Mental Strength Test

In the middle of the forest, stood a lone figure of a girl.

Turning her head towards the sound, Jiang Ying Yue's eyes grew wide when she saw a magical beast as big as an adult elephant running towards her.

"Fuck!" She ran as fast as she could. Why the fuck did the magical beast looked like a lion with a body as big as elephant?!

She ran and ran until she was almost out of breath.

'Wait a second. This was a virtual world. Should I stop and imagine that it was not real? That was it!'

Happy with the sudden epiphany, Jiang Ying Yue abruptly stop and stared at the weird-giant-lion.

The magical beast was happy that his meal suddenly stopped. He growled and opened his mouth wide to eat his meal.

Who knew that when he was about to eat this little creature, she suddenly shouted.

"You are not real! Stop pretending and get out of here!"

Suddenly.. the magical beast's silhouette started fading and the view in front of her changed to pure darkness.

Jiang Ying Yue opened her eyes. She was pretty sure that she failed this test. She took a long time to get out of it!

"How was the test Ying Yue?" Yan Hua's old voice was heard.

"It was fine. I was in a forest and a magical beast chased after me. I ran but stopped after I realized that it was only a virtual world. I guess that was why I got out of it." Jiang Ying Yue honestly answered.

"Hmm you did not get out because you realized that it was virtual world but you got out of i because your heart and mind believed in it. Even if you knew that it was a virtual world but your heart was still shaking and not firm, you still would not get out of it. That was why it was a mental strength test. To test your believe toward your self, mind and heart."

So that was it.

"But master, I fail didn't I?"

"No you did not fail. In fact, you still had half of incense time left. Your mental strength is good but I will train you to get it better. This wooden flute is just the most basic test of mental strength. But don't worry, mental strength can be improved and trained. The stronger the mental strength, the stronger your cultivation is. It will be more solid."

Eh? She passed? Even have some time left?

Tilting her head slightly, she was deep in thought.

Ouh so it was like this! "Master, the time in the virtual world is different than the real world is it not?"

Ah as expected of a genius. "Correct! It works a lot slower than in the real world."

"Rest well. In two days, master will teach you alchemy." He took out 2 books and handed it over to Jiang Ying Yue.

Receiving it, Jiang Ying Yue thanked him. "Thank you master." With that, she retreated.


"What a long day! Fuhhhh."

Jiang Ying Yue breathe out. She was currently taking relaxing bath in the wooden tub. Today, the scented oil that was poured into the tub smelled like tangerine. She really liked flowery and fruity smells. So refreshing.

She really had had a long day. First, she found out that she had been cultivating for 5 days straight without her realizing it. Then, the elemental test showed that she was an Omnia Magus, the legendary all-elemental wielder. After that, she also found out that she was violet innate talent, the highest ever in the world. She did not know if there was any other person with this talent in the world currently which she thought there would but this also meant that the danger around her was higher than before.

She was like pauper becoming an instant princess alright?!

At first she was a trash in cultivation then suddenly she was the genius among geniuses with danger lurking around her.

Of course she knew what being a genius in danger of but this world was different than her previous world. Xi Ying Yue was also a genius in her previous world but in this world, people were more cunning and killing was nothing here. No law exist against a lot of things here.

As if the whole ordeal wasn't enough, she took a mental strength test. That really took a toll on her body. Although her body was not physically there, but she felt as tired as when she ran for 10 miles non stop.

Jiang Ying Yue suddenly thought of her teammates.

'What are they doing now? With the new weapon created,they had a two weeks holiday. They should be back at work now. I kinda miss talking to them. I also miss my fellow comrades.'

Xi Ying Yue back then had a personal team of weaponry research of 10 people. She and another teammate were the only people chosen to be brought along on-site for missions as her knowledge in weaponry and marksmanship was topnotch. Her comrades, which were majority guys were really nice to her. They did not discriminate woman; in fact, they respected her despite her being younger and on a higher position than them.

'Oh yea, what is that bastard doing. If he is alive, did they find him yet? Heh, if they found him for sure that little secretary of his would take 'extra' care of him right? It is good that that bastard ex of mine is far far away from me.'

To say Jiang Ying Yue did not feel anything would be a lie. She could still feel heartache but it was not as intense as before. Maybe, because she was far away from him, she could heal properly.

Time would heal her scar but as to whether she would trust people especially men again or not, she did not know.

Would she fall in love again? She did not know but she did put her guard up as high as the mountains to protect her heart from being broken again.

She did not know this now, but there will be a day, where one persistent man would invade her heart, crumbling the walls one by one, to occupy every part of her heart, soul, body and mind to him and him alone.