Qi Refiner level 1-9, next is Spirit Master (Low, Middle, Peak), Spirit Ancestor (Lower, Middle, Peak), Emperor Regno (Lower, Middle, Peak) and Monarch Regno (Lower, Middle, Peak). The elements are divided into fire, wind, earth, water. There are two rare elements which are lightning and darkness. The elements are determined since birth and people are born with it. People with a high innate talent will have a lotus shaped flower on their forehead and in between their brows after they have awaken their innate skill. This is why they needed to be tested when they turned 13 years old. It's to determine their innate element and skill level.

'Even if I can't cultivate, I'll continue practicing my combat skills. This body is too weak. I need to find out what is wrong with this body. If not, I'll die even before I could wreak vengeance against the Gu family. Luckily, back then I loved reading so many books and I had a chance to learn a little bit of medics.'

While she was busy sorting out her thoughts, suddenly she heard someone knocking her door along with Lin Niu's voice "Young miss, I am sorry for disturbing you but there are few people who are here to meet you. Would you like to meet them?"

'Meet me? Who? I thought nobody knows me here?' Albeit her still wondering, Jiang Ying Yue still answered "Okay I'll meet them. I am coming."

Jiang Ying Yue then changed her clothes since she was only in her night wear and went out. Upon going outside with Lin Niu, she could see a few men standing near a tree in her courtyard.

Hearing footsteps, all of them turned around to look at her.

One of them, trying to maintain a very gentle look as much as possible, albeit looking like he was partly crying said to her "Hmm... Hi little sister. We just wanted see you to introduce ourselves to you. We are your brothers. My name is Jiang Qiu. You can me brother Qiu. I am the first born and I am 18 years old." He then smiled (still looking like he is partly crying though).

"Pffftt! Haha brother Qiu are you trying to find a wife or what? You even said your age! Why not include your hobbies too? Hahahahhaha." A slightly shorter man next to Jiang Qiu said. "Little sister, I am Jiang Xiang. I am the last born. You can call me brother Xiang. I am 15 hehehehe"

He then nudged the person next to him "Talk if you wanna talk. You were the one who could not wait till tomorrow morning to meet her and now you are the one who are so quiet. What happened to your usually loud mouth?"

The secret was blown and Jiang Quan was so embarrassed. He was just nervous on having a little sister, that was all! Everyone knew he had been wanting a little sister but he got a little troublesome brother instead. He could only look at Jiang Ying Yue and open his mouth saying "Little sister, I am Jiang Quan. I am the second born and I am 16 years old. And oh you can..call me b..brother.. Quan" His face was crimson red by the time he said the last part.

"Why do you look like a young maiden professing your love? I say brother Quan, usually girls flock around you and you are not even flustered. But suddenly you are so shy. Pftt you couldn't have taken interest in little sister right? Yue'er, hmm I will call you Yue'er from now on, if you want the best brother, it will be me! Just ignore these two." Jiang Xiang shamelessly said.

Jiang Quan was angry. "What are you talking about you brat? I am just excited that is all. Little sister, I'll call you Yue'er too is that alright?" He asked Jiang Ying Yue.

Jiang Ying Yue could see that these brothers actually love each other. She loves this feeling. 'Hmm is this what it feels like to have siblings? Not bad'

She then said "Brother Quan, brother Xiang, I don't mind you calling me Yue'er. Can I ask you a question?"

She had been thinking this all along. Are they not bothered by how she looks? Looking at them, they are so good looking though. Having a little sister like me, doesn't it embarrass them?

Thus without further ado she asked them "Doesn't it embarrass you to have a little sister like me? I am ugly. You guys are good looking but I am not. And I can't even cultivate. I heard that you guys are the geniuses of martial arts in this country."

All three of them did not expect her to ask that. Jiang Qiu took the initiative to answer her "Little sister, Yue'er, we do not mind your look at all. It is just a face. A skin layer. That is it. Of course if you are pretty, that is a bonus but that is it to it. What is important is your personality. That is all. For your cultivation, as you said, we are geniuses. And now that we have a little sister, we can protect you! And we would love you as our little sister and shower you with our love. It's boring with just us brothers and we have always wanted a little sister. We are a family now."

Family, that word struck a cord in her heart. She was emotional. Now she has a family. She has brothers. Jiang Ying Yue was grateful that at least, she is no longer alone in this foreign world. She had a grandfather and her uncle before but they were always busy. She could understand why but now, she has a family. Tears streamed down her face one by one..

The trios panicked upon seeing her tearing up and they went to her. Jiang Quan suddenly raised his finger and wiped the tears from Jiang Ying Yue's face. "Yue'er, why are you crying? Did we do anything wrong?" He asked.

Jiang Ying Yue chuckled and said "No. I am just happy. I finally have a family. I have parents and siblings. Thank you for accepting me."

She was talking about her previous life, but to the brothers, they thought that she was talking about her adopted Gu family. They felt distressed for her.

Jiang Qiu could not stand seeing like this. "Yue'er, don't cry anymore. You are no longer alone. We are here for you and we will protect you from danger."

Jiang Ying Yue did not know this now but in fact, in future, they did protect her from danger. But that is a story for another time..