Tea Ceremony

The moon hung up high in the sky.

On a huge bed in a room, a figure could be seen sprawling with her face facing the ceiling.

Jiang Ying Yue was still thinking of her conversation with Yan Hua this morning.

After Yan Hua told her that he suspected that she was from another continent, he also told her that maybe she was from the South Continent where human with higher cultivation and secret clan resided.

Even though they were both puzzled of why she would suddenly ended up at Blazing Sun Empire, they still thought it was possible that she was indeed from another continent.

According to Yan Hua, only people from that continent probably able to produce the ancient poison and the person must be someone really powerful at that.

Jiang Ying Yue of course did not know much about that continent but she trusted Yan Hua. He was man who had a high status and he traveled around a lot. So he knew more than any other person.

But what puzzled her the most was that, who did it to her and why? She originally thought that she must have been someone from Blazing Sun Empire but was dumped in front of Gu Bolin's house but her master strictly affirmed that she was not from there.

But the thing was, if she wasn't from this continent, then was she really from the South Continent?

Sigh, being in Gu Mingxia's body was not easy at all. Too many mysteries.

Her head started hurting. Why did it seem like her life was suddenly like a soap opera?

Yan Hua had told her to not dwell on this matter too much and he would help her slowly. He just asked her to prepare herself for tomorrow.

Tomorrow, she would perform a simple tea ceremony with Yan Hua and then he would start dispelling her poison two days later as he needed to prepare everything beforehand.

Although Jiang Ying Yue was indeed curious of her identity, the pressing matter now was dispelling her poison. She knew she needed to find who poisoned her but she must be discreet about it. She did not want to stir the grass and startle the snake. She did not know who enemy was. The one who poisoned her.

At first, she did worry that the enemy who kidnapped Wei Sunli (the real Jiang Ying Yue) was already alarmed. Well, the Jiang Rong did openly announced that Jiang Ying Yue was back. But Yan Hua asked her to not worry about it as everyone who knew about the kidnapping matter back then had already been dealt with; including the mastermind. Of course she knew that it meant that they were already dead.

With her mind still in disarray, she quietly fell asleep.

With the sun shining brightly in the sky, Jiang Ying Yue was now having breakfast with Yan Hua. He had told her that the would head over to the main hall after this for the official tea ceremony and after that he would head out.

After yet another delicious breakfast, Jiang Ying Yue head over to the main hall with Yan Hua.

The main hall was not huge but it was certainly even better looking than the main at general's manor. Everything looked very expensive in one glance and there were plenty of jades around.

Yan Hua was naturally not aware of the girl's infatuated expression ever since she stepped into the hall.

Who could blame her? She came from another world and another time alright? Alright, maybe the time frame of this world worked the same as her previous world but still, everything was new and ancient looking to her!

Jiang Ying Yue saw on a table in the hall were jade teapot and teacups. But the jade looked so exquisite. She wondered if that was sold on earth, she would earn a lot right?

Hahahaha she might be a socialite but money is money alright?

Not knowing his disciple's thought had already wondered far and wide, Yan Hua asked her to perform the ceremony after sitting on the main seat.

Jiang Ying Yue had asked of how to perform the ceremony to Jiang brothers she naturally knew how to now. But she was still nervous.

Although she had been calling Yan Hua 'master' the past few days, but this ceremony would officially signify that she was Yan Hua's apprentice and direct disciple. She would be the one who carry his legacy and knowledge and bring him honor.

First, she kneel and kowtowed three times. Then, she poured tea and presented it to Yan Hua while kneeling. She said "This disciple, Jiang Ying Yue greet and present tea to master Yan Hua."

Yan Hua was very satisfied. Thus, he took the tea, sipped it and said, "I, Yan Hua accept you, Jiang Ying Yue as my direct disciple. Bring honor to my name and always stay on the righteous path."

"Thank you master."

Suddenly, Yan Hua took out a white waist-jade plate and handed it to her.

"Ying Yue, this is my gift and also an official plate that signify you as my direct disciple. You can show it anywhere if you encounter any trouble. It contain my aura that will save you once if you are in a great danger. Drop your blood in it and it will recognize you. In this way, no one can say that you are a fake disciple or whatsoever."

Jiang Ying Yue took and looked at it. She saw 'Yan Hua's direct-disciple' writing and a red dot on the left side. She then took a small knife on the table and sliced her finger.

She dropped a drop of her blood on the waist plate and she saw the blood was absorbed by the plate. Then, a red dot appeared on the right side of the plate.

Jiang Ying Yue was amazed. Indeed, this world was too weird, magical and magnificent.

Yan Hua saw her amazement and her smiled softly. "The red dot on the left is my blood and the right one is yours. This showed the authenticity of the waist-plate as it contained my aura as well. It would not appear if my aura was not there. Don't worry, even if you have used my aura once to help you save youself, the aura would not disappear. And now, the plate contains your aura as well."

Then, he took out 3 medical books and asked her to read while he was away. He would test her once he was back. Yan Hua needed to prepare the ingredients for Jiang Ying Yue's treatment so he had to leave.