Omnia Magus

In a main hall, a young lady clad in peach colored robe sat nervously in front of her old master.

Just now during dinner, Yan Hua asked Jiang Ying Yue what color did she see while she was absorbing the enigma energies around her. She had answered that she could see 6 colors in total which surprised Yan Hua greatly.

It was not that he did not want to believe her, but that was simply impossible. One must now that the maximum number of elements was 4. Although it was written in the ancient text that there used to be 6 elements in total, but that was ancient text for goodness sake! Meaning the last time someone wield all six elements was more than 30 000 years ago.

That was why he immediately brought Jiang Ying Yue to the main hall to have an official test.

Jiang Ying Yue was quite nervous after hearing what Yan Hua said. But she was telling the truth ah! She did not lie at all!

Yan Hua took out two crystal balls from his space ring. One was a translucent and another was glossy black crystal ball. It wasn't that the exterior was black but instead, it was on the inside. It was as if black clouds constantly moving in circles in the crystal ball.

Pushing the translucent crystal ball towards Jiang Ying Yue, Yan Hua spoke. "Ying Yue, this is a crystal ball to determine you element. Just put your hands on this and focus to channel your energy into the ball."

Following Yan Hua's instruction, Jiang Yin Yue put both of her slightly shaky hands onto the translucent crystal ball. Taking a deep breath, she focused on channeling her energy into the ball.

Slowly, red color could be seen in the ball. Yan Hua was happy! She had fire element!

But that was not the end of it. Following that, green color appeared then brown and blue.

What?! This little girl was an 'All Spark Wielder'? Someone who could wield all 4 elements?

But Yan Hua did not manage to shout in happiness yet when another two foreign colors appeared in the crystall ball; they were yellow and black.


What was this? Yan Hua was dumbfounded.

Sh-sh-she could w-wield ALL ELEMENTS!

This was simply legendary! A genius, a monster!

Heavens! What kind of talent did he just got as his disciple?

Jiang Ying Yue opened her eyes only to see 6 colors floating in the crystal ball and looking to her right, a funny almost ehem dumb expression on her master's face.

"Master, what does this mean? What element can I wield?" She asked while tilting her head slightly.

Yan Hua changed his foolish expression of his face immediately to a serious one. He tried to be appear nonchalant but his trembling hands betrayed him greatly.

"Ying Yue, you are someone who can wield all elements. Not only the four main elements, but you can also wield two legendary elements that only exist in the ancient text. According to the text, a person who can wield all elements is called the 'Omnia Magus'."

Yan Hua was happy but his face changed to a worried one next. "Although being an 'Omnia Magus' is a great thing, but you mustn't carelessly show the two legendary elements to other people unless you are strong enough. This is a double edge sword. You can be respected and be on top of the world with it or you will die because of it."

He continued, "If people found out that you the legendary Omnia Magus before you are even able to protect yourself, people will try to rope you into their sects and if you reject them, they will try to kill you because you will be a threat to them. Remember, your mission from now on is to be strong enough to protect yourself."

Jiang Ying Yue was initially happy but after hearing what Yan Hua said, she could understand his worry.

Damn, being weak was hard. Being talented was even harder. Aiyaa what was this luck?

She just wanted to exact revenge Gu Mingxia and live a quiet life next or maybe travel the world but she could not ah! Not unless she became strong enough to protect herself. Wuuuuu what was this fate?

"I understand master. I will work hard in my cultivation and not carelessly show the other two elements."

"Hmm good." Nodding his head as a sign of approval, Yan Hua then pushed the black colored cyrstal ball towards Jiang Ying Yue. "This black crystal ball is to determine your innate talent. Just put your hands on it and relax your mind."

Jiang Ying Yue slightly nodded her head before putting her hands it and relaxed her mind.

But.. just right after she relaxed her mind...


A loud crack was heard and could be seen on the ball.

She immediately withdrew her hands and the minute she did so, more cracks started spreading all over the ball and... BOOM! The black crystal exploded and turned to dust.

Yan Hua's facial expression could not be described by words. Really,his face was a mixture of shock, anger and bewilderment. It could only be described as.. ugly.

W-what just happened? Who could tell me?

'I swear one day I will get heart attack because this girl kept on giving me one shock after another. What is this?'

Never in a million years would Yan Hua thought his high-grade crystal ball would be turn to dust as if it was nothing. Just from a freaking innate talent test!

Jiang Ying Yue felt guilty. She did not know what happened at all.

She apologized. "Master, I am sorry for what happened." She knew saying that she did not know what happened would make her seem foolish and worsen things; it would appear as if she was pushing the responsibility away. That was why she could only apologize sincerely.

Yan Hua did not mind it much. He was just shocked. But after thinking it a bit.. his face changed drastically. His face went pale. 'Don't tell me this girl...'

"It's okay." He then took out a premium-grade black crystal ball that was larger than the previous one. He pushed it towards Jiang Ying Yue. "Try it again on this ball."

He then looked at the ball attentively as if the ball was the most interesting thing in the world. Yan Hua wanted to confirm something. If he was right then- he had no words to describe this little lass.

Jiang Ying Yue relaxed her mind and put both of her hands onto the new crystal ball again.

This time, it could be seen the black miasma inside the ball started moving rapidly as if it was a storm and after 30 seconds, the black miasma started changing color..