4 arts

The sun was bright and clear. It was spring time and the view was beautiful. When the wind blows, flowers flew along with it creating a beautiful masterpiece.

Jiang Ying Yue woke up early and she took a bath. Back on earth, she used to take bath twice a day everyday. To say the least, she was a clean freak. Lin Niu was worried about her when she asked for water to fill in the tub; it was because of her injury. After ensuring repeatedly that she was fine, only then did Lin Niu agree. Jiang Ying Yue the dismissed her. Hell, she wasn't used to people assist her bathing okay? She's a 21st century woman who lived independently!

Half of incense stick time later (around 30 minutes), Jiang Ying Yue arrived at the dining hall for breakfast. Everyone was there except for Jiang Rong. He was at he morning court.

After wishing them good morning, she then took a seat. There wasn't much rule in this house (luckily).

Li Mei Hua was still delighted over having a daughter and thus, she filled Jiang Ying Yue's bowl to the brim while smiling.

Jiang Qiu was helpless against his mother's antics. "Yue'er, father asked me to ask you something regarding your studies. I just wanna ask do you want to go to a school to study the four arts* or just call a tutor home? Father suggested that you just study at home because he is worried that you will fall sick if you move around a lot. And father will bring a doctor home today to take a look at your health and to treat your face."

Jiang Ying Yue did not think that they would want her to go to school at this age. Well it made sense. They didn't know about her at all.

"Brother Qiu, can I not have a tutor? I know father is worried about me but to tell you the truth, I do know how to read and the 4 arts. Whenever sisters were studying with the tutor, I would secretly go and observe. I did not have a maidservant with me so it was easy for me to move around. Is that okay?"

Back when Gu Mingxia was in the Gu household, she did secretly watch whenever her sisters were learning. But she could only read and write. And for the full knowledge of the four arts, Jiang Ying Yue had learnt it back on earth in school. Heck, she even had a private tutor for zither and chinese calligraphy. Her grandmother loved traditional chinese arts and to realize her grandmother's wish, her grandfather hired a tutor for her. But she could not tell these things could she?

Jiang Qiu was still unconvinced. He really did want the best for his little sister. He did not want her to feel inferior to others.

"Are you sure? Then do you want to learn etiquette? Mother knows a palace lady who trains the princesses and nobles etiquette, would you like to learn it Yue'er?"

"I am sure brother Qiu. Ah! I would love to learn etiquette. I agree to it." Jiang Ying Yue was really excited! She was really worried since she did not know what the customs here are.

Jiang Qiu was elated. But before he could say anything, Li Mei Hua's voice was heard first. "Great!! I am going to call the palace lady to start your lesson starting tomorrow. Jiang Qiu, later on, follow mother to my room. I will write and letter and you go to the palace and deliver it to her."

Li Mei Hua was born in a noble family. She was a daughter of the first wife of the Prime Minister's household. Her family root traced way back then since the founding of Heavenly Cloud country. She's also a childhood friend and study partner of the current Empress. It was no wonder that she knew the palace lady.

On the other hand, Jiang Qiu was a close friend of the crown prince. They went to the same academy together. When Jiang Qiu and the crown prince were 13 years of age, their innate innate talent's test showed that they are both dual and triple elemental wielder respectively. They were praised as rare talents one in every 1000 years!

And during the test, it was found that their innate talent's strength was blue! It had to be known that innate talent's test came in two forms. One, to determine your element and two, to determine your innate strength. It was divided into 7 seven colors. The weakest being red and orange, the middle grade being yellow and green, and the strongest that had ever appeared in the country was blue. But according to the legends, there were two more grades that was higher than blue. It was indigo and violet. But nobody has ever seen them since 100 000 years ago.

Both Jiang Qiu and the crown prince had blue lotus with two and three petals respectively on their foreheads indicating their high innate talents and due to this, they were recruited as the direct disciples of Splendor Academy, a first rate academy in the East Continent.

In the East Continent, academies and sects were divided into several ranks. The lowest was third rank, followed by second rank and first rank. In the first rank, there were top 3 academies in the whole East Continent. At the first place is the Ingenium Academy, 2nd is Splendor Academy and followed by Caelum Academy. These academies only recruit geniuses and if you get to be even their outer disciple, your status will be elevated and you can even walk sideways* in the whole continent. So imagine Jiang Qiu and the crown prince's statuses in this country. It was unparalleled!


On the afternoon, an imperial physician came to check on Jiang Ying Yue. It was confirmed that she had healed fully but her body was still weak due to her sickly constitution.

Li Mei Hua was relieved and worried at the same time. "Is there nothing that we can do doctor? To improve her body and heal her face?"

The imperial physician sighed. "I do not know what is wrong with her Madam. But, if there is someone who can treat her, it will be the alchemist of the secluded clans. But even I do not know where to find them. I am sorry for my incompetency Madam".

'This Madam might not be a member of the imperial family but her husband is the General and a friend of the emperor and she herself is the close friend of the empress ah! Even her son is the direct disciple of Splendor Academy. Cannot be offended, cannot!' The imperial physician was really nervous alright? He could die just like that and no one would blame them. He wanted to cry but he could not shed any tears ah!

Speaking of which, this is not the first time of him seeing this daughter. He was the one that treated her before this when she was severely injured. But he had never met this daughter prior to this. Well, it is not his problem anyways!

"Mother, it is okay. I do not mind it." Jiang Ying Yue was distressed looking at her mother like this. She felt loved, but she was also worried about her. She did not want to burden her.

"Sigh, child I won't give up. I will continue finding ways to cure you. Maybe Jiang Qiu has a way." This was her daughter. She could not even do anything to help her. Li Mei Hua was still hopeful.

The imperial physician then left the courtyard. Li Mei Hua brought lunch and ate together with Jiang Ying Yue in her room as her brothers were busy with their own matters.

Suddenly, the door was knocked open from the outside and Jiang Xiang's face was seen.

"Little sister, do you want to go out with brother tonight?" He asked excitedly.