The Real Jiang Ying Yue

'Who is she? A soul from another world? No I think master meant something else. Is he questioning her identity?'

Jiang Ying Yue could not understand her master's question at all thus she could only ask.

"May I know what do you mean master? What do you mean who am I?"

Looking at the puzzled expression on Jiang Ying Yue's face, Yan Hua could only sigh. "Alas, Ying Yue what I mean is this poison is extremely rare. The last recorded case was 5000 years ago. I was lucky enough to read it in an ancient text. That is why I am extremely confused. The person who did this to you must be an extremely powerful person. I had thought about the general but even with his status, he could not have offended anyone extremely powerful. In my thinking, this person must be from another continent. As far as we know, the other continents are quite mysterious."

"We are in the East Continent. But the South Continent is a human continent but the people there are far more powerful than us along with secret clans; then we have the North Continent which is a beast clan. There are no humans there and they lived peacefully. Lastly, we have the West Continent but that continent is the most mysterious one of them all. No one knew what is there or who lives there."

He took a long deep breath. "Ying Yue, are you sure you are the daughter of the general? If you know anything, you have to tell me. As your master, I only want the best for you. And I am unsettled knowing that a formidable enemy inflicted this powerful poison on you. We need to be prepared for anything. So can you please tell me anything that you know?"

Yan Hua had a trace of pleading on his face. He was worried for this disciple. Others might not know, but he knew full well how hard and dangerous this poison was. It was an ancient poison for goodness sake! And the only ancient medical text was with him! No one else in the continent had it.

Jiang Ying Yue might be someone who was blinded by love before and could not see the bullshit that Su Zihao kept on feeding her, but her EQ was actually very high. Plus, being in the military, even though she was not an active member during missions, she had to go though some kind of trainings as well.

She could see the sincerity and anxiousness on Yan Hua's face. She might had trouble trusting people but she knew who to trust and who to not. Her subordinates for example, they did not betray her at all.

Sigh, she could only come clean to her master. Plus, he was someone who agreed to help her anyways.

"Master, to tell you the truth, I am not even the general's biological daughter. My real name was Gu Mingxia and I was an adopted daughter of the left-prime minister of Blazing Sun Empire. My family tried to kill me one day and the general and his son found me dying. He then brought me home and adopted me under his biological daughter's name. I am sorry I did not tell you this master."

Jiang Ying Yue tried to look at Yan Hua's face to find any trace of shock but she couldn't find any. She could not help but feel curious.

"Master, why are not shock upon hearing I am not the general's daughter?"

Yan Hua did expect her to notice this. What to do? This disciple of his was too attentive and sharp.

"Why? Because back then, the one who saved his biological daughter was me."

"What?!! So you mean you know where she is now? But father said that the real Jiang Ying Yue was already dead."

Jiang Ying Yue thought, since master knew where the biological daughter was, she could tell her family. She too did not want them to be sad.

Yan Hua shook his head helplessly. He looked at Jiang Ying Yue to tell her.

"Ying Yue, the general's biological doctor has indeed passed away. Back then after I saved her, I could not bring her with me. That time, everything was in turmoil. Thus, I could only send her to a friend of mine to be adopted. Don't worry. He was married but they had no children thus when I sent the newborn girl to them, they were extremely happy. They named her Wei Sulin and did not mistreat her at all. But she had always been sickly just like you and even she knew she would not last long."

"Her parents had already told her that she was adopted and the situation back then. She accepted it calmly and left behind a letter. I will go and get it from her family later on. We communicated by birds so they could not send it over. Plus, this was a secret matter."

Jiang Ying Yue did not know what to say. She was speechless. But some things bothered her.

"Master, but why did you not mention this matter to the general that day or throughout the years?"

"Actually, your father already knew about this a long time ago. I told him secretly in the past. Back then, things were still unstable thus, he decided that it was better to leave Wei Sulin where she was than bringing her home. He felt that it was the best for her. She was kidnapped and about to be murdered when I saved her."

No wonder... no wonder father accepted her so easily. Maybe he did not tell her because the others didn't know about this but did they?

"Master, may I know what happened back then?"

Yan Hua shook his head. "Sorry Ying Yue but no. It is enough that you only know this much. The matter back then was dangerous. The more you know, the more it will put you in danger."

Suddenly, Yan Hua's eyes flashed.

"But let's talk about you. Since you were an adopted daughter of the left-prime minister of Blazing Sun Empire, it means that you are from somewhere else. But your poison indicates that your background must be complicated."

Jiang Ying Yue hurriedly shook her head. "I don't think so master. What if one of them from the left-prime minister's family was the one who poisoned me? Maybe they had connections?"

Hearing her reasoning, Yan Hua let out a chuckle. "Lass, even that general father of yours could not have offended someone so powerful, much less the person from a lowly Blazing Sun Empire. I have traveled around to know that much."

"I think... you are from another continent."