Brother Quan vs Brother Xiang (2)

Jiang Qiu had noticed Jiang Ying Yue's arrival long ago but he purposely did not want to tell his brothers about it. Ha! Let's see how embarrassed they will be. Pftt!

Jing Ying Yue suddenly let out a pfftt sound startling the two entangled brothers.

'Fuck! She has seen me in this embarrassing situation! How am I going to face her now?' Jiang Quan lamented.

He then glared at Jiang Qiu. Obviously, this big brother of his had noticed her arrival long ago with his high cultivation. Hmmph! How hateful.

Jiang Xiang was embarrassed too but he could recover faster than Jiang Quan. He then said "Hi little sister! Look, brother Quan is bullying me. Be careful that he will be bully you too. Don't worry, big brother Xiang will protect you." Jiang Xiang did not forget to pour dirt onto Jiang Quan's name.

Displeased at being scorned by his own brother, Jiang Quan was even more worried that Jiang Ying Yue would believe Jiang Xiang's words. He was trying really hard to be the best big brother to Jiang Ying Yue okay?!

Jiang Ying Yue found them to be very adorable. She knew that they were just having a good time just now. "Big brother Xiang, big brother Quan, sorry if I am late."

Jiang Qiu did not want her to feel bad at all. He hastily said "No, you are not late at all Yue'er. It's just that we brothers are too excited to bring you out so we waited here a lot earlier. Let's go."

With that, they all entered a huge carriage. This carriage was magnificent. It was a brown and golden carriage that could fit 8 people inside. It was made with the finest and most expensive spiritual wood. It was said this type of spiritual wood could adjust itself to a comfortable temperature for the people inside the carriage. You only need to inject a little bit of your spiritual qi and you can adjust it according to your consciousness. On the inside, they had a pillow and blanket, the cushion was made from the best wool and it was very comfortable.

Befitting their statuses indeed.

Two pure breed Ignium magical horses were stationed in front of the carriage to pull it. Ignium horses were known as the fastest horse breed and it was said that it's hard to subdue them as they were very fast and rare. And this type of horse was being used to pull a carriage. So imagine the level of magnificence of this carriage.

The carriage started moving and Jiang Qiu poured some tea for Jiang Ying Yue. Yes, they even have a tea table in the carriage along with some snacks.

After receiving the tea and thanking him, Jiang Ying Yue drank the tea.

'Hmm this tea is really good'

Seeing that Jiang Ying Yue was enjoying the tea, Jiang Qiu felt satisfied.

"If Yue'er likes the tea, I will make sure to send some to you later on. It is a spiritual tea that will calm your nerves and can improve your health by drinking it. It's called 'Thousand Blossom' tea."

"Really? Thank you brother Qiu. I will sure to cherish it." Jiang Ying Yue was happy!

But someone was not; and he was Jiang Quan. "Yue'er, I also have some good snacks for you. Here, try some. I bought it from Sweet Savis Restaurant. They have the best snacks." He then pushed the plate of snacks on the table to her.

"Thank you brother Quan!"

These people were really nice to her. Trying the snack, it tasted so good. It looked like an apple pie and tasted like one too. Delicious!

Jiang Xiang was so jealous of his brothers. How did he forget to buy anything for Yue'er? Damn this brain of his! He then warned her "Don't eat too much. We will walk around soon and we will eat dinner together. Big brother Xiang will buy more snacks for you".

Both if Jiang Qiu and Jiang Quan looked at Jiang Xiang, unsatisfied. How dare he said that to little sister? This jealous brat!

Jiang Ying Yue looked at the three of them and felt warm inside. They were trying their best to take care of her. She would love to live with them for the rest of her lives. But she knew that one day, they would get married and have their own family. And she would be left alone again.

Oh wait! She'll live with her parents and take care of them.

Unfortunately, fate did not want her to have a peaceful life at all. She would have to get stronger to exact revenge and protect the ones she loved.


Jiang Ying Yue got down the carriage with the help of Jiang Qiu and right then, she could see the bustling street of the capital city. People were curious upon seeing the general manor's carriage just now. They could rarely see Jiang Qiu, the legendary blue innate talent of their country.

All the three brothers were very good looking.

Jiang Qiu wore a dark blue hanfu, outlining his perfect 180cm tall stature. His long and silky waist length black hair was half tied up and half down moving freely down his shoulder. A white skin complemented his pink lips. His had a sharp jawline with long eyelashes covering his eye. But the most noticeable of them all was a blue colored two petals lotus on his forehead.

Both Jiang Quan and Jiang Xiang had almost similar features with him but with the exception of their height and the symbol on the their foreheads. Jiang Quan with a green water droplet symbol on his forehead and Jiang Xiang had a green colored fire symbol on his forehead indicating both their innate talent being green. They were both talented too!

With them getting down the carriage, one in dark blue hanfu, green and purple hanfu respectively, they sent the women into frenzy!


They could see all of the children of the General house today!

The maidens were bashful and even some of the middle-aged women were blushing. These gentlemen were too handsome! Ah if only they were younger.

But, why was young master Jiang Qiu extending his hand toward the carriage?

Suddenly, people focused on the hand grabbing Jiang Qiu's hand. The hand was slightly pale and thin. Who was this?

The curtain opened and a young girl got down the carriage. She was dressed in a light blue hanfu. Her stature was short and she had a white veil on.

Suddenly, Jiang Qiu's soft and calm voice was heard. "Little sister, be careful. You must stay beside big brother and do not get lost.... Yue'er, are you listening?"

Jiang Ying Yue, who was in a trance seeing the bustling street woke up from her stupor.

"Hmm hehe yes big brother I understand."

The citizens listening to them were bewildered. 'Big brother? Yue'er? Who?"

Suddenly, seeming to recall something, one of them shouted "Ah! Is this the youngest child of the general? Her name is... hmm.. right Jiang Ying Yue! She was sent outside due to her sickly constitution before. Am I right?"

Jiang Xiang heard what the man said. He turned toward the man and pridefully said "Yes, this is indeed our dearest little sister. We are bringing her out to show her the city today. She just came back recently."

Whatttt?!! She was their younger sister?

The worried young girls were instantly relieved upon hearing this. Turns out they still had a chance to court the siblings.

They were so worried ah!


The siblings walked around and showed Jiang Ying Yue almost everything. But they were still attentive to her health.

Honestly, Jiang Ying Yue could feel her breath shortening and her chest hurting but she was too excited. Everything was new to her. Back on earth, she loved going for shopping during her free time with her ex-boyfriend.

Thinking about him again, her mood abruptly changed. It seemed that.. she still hadn't healed yet.

The trios, from being excited at showing her around, noticed her mood change. They thought that her illness started acting up again and they were worried.

Jiang Qiu went to her. "Yue'er, you don't have to force yourself. We can always come again next time. Let's go straight to Orbis Building for our dinner."

Right after he finished saying that, a man's voice was heard from behind them.

"Look who we have here?!"