To be an 'Aethereus Healer'


A loud boom sounded scaring the maidservants around the alchemy courtyard's perimeter.

The sound of course came from the alchemy room.

*Cough cough*

A charred and disheveled looking Jiang Ying Yue appeared through the smoke that came out of the high-grade gold cauldron.

Yan Hua on the other hand, was slightly better looking than her as he was quite a distance away when the cauldron almost blew up. Luckily, it was a high-grade cauldron so it did not shatter at all.

Jiang Ying Yue was really disappointed with herself. This was already the 4th trial ah!

She felt so dumb.

If the alchemist hear this, they would surely get mad at her. If she was dumb then what were they? Stupidest creature ever exist?

"I am sorry master. I already tried controlling the fire but I put a little too much strength in it."

Yan Hua's mouth twitched in an obvious manner. 'Heh a little too much? You put a too much alright? As if you were going to burn this entire room. People usually have a problem on exerting too little power into their fire but this lass put a too much power into it without feeling tired. Abnormal ah!'

"Don't worry about it. Try focusing on the fire and the intensity of the fire slowly. In one day, you are already an Ocean Refiner Level 2 alchemist ah! Of course it will be harder to be a Ocean Refiner Level 3 alchemist. Don't be too hard on yourself. It's already late at night and we missed our dinner. Let's go to the dining hall and I'll ask the cook to cook for us a light supper."

'Sob sob. She became an Ocean Refiner Level 2 alchemist in one day and a normal alchemist would take 6 months ah. The fastest person took one week and that was himself and the alchemist guild's master. And this lass still was not satisfied.'

Both them had a light supper with congee and vegetables as side dish. It was simple and hearty.

Jiang Ying Yue wasn't that hungry. Well, it was her habit in her previous life. Once she started working in her lab, she would forget about everything else around her.

A workaholic she was!

During dinner, Jiang Ying Yue was thinking whether or not she should tell her master in regards to her space and encounter with Long Xing. Well, her master had been trying to find out on the reason why the poison did not kill her and where she was from so she felt like she should be honest to her master to a certain extent.

Her master had given so much to her and honesty was all she could give to him. She was still slightly hesitant as she was scared that he would leak her secret to someone else. Well, she had a hard time trusting anyone.

Suddenly, Yan Hua looked at her and said, "Ying Yue, master knows that you will be busy with your cultivation and learning alchemy but there is one thing that I want to tell you. Once your cultivation have reached Qi Refiner Level 5, master will teach you a secret art of healing. It is an ancient secret art passed down by my family from generation to generation and now I am passing it down to you."

Yan Hua gave Jiang Ying Yue a sincere smile. And as if he was reminiscing something really heartbreaking, he said, "I have never gotten married before and I don't have a daughter. Ying Yue, you are my only disciple and I will pass down my family's secret art to you. I consider you as my daughter instead of just a disciple. Use everything that I teach you right and use it to protect people you love around you too."

At this time, a woman's beautiful face appeared in front of Yan Hua's eyes.

Her smile was enchanting, capturing every corner of his heart. Maybe.. if she was still alive and they got married, they would have a daughter as cute as Jiang Ying Yue too no? Sadly.. that woman that appeared in his dreams day and night, occupying every corner of his heart was gone.

She was no longer here.

Jiang Ying Yue's hesitant heart immediately resolute up after hearing what Yan Hua said. She could see the sincererity and heartache in his eyes and voice. As if, something terrible happened back then to his loved ones.

"Master, Ying Yue will try her best to learn from you. Thank you for trusting me."

"Don't mention it, child. I am very fond of you anyway. I will teach you how to be the greatest 'Aethereus Healer' ever existed in this world. But the journey will be hard. Are you prepared?"

Jiang Ying Yue's gaze was firm. "I am prepared master. By the way master, I have to tell you something." Then she looked around as if looking if there's anyone eavesdropping.

Yan Hua could guess that what she was about to say was a serious matter and he could see what she was worried for. He laughed slightly. "Haha Ying Yue don't worry. The minute I started talking to you about the secret art, I have already set a barrier around this place so one can hear us. So tell me what is in your mind?"

"Master, a few days ago, I discovered a space in my body called the Godly Space. It belongs to me and unlocked after the poison was gone. There is a person inside called Long Xing. He told me that I was from the mysterious West Continent, the Moon Empire."

Jiang Ying Yue paused to look at Yan Hua's reaction. Seeing that he did not give much reaction to it other than slightly surprised eyes, she continued. "He told me that the poison did not kill me and was instead slowed down because of a curse in my body. The curse is called 'Blood Moon' curse. It is a curse placed on two persons of a pure blood from the moon kingdom. One male and one female. I need to control the dark element in my body from going rampant and my emotions or else, I will awaken the full curse and I will turn into a devil."

"He had given me a list of 3 things to find in order to control it and a timeline one year."

That was what Jiang Ying Yue was told throughout her conversations with Long Xing the other day.

Yan Hua nodded in understanding. "Let me guess, the cursed male is the one in the Godly Space and he had already turned into a devil? And the curse is the reason why your appearance is this way because I have never seen a person with a moon symbol and silver hair with that kind of eyes before. Am I right?"

'Wahhh this master is so smart. No wonder he is one of the top alchemist.'

"Yes master. Everything you said is correct."

"But I am curious. What does it mean by pure blood? You guys are clearly not siblings and you guys can't be marrying siblings right? And also what will happen once you turn to a full devil?"

Yan Hua had an inkling of what would happen but he wanted to be sure.

Jiang Ying Yue recalled back every conversation she had had with Long Xing on that one day before he went missing out of shame. She remembered asking him the same question.

"Pure blood is the direct descendants of the moon goddess. Apparently, only female descendants carry the pure bloodline and not the males. So even if the female gets married to someone not of the goddess's bloodline, as long as the child born is a female, the pure-bloodline would still be carried on. And the curse would be placed upon one female child and one male child."

"It was said that although the male does not have a pure blood in him, when the curse is placed upon the chosen child, his blood will undergo changes the minute he is born turning it to a pure-blood. And it was also said that the female birth was really low compared to the male ones."

She took a deep breath to answer the other question from her master. "If I turn into a full devil, I will start killing people. The more people I kill, the more powerful I will be but the thirstier I will be for blood. And at the end, it will be a total massacre including the innocent ones."

Jiang Ying Yue looked at her master to find any trace of resentment or disgust but to her surprise, she did not find any. Well, she was going to turn into a monster alright?

"I see. I get it now.You just have to find the three things right? Master will help you."

Jiang Ying Yue told Yan Hua the three things and retreated back to her room.

Arriving in her room, with a thought, she appeared in the Godly Space. She went to her room, took a bath using the modern bath tub and changed her clothes to a modern silk nightwear.

She set her alarm at the side table and went to sleep. Well time moved slower in there so she would have more time cultivating and sleeping.