Mutual Appearance Changing

Both Jiang Ying Yue and Long Xing did not drink much wine. They only drank half bottle of wine.

Currently, Long Xing and Jiang Ying Yue were sitting in front of each other in a half-lotus position outside the house.

The tall trees and blue sky as their background with two beautiful beings sitting in front of each other making everything else pale in comparison. One with ink black hair and one with silver hair. Their contrast made them look even more ethereal.

Long Xing started. "I am now going to teach you how to change your appearance and totally hide the fact you have awaken your full potential. With this, your hair color, the symbol on your forehead and eye color will change. You will look like a normal cultivator."

"I will also teach you how to control your power so that if anyone ever tests you, you will only show them a certain amount of power like your innate talent and how many elements can you wield. You will hide your violet innate talent and the fact that you are an Omnia Magus*. Are you ready?" He asked cautiously.

One must know how hard it was to learn this ancient spell and how much Spiritual Qi it used to master it.

He came across this spell in an ancient book that he found in the ancient tomb. Until today, he did not know how could he enter the tomb easily without any hurdle at all and why had no one ever been there before.

Or probably they did but he just did not know it.

It took him full one week to master the spell despite his talent and he hoped that Jiang Ying Yue could master the spell faster than him. The spell could only be done by the person himself and it would act like a seal changing the appearance of the person cursed with the Blood Moon curse. Yes, these two spells were specifically for the cursed person.

Long Xing was worried about her safety so he wanted her to be able to master this spell faster than him.

"Come her." Long Xing called.

Jiang Ying Yue moved in front of him and he tapped his finger on her forehead.

Suddenly, she could see a glowing red light coming out of Long Xing's finger on her forehead and with that, a lot of information appeared in her head.

"I just gave you the two spells and every information in regards to the spells."

Long Xing drew a rune on the ground and he sat in the middle of it. It was the same rune as in her head.

"Remember this rune and draw it with your Spiritual Qi. Combine all of your elements together including the dark element and channel it onto your finger while drawing this rune. Then sit in the middle of it."

Long Xing sat in a half-lotus position in the middle of the rune and weird enough, the rune did not get sweep away when he sat down. It was as if the rune was floating on the ground.

Long Xing instructed her further. "This is the first spell. It will be easier than the second one but you will feel a slight pain on your forehead as the symbol will start changing and so do your hair and eyes. Do you get it?"

Jiang Ying Yue nodded in affirmation.

"Alright. Now do it." He ordered.

Haa the serious charming master was back. Huu so handsome.

Jiang Ying Yue did not want him to know what was on her head so she hurriedly focus and drew the runes while channeling all of her elements together. It was easy to do as she had been improving by leaps and bounds training crazily with Long Xing everyday.

She drew a circle and ancient runes that she could not even understand. The circle and runes that she wrote was glowing in silver while Long Xing's was in black just like their hairs. But his had a little bit of red in it.

Jiang Ying Yue then sat down in the middle of the rune just like Long Xing.

Then, Long Xing's voice was heard again.

"Now, drop your blood into the rune and chant the spell I have put in your head. Imagine the appearance that you wish for for your hair, eyes and the symbol."

With that, Long Xing bit his forefinger and dropped the blood into his rune. He then chanted "Cruor e satis obscura no valtus."

With his chant and the blood dropped into the rune, the rune surrounding Long Xing started changing color to multiple colors and the rune started spinning wildly.

The rune seemed to have gained life and the writings started spinning around Long Xing.

Jiang Ying Yue wasted no time and followed after him.

She did not bit her finger instead, she made small cut on her forefinger using wind element as her blade. Immediately, blood rushed out and she dropped it onto the ground.

She closed her eyes and chanted the same thing while imagining the appearance that she wanted in her head.

The rune started glowing in multiple colors just like Long Xing's and it started spinning rapidly around Jiang Ying Yue.

She felt as if the ground was about the break and wind blowing wildly around her.

She felt the crescent moon symbol on her forehead burning. She held on and braced herself. It was not as painful when she dispelled the poison, she thought.

But it was still quite painful.

What she did not see was, the symbol on her forehead was glowing in bright red as if it was on fire. And the same happened to Long Xing.

After a while, the runes started disappearing and both of the opened their eyes at the same time.

Eh? Long Xing's hair looked the same. But his eyes.. It was green.

And three petals lotus symbol in green sat quietly on his forehead.

Alright, I guess this guys likes matching his eyes with his symbol's color.

At the same time, Long Xing was quietly watching Jiang Ying Yue.

Her ink black hair, her ink-black eyes; it was like a bottomless pool drawing you in and the two petals lotus symbol on her forehead.

She looked.. mesmerizing.

"Why did you choose green eyes?" Jiang Ying Yue started talking first.

"Oh this? It was a normal eyes in the Moon Empire. It did not necessarily mean that you have awaken your full potential though." Long Xing truthfully answered.

"Why the black eyes?" Long Xing asked back.

"Cause it is more ordinary looking. And surprisingly, we both chose the green innate talent. Hahahaha." Jiang Ying Yue laughed.

"Yea it is more ordinary. Not too much and not too little either. People won't question us much if we appear more talented than the mass with this innate talent." Long Xing analyzed.

Looking at Jiang Ying Yue and thinking back of what she said, he shook his head slightly. 'Looking ordinary? More like she made herself prettier that way.'

"Yea true. Plus in this continent, blue innate talent is the highest so I can't possibly choose that. So I chose the second best." Jiang Ying Yue said.

"Alright let's take a short rest and we will continue with the second spell tonight. Is that okay?" Long Xing asked.

"Sure." Jiang Ying Yue agreed.

Jiang Ying Yue suddenly remembered something. "Oh right. Why did you not change your appearance before I came here?"

Long Xing smiled slyly. "Because only when you have achieved Qi Refiner Level 5 can not only you but also me changing our appearances."

Without both of them realizing, they are getting closer and more comfortable with each other day by day.