Mount Caligo

A white carriage stopped in front of a small restaurant.

Following that a figure of an old man in white got down the carriage followed by a little girl in coral hanfu.

The people around were used to seeing carriages even though they were just commoners because usually, merchants and nobles tend to stop here to spend the night or have lunch. The town was not big so the people knew right away that this carriage belonged to someone noble.

Although it was low-key, people with keen eyes could see that in actuality, it was made out of spiritual wood which was expensive. The fact that Ignium horses were pulling it showed its status even more.

Not everyone knew the horse's breed but its imposing aura alone was enough to show its prestige.

People were wondering the identities of these two people. They could not figure out even when both Yan Hua and Jiang Ying Yuye had gotten down the carriage.

Both of them entered the small restaurant. A waiter immediately went to serve them. "Hello Sir. May I know if you would like a private room or the common table?"

Yan Hua initially wanted to sit at the common table but thinking that it would inconvenient Jiang Ying Yue, he changed his mind. "We would want a private room. Thank you."

Even though the restaurant was small, they still had 3 private rooms. Luckily, one room was available.

Yan Hua and Jiang Ying Yue both ordered food after they sat down.

Yan Hua had been paying attention to Jiang Ying Yue's movements since just now. He wanted to see any disgust or discomfort from eating here. But surprisingly, he did not see anything.

She looked really comfortable and calm. He liked this little girl even more. She was not arrogant at all when ordering at the waiter just now. In fact, she just ordered calmly with any ripple of disgust.


What Yan Hua did know was, back then, even though Jiang Ying Yue was a socialite with a very high status in the country, she would eat at the commoner's stalls and restaurants during her free time. She felt that as long it was clean, she could eat anywhere. Commoner's food was filling and good at the same time. Plus, sometimes when she followed the soldiers during their mission, she would eat with them. She was in control of the weapons so therefore, she had to go too.

They had their scrumptious lunch in peace.

After that, they resumed their journey. Somewhere along there, Jiang Ying Yue had fallen asleep.

Yan Hua was right. Due to the long journey, despite the carriage being comfortable, Jiang Ying Yue still felt a slight pain in her chest. She held it in until fatigue took over her.


The sky gradually darkened and the moon slowly rose up in the sky.

A white carriage gradually stopped in front of a manor.

An old man looked at the little girl sleeping soundly in front of him and sigh.

He was then seen opening his mouth slowly. "Ying Yue.. Ying Yue wake up."

The girl slowly opened her black eyes. "Yes master? Sorry I fel asleep."

"It's okay. We are here."

Slowly, they got down the carriage. Getting down, Jiang Ying Yue was stunned.

In front of her was a beautiful manor. It was huge and everything was white in color. It almost made her feel like she was in heaven. Looking around, she could not see anything else other than tress and flowers. How beautiful!

Seeing the little lass mesmerized, Yan Hua was quite pleased. He built this house based on his own design so seeing his disciple liking his house, of course he was elated!

"Ying Yue, we are at my house. This is my official residence. We are at Mount Caligo, only a few people lives here in the mountain. This mountain is near the border between Heavenly Cloud Empire and Dark Star Empire. This mountain is owned by the Alchemist Guild but it doesn't mean the people that live here are all from the alchemist guild. If you have the chance to meet any of them, I'll explain it to you then."

'So this mountain is owned by the alchemist guild? Wow not even a country owned this place.'

"I understand master. But this manor is so huge. Is there anyone else that lives here too? I thought we would stay at a temporary residence and I will travel around with you."

"Since this is my official residence, there are some maids and cooks here. And initially, that was my plan. But I felt like staying here at my official residence is better. The mountain is safe and the spiritual energy here is abundant."

Yan Hua had wanted to travel around with Jiang Ying Yue but he suddenly wanted to treat here poison here as he had more resources at this place. Plus, he needed to go back to the guild to get some herbs to treat her.

"Thank you master for your arrangement." Jiang Ying Yue felt grateful. She knew that he must have thought a lot in order to bring her here.

"Let's go inside."

Jiang Ying Yue and Yan Hua had dinner in the dining hall. She found out from Yan Hua that this place did not hire a lot of maids because he was not always home and he did not like being taken care of by someone.

She felt great hearing that. She too did not being served by someone. She didn't expect to live a nice house at all. She even expected to live in the mountains. She did not mind it at all though.

The tasks of the maids here were just to clean and manage the manor.

After dinner, a maid showed Jiang Ying Yue to her courtyard. After that, the maid left.

Speaking of maid, initially, Jiang Rong asked Lin Niu (her personal maidservant) to follow her but was dismissed by Yan Hua. He said that he did not want a stranger to follow even if it's a personal maid.

Jiang Ying Yue was okay with arrangement. First, she could take care of herself. Second, she did not trust anyone. She was used to be by herself so even if she was in a different world, she could do it.

Her clothes and necessities were already brought into the room and a maid had already prepared a hot bath for her beforehand. She knew that people in this world's bath would either be prepared by a maid or that person could do it himself if he was a fire element wielder.

Well, he could just submerge his hand into the water and heat it up no?

The maid's task was just to prepare her bath everyday. That was it.

Jiang Ying Yue took off her clothes, hung it on the screen and took a bath. The smell of lavender oil and fresh flowers in the bath assaulted her nose.

'Ah how relaxing.'

After bath, she wore her nightwear and arranged her stuff in the huge room.

Suddenly, she missed her nightwear from her previous world. What to do? It was comfortable and to her liking.

But nightwear was okay too.

Due to the long journey, Jiang Ying Yue fell asleep in no time and drifted off to lalaland.