Eternal Malum

The sun was shining brightly in the sky indicating the start of a new day.

'Knock knock'

Jiang Ying Yue was awoken by the sound of door knocking. Following that, a female's voice was heard.

"Miss Yue, are you awake?"

Still half awake, Jiang Ying Yue answered with her horse voice. "Yes I am."

"May I enter to prepare a hot bath for you miss?"

"Yes sure. Please do." She answered courteously.

A middle aged maid then entered her room. It was the same maid as yesterday.

The maid then smiled at her before she replied with her own sweet smile.

After a while, the maid said that she had prepared her bath and master would be waiting in the dining hall and she left.

Jiang Ying Yue then took a short bath and brushed her teeth using 'chew sticks'.

Ah how she wished to have toothbrush and toothpaste.

She had asked Li Mei Hua beforehand regarding toothbrush but she did not say it as such. She just mentioned about she heard people clean their teeth and asked her whether the Jiang family do that as well. Apparently, they did but only the nobles and imperial family did it. But still, she was grateful.

When she first arrived here, during dinner yesterday, she had asked Yan Hua if she could take a bath twice a day. Even back on earth, she used to take bath twice a day. It was a common thing for someone to shower once a day in the evening and only brush teeth and wash face in the morning (be it in this world or her previous life) but she could not stand it. Yan Hua allowed her and instructed the maid to do which led to what happened today.

Her mother had packed the 'chew sticks' along with her clothes so she did not worry.

She then dried herself and wore a white robe and headed to the dining hall.

Today, the cook had made congee and some light side dishes. There were veggies and roasted duck. It was simple and delicious.

Yan Hua saw her eating delightfully and he could help but smile. Ah he kind of felt like he was eating with a daughter. Well, a disciple is like a his own child so then be it!

Such a simple breakfast and she did not fuss over anything!

Well if only he knew Jiang Ying Yue used to skip her breakfast because she forgot about it or even if she remember, she would only eat toast bread and that was it with lots of coffee.

She loved coffee so much ah! And now no coffee only tea. Sob sob how sad.

Yan Hua smiled. He needed to discuss about her treatment. "Ying Yue, after this breakfast, we would head over to the treatment room and I will examine you again. Is that fine with you?"

In this manor, he had a courtyard specifically for treating people (which could only come if he invited them here) and alchemy.

Jiang Ying Yue knew that this old man was not someone who liked wasting time. Plus she had nothing to do so she agreed. "I am okay with it master. We shall do as you say."

"Alright. Eat some more. You are too thin child."

No one was in the dining hall with them. Previously, he had always done so because he liked eating alone without any maid by his side. He was a loner to say the least.

But now, he had this little lass by his side. He was quit fond of this feeling. Plus, he also did not want Jiang Ying Yue to have trouble eating with her veil on. Every time they eat together, she could remove her veil without worry. That was they had agreed on during dinner yesterday.

They finished their breakfast and Jiang Ying Yue followed Yan Hua to his treatment room. It took around 5 minutes to walk there so she had some time to digest her food.

Upon arriving there, she could smell herbs. Looking at the side, it was no wonder she could smell herbs strongly. It was because, next to the treatment room was an alchemy courtyard and she could see lots of herbs planted there.

Entering the room, there was a single bed and a small table next to it. In front of the bed, she could see some chinese medications on top of a long wooden table.

"Sit down on the bed and put your hand on top of the table." Yan Hua ordered.

Jiang Ying Yue did as told. Yan Hua nodded and took a stoll and sat on it.

He then placed two fingers on her arm and closed his eyes.

Minutes passed by and the more time flew, the more Yan Hua frowned.

Jiang Ying Yue might look calm on the outside but she was really nervous on the inside.

'What if he could not treat it? What if he could not find out what poison it is. What if she really dies in 3 years? Ah her life here had just started and she hasn't fulfilled her promise to Gu Mingxia.'

Don't blame her for being worried and nervous. It was not that she did not trust the old man but she really did not understand this world much. She just knew the alchemist guild held significant power in this continent but did not know the extent of it. She was a person from another world for goodness sake! Modern at that!

'Please open your eyes and tell me master. Even if it is not treatable. I cannot take this nervousness anymore.'

As if answering to her wish, Yan Hua opened his eyes.

When he saw Jiang Ying Yue, he had a complicated look on his face.

As if having made a firm decision, he slowly said it to Jiang Ying Yue.

"When I first checked you, I had suspected two different poisons in you. But after checking you today, I am sure. You have one of it and it is one of the most dangerous and tormenting poison out there. It is an ancient poison that even be it medical or alchemy books rarely mention it."

He sighed loudly. Taking a deep breath, he continued. "The name of the poison is Eternal Malum. I did not know how anyone could inflict this on you but for sure this person is powerful. No one in this continent has been inflicted with this poison except for 5000 years ago. Since then, it was long lost."

"But a lot of things baffled me. One, how did you get it and who did it on you? Because this person is dangerous and wanted your life. Two, this poison is a type of poison that would enter your veins bit by bit, expanding it and cling on it till it reaches your heart. Slowly, the person who is inflicted will feel every single part of his vein hurting and lastly, his heart will beat really fast, expand and burst. Clearly, the poison will torment you so much that you would wish you were dead."

Yan Hua looked at Jiang Ying Yue's face. "But the thing is, from the ancient text that I have read, the person who's inflicted will be tormented and die within seven days. But you were inflicted the minute you were born. You should have died within one day but you managed to survive until today. And yes, if you did not treat it, you will die within 3 years. So why are you still alive and only fall sick? The only bad effect of the poison to you is you could not cultivate. But that was it."

"So, who are you, Jiang Ying Yue?"