Brother Quan vs Brother Xiang (1)

"Little sister, do you want to go out with brother tonight?" Jiang Xiang asked excitedly.

Having been disturbed during her bonding time with her daughter, Li Mei Hua was displeased. They were obviously having a good time chatting over lunch yet, this brat had to come and disturb it. 'Hmpph! I will make sure to teach this brat manners now.'

Face contorted in anger, Li Mei Hua scolded her son. "JIANG XIANG! Do you not know manners? How dare you just open a woman's door without knocking? What if she was not with me? What if she was wearing inappropriate clothing? What are you going to do?"

Realizing his mistake, only then did Jiang Xiang notice that he jsut bombarded his sister's room without knocking. Heh! What to do? He was excited and used to only having brothers in the house; hence forgetting his manners. But, he was not going to do admit his mistake! Embarrassing!

"Hmm, mother, aren't you here? I knew that you were here with Yue'er so I just entered without knocking. Plus, Liu Hui told me that you guys are having lunch." He retorted.

"Brat, you don't have to lie to me. You forgot your manners didn't you? Tell! Why are you asking your sister out tonight? Don't you know that she is unwell?"

"Mother, I did not forget okay?" He was not going to do admit it. Never!

"Mother, I already asked brother Qiu about this. Both he and brother Quan agreed to this. We just want to bring her out on a stroll around the capital. We will take a good care of her. Really! Please mother.." At last, he had to resort to using his ultimate skill- puppy eyes! It will never lose!

As expected, his mother's expression soften down a little bit. But she was still worried. After thinking for a bit, Li Mei Hua finally agreed. "I agree. But you must remember to take care of her. But that is if she wants to go." She turned to Jiang Ying Yue. "Yue'er, do you want to go out with your brothers tonight? I know, they are excited to bring you around. But you must remember to not force yourself."

'Is this what having a mother feels like? How lovely. It feels beautiful.' Jiang Ying Yue was touched. She never knew what it feels like to have a mother. Now she had one!

Jiang Ying Yue smiled and answered "Yes, I would love to go out with my brothers tonight. I will take care of myself mother."

Since she arrived in this world, this would be the first time of her exploring the city. She was excited!

Another person was even more excited than her; and that was Jiang Xiang. An outing with little sister! 'Hoho, I am a big brother now. This feels good!' He thought to himself.

He smiled from ear to ear while looking at this little sister of his while saying "Okay big brother will wait for you later and your maid will call for you. Wear something nice and goodbye."

And with that, he ran out without looking back.

'I am going to dress up handsomely and be the best brother in her eyes! Number one!'


Jiang Ying Yue was being prepared by her maid. That maid, Lin Hui was excited for this miss of hers. She had always pitied Jiang Ying Yue after knowing her story from Jiang Rong. Of course, she had to keep it confidential.

Li Mei Hua had bought a lot of female spring clothing for her. She even said that the tailor made one would arrive soon! She was truly pampered ah..

For the outing tonight, Jiang Mei Hua wore a light blue hanfu* with white flower patterns and light pink skirt with golden thread embroidery. She had gained a little bit of weight although she was still thin, she looked a lot better than before. Unfortunately, her face still had the black mark that was now covering almost half of her face; from her left eye, all the way down to the left side of her lips.

Lin Hui styled her hair with a half-down, half-up with bow style with a little bit of hair ornaments. Luckily, a lot the customs here were not as strict and intricate as what she had learnt about ancient china.

In this continent, you may style your hair any style that you want. There's no regulation where if you married, you have to put all of your hair up, or wear certain colored clothing according to your status; even the interaction between man and woman here were not restricted much.

Obviously, they were still not as open minded as the people in the 21st century but still, it was quite normal here to see couples who were unmarried going out together and holding hands. Her mother told her that it's called the 'knowing' period to get to know each other better. But that was the limit to it.

"Young miss, here is your veil. I bought it for you as per your instruction miss." Jiang Ying Yue had asked Lin Hui to buy a veil for her. She was not ashamed of this face, but she did not want to ruin her family's reputation. They were already kind enough to take her in.

After thanking Lin Hui, Jiang Ying Yue then put the white veil on. Even though the mark on her forehead could still be seen, she covered it up with her bangs. Jiang Ying Yue was satisfied.


"Jiang Xiang, did you scare her just now? That is why she isn't here yet? What did you do to her?"

"Brother Quan, I really did not do anything. Ouh.. hmm well maybe I did scare her a bit when I opened her door without knocking but that was it. Just be patient. It is not even the time yet." Jiang Xiang was annoyed. These two big brothers of his kept on pestering him of what he did wrong to her. Hello! He loves her too alright? You think you are the only one?!

"Look! You really did something. If she got scared because of you, I'll knock all your teeth out that you can't even find a wife. See I'll do that or not." Jiang Quan said this while pulling Jiang Xiang's purple colored hanfu's collar toward his face.

And thus, this was the scene that Jiang Ying Yue witnessed upon arriving at the house's gate.