Strict Master Long Xing

After they finished their ice cream, Jiang Ying Yue taught Long Xing on how to use the dish soap and the sink again just in case he forgot about it. But to her surprise, he did not forget at all.

How could she know that throughout the time that she did not see him, other than cultivating, he would shower, take bath in the bathtub and play with the sink. She would die of laughter if she ever knew about it.

"Ying Yue, I am not good at alchemy but I can teach you cultivation. I can teach you how to wield a sword and how to fight using your elements. If you combine practical fight and cultivation, it will help you grow even faster. Do you want to?"

Jiang Ying Yue did not think much to agree to it. "Sure! I will study alchemy with master and come here to cultivate and learn how to fight with you. Ah but first let me plant some herbs outside first then we can start."

"Sure." Long Xing agreed.

Outside, Long Xing taught Jiang Ying Yue how to plant the herbs that master gave her after her alchemy test yesterday.

Rubbing her hands in glee, she said, "Done!"

"Good. Let us start now." Long Xing said seriously.

Out of nowhere, gone the smiling beautiful man replaced with a cold looking man.

Wait, he was still outrageously beautiful though. Just a bit..more.. charming.

"Attack me all you can with the element of your choice. Remember, you have to grow all elements equally instead of focusing on just one. Being an all elemental wielder is good but balancing them is hard. You have advantage over others but if you are weak in attacking with your elements, you will still lose miserably."

"Use every element except for the dark one. I will teach you how to fight using that later on. Now come on attack me with all you can." He ordered.

Jiang Ying Yue changed her stance and focused on channeling her elements all around her body through her meridians.

She ran towards Long Xing and attacked him with her fire element as that was the first one she felt. She attacked him with all that she had.

A ball of fire appeared in her palm and she threw it towards Long Xing. But right before that ball fire was about to hit him, his silhouette blurred and he disappeared.

Long Xing suddenly appeared behind Jiang Ying Yue.

"Too slow." His voice sounded.

Jiang Ying Yue immediately turned and summoned wind as a blade and aimed it at him.

Again, right before it was about to hit him, Long Xing disappeared and appeared a distance away from Jiang Ying Yue, hands clad behind his back, smiling.

That smile was akin to mocking her.

Jiang Ying Yue tried attacking him again and again but failed to do so. She could not even touch the edge of his clothes.

"Too weak, too slow. You should guide the energy faster and from your dantian to your meridian. You'll get used to it soon and you'll guide your elements even faster."

"You should imagine the element and it's power. All elements are one with the nature. Think of its' properties and intensify them. Make them stronger. Use your Spiritual Qi as your main."

"Believe in your elements. Have faith in them."

Long Xing guided Jiang Ying Yue while he continuously avoid her attacks.

Jiang Ying Yue listened to his instructions.

She guided every elements in her meridians. Instead of moving it one by one, she guided them all at once together.

She looked at her surroundings and analyzed quickly on how to defeat Long Xing.

Then, she summoned a strong wind element pushing it from the sky towards Long Xing and Long Xing avoided it as usual.

But this time, she had already calculated his distance of where he would be at when he avoided the wind, and right when he landed on the place she calculated at, she summoned the tree roots to bind his legs so that Long Xing could not move.

Long Xing was shocked!

Not wasting any time, Jiang Ying Yue made a fire big fire ball, imagining it's properties changing the fire from red to blue then she threw it at him.


The ground shook and Long Xing's clothes was slightly burned on his shoulder.

Long Xing smiled.

He was like a proud teacher.

"Good. You managed to hit me. The more you practice like this, the easier it will be for you to guide your elements and make it stronger. But I am curious, how did you change the fire from red to blue previously?" The curious child started asking again.

"I was a scientist in my previous life. I only separated the elements of fire and enhanced it according to its' properties and made a blue fire. Blue fire is stronger than the red one."

'Scientist? What is that?' Long Xing thought. But he did not ask the question of what it meant.

"I see. Good. We end here for now and we will practice again after your alchemy class with your master. And don't forget to cultivate." Long Xing reminded.

"Yes yes strict master Long Xing." Jiang Ying Yue teased.

Before Long Xing could say anything, she stuck out her tongue and disappeared from her place.

Long Xing could only smile and shook his head speechlessly.


"Master master I am here." Jiang Ying Yue smiled.

Yan Hua was the dining hall having his breakfast when Jiang Ying Yue came.

Heh it was already almost night time in the Godly Space but it was only morning in the real world.

"You look so happy today. Did you practice in the Godly Space with that boy?" Yan Hua asked.

"Eh how did you know?" And erm.. master, Long Xing is way older than you and you are calling him a boy? If only he knew.

"Lass, I can see that your foundation is a bit more stable. I have lived long and seen so many things, so simple things like this can't be hidden from my old eyes."

"Master, may I know why did you think of me as your daughter instead of granddaughter? I mean you are older than my father."

Yan Hua flicked Jiang Ying Yue's forehead with his finger.

"Owww." Jiang Ying Yue rubbed her forehead with her hand. She looked at Yan Hua accusingly.

Maybe because Yan Hua had been really nice to her, she had already considered this old man as her grandfather. Therefore, she was more open to him.

"Lass, I am not even married. So where is the part granddaughter come from? It is only right that I consider you as my daughter. Plus, it makes me feel young. I am only 230 years old."

'Eh? Just now he kept on saying old man this, old eyes that. Now he is saying it makes him feel young. What a contradiction.' Jiang Ying Yue criticized the old man in her head.

"Yes yes, whatever you say goes. It is totally not weird that you this old and have a daughter this young. But master, why did not you not take the appearance changing pill to look young forever?"

"Eh? People in this world get married quite late depending on their cultivation level. Based on cultivation now, I can live until I am 500 years old. Oh lass, I like ageing like this. As long as my health is good, I don't mind this. What? Don't you think I look more handsome like this?" Yan Hua rubbed his white beard while looking at Jiang Ying Yue with a don't-you-think-I-am-handsome-like-this look.

Jiang Ying Yue almost rolled her eyes. She really had to give it to this old man on being shameless. He had to be a the top alright?!