Jiang Ying Yue's Choice of Elements

Both Jiang Ying Yue and Long Xing took a short break before continuing their 'lets-fool-people-that-we-are-not-the-most-talented-people' session.

They both sat down in front of each other again just like before.

Long Xing spoke first. "For this one, draw the rune in that I have inserted in your head and follow my instructions."

"Remember, draw the runes in the circle. Then, chant the spell and wield the elements that you have chosen. I saw that you chose to wield only two elements so later on, only the elements' aura will be visible on your body. Continuously project the chosen elements on your hands and surround your body in it. No matter what happens, don't stop. This process is the hardest. All the best." Long Xing sincerely wished her.

"You too, Long Xing." Jiang Ying Yue wished him back. The poor man started blushing at the mere simple wish. He was still a single young man alright?

Long Xing focused again and started drawing the runes. This time, he drew two circles in each other and started writing the runes. Same as before, he then sat in the middle.

Jiang Ying Yue did not waste time and did the same thing as him. She drew the runes with her Spiritual Qi but weirdly, once she started writing the runes, she would fail writing even half of it.

She wrote again, only to fail again. So this was why it was harder than the first one huh?

It was as if the rune absorbed her Spiritual Qi the minute she started writing it.

She tried more than 15 times only to fail again and again. Her forehead was already sweating and her robe was sticking onto her body due to her sweat.

She did not think it would be this hard. And this was only the writing part!

Long Xing saw that and he was not surprised. He only waited patiently for her. As what he said, it took him a full one week to master the spell.

He could bear to continue watching Jiang Ying Yue continuously trying thus he advised her, "Pause and take a bath in the Aurae Heavenly Spring first before continuing again. It is already morning the next day now. Replenish your energy first. I can't get out of this rune once I am in it because the runes are completed."

Jiang Ying Yue heard him and she had to agree with him. There was no point of continuing when her there was only less than 10 percent of Spiritual Qi left in her body. "Alright. I am sorry for failing."

"It's okay. Don't blame yourself. This is normal." Long Xing consoled her.

Jiang Ying Yue headed straight to Aurae Heavenly Spring. She had to admit, she loved soaking in the spring every time she was done with her training with Long Xing.

Going through the familiar thick mist, she took her clothes of and soaked herself in the spring.

Her exhausted body and almost dried dantian immediately started healing. Her body started absorbing the Spiritual Qi around her automatically everytime she soaked her body in the hot spring.

"Ahh so good." She let out a contented sigh.

Once her body healed, she immediately dried her body down by warming up her body. As a fire element wielder, Long Xing had taught her that she could dry her body and clothes by controlling the heat in her body and dry it down..

After drying her body down, she took out a robe from her space ring and wore it. Yes, she had a few robes in her space ring just in case of any emergency.

Like.. this one. She could not run back to her penthouse could she?

With a new resolution that she would not fail this time, she went back to Long Xing.

The beautiful man was cultivating in the middle of the rune.

He really did not waste any time at all. As if he was so weak. Huh!

"You are back. Try again. Slowly." Long Xing opened his now green eyes and said.

"Alright." Jiang Ying Yue smiled.

She then took a deep breath and focused on nothing else but channeling her energy. She stabilized all of her elements together binding it into one, and with utmost focus, she started drawing double circles and writing the runes.

She managed to complete it and she immediately sat in the middle of the circle.

Seeing her success, Long Xing smiled and he chanted a spell without waiting for her. Following that, he channeled his energy and manifested 3 elements onto his hands. The continuous stream of the three elements in his body eventually turned into a small shield surrounding him. One, two and 3 layers of different colors representing in each element surrounded him.

Jiang Ying Yue too chanted a spell while closing her eyes. She knew now that she needed to fully focus if she wanted to succeed.

"Rudimenta e alamia mundus." She chanted with a loud and confident voice.

With that, the runes activated and started spinning around her.

She immediately channeled her energy and manifested 2 elements on her hands. One red and one blue. Yes, Jiang Ying Yue's choice of elements were precisely fire and water. Two opposite elements but she chose them.

Just with continuously channeling her Spiritual Qi into the 2 elemental balls on her hands was such an arduous task. It was very exhausting. She knew then that this was the second test and she could not fail.

She harden her mind and stabilized the Spiritual Qi that she was channeling. Just then, the balls on her hands started getting bigger and bigger until one red and one blue shield surrounded her. It was like she was in an egg but the layer outside was made out of her own energy.

Sweat started forming again but she did not stop. She breathed in deeply and calmed her mind.

The last and hardest test was continuously streaming her Spiritual Qi out and stabilizing them until the spell was completed.

She was tired but she knew that she was stronger than this.

A day and a half later, she opened her eyes when she felt the shields disappearing and a slight coldness on her forehead.

"Welcome back." Long Xing greeted. He was not in a good condition too. His face was pale and he still had a little bit of sweat on his forehead.

Long Xing was honestly surprised that Jiang Ying Yue managed to do it without failing. He took a week but she only took almost 3 days to master the spell.

"Hi Long Xing." Jiang Ying Yue greeted back.

"So you completed earlier than me huh? And what elements did you choose?" Jiang Ying Yue asked.

"Yea I completed it half a day before you. I chose fire, wind and earth." Long Xing answered.

"I see. Hey I have a question. How many times have you done this before?" Jiang Ying Yue asked while tilting her head slightly.

"Once." He replied.

'Pah! He acted as if he had done this countless of times. So infuriating!' Jiang Ying Yue was not satisfied. But she did not say anything. Well, in any case, he guided her and solved one of her biggest problems so he deserved to act smugly.

"Okay. Hey you go take bath in the Aurae Heavenly Spring first then I'll use it after you are done. I just wanna rest here first." Jiang Ying Yue suggested.

Long Xing was not going to act courteously at all. He was disgusted with the sweat on his body. "Alright. Don't peek." He smiled playfully.

"Excuse me? I won't alright. Go away!" Jiang Ying Yue rebuked.

Long Xing walked away leaving his melodious laugh behind.