Jadeite Space Ring

Jiang Ying Yue spent her days cultivating and reading the alchemy books given by Yan Hua in the Godly Space. But she did not forget to eat her breakfast and dinner at the dining hall too. But she did not see Long Xing coming out of his room at all. Maybe.. he was still embarrassed.

A day later, as promised Yan Hua taught her alchemy.

Sitting in Yan Hua's impressive alchemy room, she was astonished. It looked kind of similar to her lab in her previous life except that her lab was filled with modern technology.

"Have you read and memorized the alchemy books that I gave you?" Yan Hua asked.

Nodding her head as affirmation, she answered, "Yes master. I have read and memorized it all."

Yan Hua was satisfied. He knew that this girl would not lie to him. "Alright. I am going to test you now."

"What is used to make the 'Truth Pill' and what grade is it?"

Jiang Ying Yue answered confidently. "You need 5 herbs to make the pill which are collaori stem, grade 3 wolf core, morning dew flower, spider lily and guido leaves. It is a Level 2 Sky pill."

Yan Hua liked the fact that she could memorized everything perfectly.

Next, he brought out 3 similar looking herbs and out it in front of her. "These herbs look the same but they have different properties and usage. Name each one of them and what it is for."

In the alchemy book, it was stated how to differentiate similar looking herbs and their properties. If you ever use a wrong herb in concocting pill or potion, the result would be disastrous. The cauldron could blow up or the pill could turn into a poison instead.

This test was definitely a hard one. Not to mention the fact that Jiang Ying Yue had never encountered some of the herbs before, but she had just read them in the books. But this was also good. She really loved challenges.

Jiang Ying Yue picked up the first stack of herbs. Her gaze turned serious and focus and she turned the herbs around. She plucked one and smelled it. She did the same with the other three.

Yan Hua had been intently watching her every move. When he saw her snapped one of the herbs apart and smelled it, he was surprised! Not a lot of people would do what she did.

Her every movement looked very professional as if she had been in this field for a very long time. Her serious gaze looked as if she was an elder at the guild. That increased his suspicion of her more.

What was her real identity?

She managed to use all her five senses to determine each herb types. "The first one is the Cory Herb. It has a neutral effect and it's property is defensive. Used to make potions due to its mild effect. The second one with a slight sharp edge on the leaves is a Rasiduo Herb. Its property is offensive and used to make pills. The third one is a normal herb which is the Xuiyi herb. It has a low defensive effect and usually used to make common pills."

Yan Hua eyes's glistened. He took out 2 of the most commonly mistaken herbs that even the senior alchemist in the guild made mistakes sometimes but Jiang Ying Yue managed to do it brilliantly and by just reading it through a book at that! What a genius!

"Good good. Lass I'll continue testing you out and depending in your result, I'll start teaching you alchemy."

With that, Yan Hua continued testing her knowledge one after another.

It was already lunch time when he finished drilling her on one test after another. He even gave her an advanced one and she passed it. That test required her using her current knowledge and mixing the herbs around in her head using it's properties and tell Yan Hua what was it for. And guess what? Jiang Ying Yue passed with flying colors!

They had their lunch together at the alchemy room with Yan Hua smiling the entire time so brightly that it almost looked creepy with all the wrinkles on his face. They even continued discussing about alchemy as if Jiang Ying Yue was an expert.

She had not even started yet ah! It was just theory! Theory I tell you.

The master-disciple duo finally finished their 1-hour long lunch. Yan Hua was about the keep the herbs that he used for the test today when Jiang Ying Yue stopped him. "Master, may I have the herbs instead? I want to plant them in my courtyard is that okay?"

"Ha? You can just come to this alchemy courtyard and just pick any herbs that you want. I have a lot of it here. You are my disciple so just pick any herbs that you want. If there is a herb that you want that isn't here, just let me know."

Jiang Ying Yue could only agree. "Alright master. But can I still have those herbs? I want to bring them to my courtyard to play with them a bit."

She could not possibly tell him that she was going to plant that herbs in her Godly Space could she? Plus, she was going to plant all the herbs that she could find in the Godly Space. And.. she already had a brilliant idea on what to do with it.

Jiang Ying Yue was thinking that although this world was different that her previous world and used Spiritual Qi, maybe if she could run an experiment using the modern tech in her personal lab and mix result and techniques with the magic here, maybe she could make an even better pill?

Hoho she was a scientist for goodness sake. A weaponry one but she could still do it with the chemical properties of each plant. Hahahaha she could already imagine her success.

Yan Hua felt weird but he just let her be. "Okay do whatever you feel like. But where are you going to store them at? Ah! Speaking of which I have a gift for you."

He took out something from his space ring and gave it to her. "Here. I bought this from a good friend of mine. He is a famous weaponsmith and I asked him to make this specifically for you. Just consider this as my congratulatory gift that you can cultivate now."

Jiang Ying Yue received the exquisite looking space ring. It was a small ; almost transparent with a vibrant emerald-green color jade ring. She knew right then it was a very expensive ring. It had a moon carving on it. Maybe Yan Hua asked the weaponsmith to carve out the crescent moon shape on the ring for her. And she was right!

She smiled looking at it. She made a 90 degree bow to Yan Hua to show her gratefulness. "Thank you master for this gift. I will cherish it."

Yan Hua smiled. To him, it was worth it that he forced his best friend to make the finest space ring for his dearest disciple within 2 days causing the man to voice out a lot complains.

As long as his dearest disciple is happy, he thought.

"Alright alright. No need to be so sentimental. Now wear it and drop a drop of your blood on it and you will be its rightful owner."

Jiang Ying Yue nodded and wore the ring on left hand's forefinger. She then took a small on the table in the alchemy room and sliced it ever-so-slightly on her right hand's forefinger.

Blood oozed out and she immediately dropped it on the jadeite space ring.

The blood on the space ring started disappearing and a blinding white light emerged from the ring. The next thing she knew, with a thought, a space as big as her bedroom in her penthouse appeared.

This space was considered really big already as it was a high-grade space ring.

Jiang Ying Yue looked at the ring on her finger. When she first put it on, it was slightly lose. But now, it fitted her perfectly as it had molded itself on her finger.

She held the herbs and with a thought, wooshh it went missing and appeared in her space ring.

Yan Hua smiled. "Alright. I am going to formally teach you alchemy now."