Ice Cream

*Tik Tik Tik*

Alarm rang in the bedroom. The sun was shining brightly behind the light blue veil.

A slender hand reached out to stop the alarm.

"Ugh what time is it? 6am?"

A silver haired girl got up from her bed. She then tried searching for her phone.

After a few times of trying, only then did she remember. "Ah I am no longer in that world. Hahaha I got confused for minute there." Shaking her head, she head to the bathroom to take a quick shower, brushed her teeth and washed her face.

She went to her closet. "Oh right! I should just transfer most of my clothes to here."

The girl then wore the a simple modern shirt and shorts. "It will be just a trip. It will be fine." She tried to convince herself.

Then with a thought, she went missing and appeared inside her bedroom in the real world.

She quickly went over to her wooden closet, took half of the robes inside, and went missing again.

The next time she appeared, she was inside her modern bedroom in the Godly Space.

The silver haired girl then quickly put her robes in the modern closet. She took only half because she did not want the maid to be suspicious. Although no maid would enter her room but still she just wanted to be sure.

All this time, she would put her dirty laundry in a rattan basket and sent it to the laundry room. The maid would then wash it by washing it near the lake and put the basket in front of Jiang Ying Yue's room after she was done.

She would need to talk to Yan Hua about this. She needed to ask Yan Hua's permission so that she could wash her clothes in the Godly Space. She had washing machine there!

Jiang Ying Yue put on an indigo colored robe and went out of her room.

She looked at the time and it was 7am in this world. Great! 3 days in here is equivalent to one day in the real world. So she had a lot of time to spend in here before meeting Yan Hua for her alchemy study.

She went out of her room and from there, she could see Long Xing sitting on the sofa downstairs.

Long Xing looked up to her and smiled.

Well, I guess he had forgotten about his embarrassment. That was good too.

Arriving in front of Long Xing, she greeted. "Hi morning Long Xing." And she headed straight towards her kitchen. If she was right, she should have her milk in here. Well hopefully it was not expired yet.

"Hi Ying Yue." Long Xing greeted back.

Jiang Ying Yue opened the fridge and took a bottle of milk out. 'Hmm luckily is has not expired yet. Well I guess this space froze everything that was in my penthouse in the previous world and brought everything over here.'

She then took a mug and poured the milk in it.

Jiang Ying Yue then looked at Long Xing who was already in the kitchen sitting on the dining table looking at her god knows when.

"Do you want some?" She asked while lifting the bottle of milk up.

"I have practiced food abstinence for so long but with our constitution, it won't do us any harm even if we eat. But what is that?" Long Xing asked.

The mug looked so weird. It was colorful with writings on it in a language he could not understand. And Ying Yue was holding something with white colored liquid in it.

"This is milk. You should try it. Well it is not as fresh as what you have here but it is from my world."

With that, she took another mug and poured the milk in it. She then brought the mugs over and gave it to Long Xing.

"Try it." She said while taking a seat.

Jiang Ying Yue lifted the cup and took a sip. "Hmm cold milk is the best!" She exclaimed in delight.

Looking at her blissful face, Long Xing was curious. He took a sip too and...

*Boom boom boom!*

Fireworks started exploding in his head.

He lifted the cup and looked at the milk inside. 'This was milk? But it tasted so different. So thick and it is cold too!'

"Why is it cold?" He asked Jiang Ying Yue curiously.

"I stored the milk in the fridge so that it would not go bad." She pointed at the fridge. "That is a fridge. In my world, we keep things in there from going bad. We don't have magic over there but we have technology. The temperature on the bottom part is always cold but not always as cold as the upper one. The upper one is called a freezer. Sometimes, I store ice cream in there."

Long Xing looked at the fridge and smiled. "I learned a lot of new things lately. The world is so vast and I guess your world must be fun. What is ice cream?"

Jiang Ying Yue thought about he said. "Fun? I guess. My world works differently than here. We have tall buildings everywhere. I will show you the photos if I have some time. Oh right! Let me check if I have ice cream in the freezer."

She got up and walked up to the fridge. She opened it and like a pandora box, she found her treasure!

She took two tub of ice creams out and took two bowls and metal spoons.

"Here this is ice cream." She put the ice cream tubs on the table.

Long Xing looked at the tubs curiously. He was really like a curious child ah! She felt like she was raising a baby! SOOO cute!

She opened the Ben & Jerry's vanilla and Haagen-Dazs dark chocolate ice cream tubs and scooped the contents out into the bowls.

"This is a chocolate ice cream and this my favorite vanilla ice cream." She said while showing the ice cream on the right and left in the bowl.

She pushed one bowl towards Long Xing and one pulled towards her.

"Try it." She smiled.

Her beauty in the morning was so mesmerizing and Long Xing nodded absentmindedly.

He followed after Jiang Ying Yue scooped the vanilla ice cream first. He put it in his mouth. "So good. So this is ice cream? It is cold and a bit sweet."

Jiang Ying Yue nodded in approval. 'Seems like this guy likes to try everything he is curious about.'

"Yes. Now let's try the next one and see if you like it. It is not as sweet as the vanilla one."

Long Xing nodded and tried the dark chocolate one. "This is good too. A bit bitter. I like this one more."

"Great my ice-cream buddy! Whenever you feel like having ice cream, just get it in the fridge."

"Okay." Long Xing nodded. He did not get what buddy meant but he guessed it should be like friends based on her reaction. With that, he continued eating the ice cream with Jiang Ying Yue.