Perfect Innate Talent

Th-Th-This! The poor old man was once again dumbfounded.

He was right! No wonder the previous black crystal ball exploded despite it being a high-grade one.

But how was this possible? Who was this little devil?

Both Yan Hua and Jiang Ying Yue saw the previously black miasma in the crystal ball was now violet in color.

What did this mean? It meant that this little girl had violet innate talent. What's more, it was the highest innate talent that this world had ever seen!

Believe it or not, a violet innate talent had never appeared in this continent before.

Even if the person did appear in other continents, he or she would be respected as high as the emperor.

Good lord! First, Jiang Ying Yue was an Omnia Magus. And now, she's the perfect violet innate talent?

Now, Yan Hua's curiosity towards Jiang Ying Yue's real identity spiked up even higher than before.

What was her real identity?

Where was she from?

Was the reason why she was sent away from her continent? By why?

Based on her talent, she could a noble, a star of a hidden clan or a member of an imperial family even.

For now, he needed to be cautious.

"Ying Yue, as you can see. Your innate talent is the legendary violet. Again, master wants you to becareful. Don't show your talent carelessly. Master still don't understand why the symbol on your forehead is red instead of violet but this is also good. With this, no one would know your true innate talent."

He closed his eyes and sighed. "No wonder, the previous black crystal ball broke. That ball could only measure innate talent up to blue level but yours is violet. But you have to be careful at all times. We will find a way to hide your true innate talent just in case someone is going test you again. Because it did not make sense for someone with a red innate talent which is the lowest in the hierarchy to have a symbol on their forehead. Only green and above would have it. Master will try to find a way for you."

Alas.. No wonder she only took 5 days for something even a genius had to take 3 years for. He had a feeling that she had already awaken her full-potential too.

Yan Hua just hoped that her strong prowess would be a blessing instead of a curse. He would take a good care of this lass until she could protect herself from her enemies and greedy people. He really did not want people to know her talent.

As much as he was happy to have a disciple blessed by the heaven, his worry took over the feelings completely.

Jiang Ying Yue knew the severity of the situation. She did not want to worry her master or bring disaster to her master and her family. For now, she would try her best to be strong as soon as possible before her enemy that poisoned her found out that she was still alive and well.

"I understand the severity of the situation master. I will work by best to be stronger as soon as possible." She then asked, "Master, may I know the reason why you wanted be to be with you for 2 years? Other than training me, is there any other reason?"

"Sharp as always you are. Yes, master took you in for 2 years because 3 years from now, Ingenium Academy, the number one academy in the entire East Continent will open its doors to recruit disciples. Master wanted to train you and send you there in my name as my direct disciple."

Jiang Ying Yue did not expect this to be the reason. "But, master how did you know that I could cultivate and what if I fail?" She did want to be negative but that was the number one 1st rank academy in the entire East Continent. Only geniuses could enter there ah!

"Heh, lass I know with my pills and potions, you will be able to cultivate after dispelling the poison in no time." Yan Hua might not realize this but he had a smug face right now.

'Alright, I have to give it to him for arrogance. Oh well he really could do it anyways so he could say whatever he wants.' Jiang Ying Yue criticized to old man in her head.

Yan Hua continued. "Plus, I, as your master will guide you until you good enough to enter the academy. My eyes would not fail me. Even if you did not have what it takes to become an alchemist, I would guide you in your cultivation as well. Well, it did not matter if you could not get in, as long as you have tried your best. You'll still be my direct disciple after all."

Alright, this old man's arrogance knew no bounds.

"As what you hoped master. I will do my best in cultivation. About alchemy, hehe I don't know whether I have talent in it or not."

"A basic requirement to be an alchemist is you must be a fire element wielder and have a strong mental strength." Yan Hua took out a wooden flute out of his space ring.

"To test your mental strength, I will play a tune on this flute. You will have to close your eyes and try to get away from the world your consciousness will be absorbed into. The time it takes for you to get out of the virtual world will be the result of this test. The shorter time, the better of course. You have one incense stick time to get out of it or master will pull you and you will fail."

After Jiang Ying Yue agreed, she closed her eyes and Yan Hua started playing the wooden flute.

At first she could only hear the serene sound coming from the flute but next, the view in front of her changed.

She had thought that she wouldn't feel anything in the virtual world but she was wrong. Everything in front of her was real.

She was in a forest. There was nothing but trees around her.

'Where is this place?'

'What am I supposed to do here? How to get out of this virtual world?'

She tried walking forward but after walking for almost 20 minutes, she realized that she had been walking in circles. And to make things worse, right at the moment she stopped, a loud roar was heard.