Master Is Back!

The weather started to get chilly as it was the end of spring now.

In front of the front gate of the Yan manor, stood a girl dressed in a sky-blue robe. Her waist long ink-black hair was let loose, fluttering against the wind. She wore a cream colored veil, covering half of her face with only her eyes visible. Even so, one could still see her beauty peeking through.

*Clip clop*

Sounds of horse's hooves were heard.

Following that, 2 Ignium horses pulling a huge white carriage was seen.

The girl smiled happily exclaiming, "Master is back!"


The horses were pulled to a stop by the coachman.

An old man's hand was then seen pushing the door of the carriage open along with his silhouette exiting the carriage.

The housekeeper, known as San who had been standing next to Jiang Ying Yue hurriedly greeted the old man. "Welcome back Master Yan." He bowed.

"Hmm." Yan Hua nodded in acknowledgment.

Yan Hua then turned to look at Jiang Ying Yue. His eyes slightly widened in surprise but he did not say anything.

Jiang Ying Yue bowed slightly before greeting back. "Welcome back Master."

Yan Hua immediately smiled. "Hoho yes yes I am back. Have you been good at home?"

He asked like a grandf- I mean the father figure he was.

"Yes master I guess I have been good? Hahaha." She answered cheekily.

The housekeeper, San: ..-.-.."

Lately, Master has been smiling a lot since this girl came. Good but he just hmm him. Wuu what an unfair treatment.

Both the master and disciple soon sat at the main hall.

"So? I can see that you managed to change your appearance? Good good. The mark on your forehead is now lotus shaped instead of crescent moon. And you have broken through to Qi Refiner Level 5? Hahahaha good!" Yan Hua laughed happily. He was really proud of her alright?

"Yes master. I have also changed my elements to just two and as you can see, I changed my inner talent level to green. How was your trip master?" Jiang Ying Yue asked.

Yan Hua nodded. "My trip was really good and smooth sailing. Ah I will have to test you again later on just to make sure that your aura, elements and inner talent level have really changed. Is that okay?"

Jiang Ying Yue liked this old man more and more. He was really cautious. "Sure master. But don't you want to rest first? Aren't you tired?" She asked in concern.

"I am not tired at all. It was just sitting in a carriage. Ah by the way, I bought you some stuffs from outside. See if you like it." He waved his hands and 2 chests appeared out of thin air.

Jiang Ying Yue smiled. "I don't have to check it. I will like everything that master bought for me as I know that you'll buy things with my best interest at heart. Thank you master. Well, I have gift for you too."

As expected of this lass. She knew what to say best. She knew that if things were expensive and she reject it, he would be displeased. So better accept them. Like what he initially liked about her, she was humble but never meek. She knew how to read the situation well.

She then waved her hand and a clear bottle appeared on her palm. "Here for you master. Hope you like it." Jiang Ying Yue gave it to Yan Hua.

Yan Hua took the bottle with curiosity and when he opened the bottle and smelled it, he was in shock!

Trembling his hands in excitement, he inquired. "Th- this. This is 'Scar Lateo' pill! A Level 3 Ocean pill! You made it! Oh master is so proud of you." Yan Hua praised her.

One must know, that although 'Scar Lateo' was only a Level 3 Ocean pill, but it was a complicated pill to be made. If a person could concoct this pill, it meant that that person could make most of Level 1 Sky pills too! That was why Yan Hua was really ecstatic.

"Thank you master." Jiang Ying Yue accepted his praise in a humble manner.

The master-disciple duo then had a hearty lunch together before going to the alchemy room together.

The sat facing each other on a table. Yan Hua then took out two crystal balls; one translucent and one black just like the other day.

"We are doing the same test as that day. But this time, the black crystal ball is of a high-grade just like the one you blew up previously. Let's start the test." Yan Hua announced.

Jiang Ying Yue nodded and took the translucent crystal ball first. She touched the ball with both of her hands and inserted her Spiritual Qi inside.

In no time at all, red color could be seen. A few seconds after that, blue color was seen. And the two colors spun around in the ball.

Yan Hua nodded satisfyingly. "You chose fire and water? Two opposite elements?"

"Yes master I chose those two as I felt like I can do a lot more things with them rather than the other elements." Jiang Ying Yue answered truthfully.

Yan Hua did not ask much. He believed in his disciple's choice.

Jiang Ying Yue then took the glossy black crystal ball before putting her hands on it and relaxing her mind.

This time, the ball did not crack but just shook ever-so-slightly.

The black miasma in the ball started spinning and the color changed to green in no time.

"Good good. Please thank the boy for me for guiding you. If not, it would take longer for us to find a way to hide your innate talent, elements and changing your appearance."

The boy was of course- Long Xing.

"Alright master." Jiang Ying Yue nodded.

Yan Hua seemed to have thought of something. "Oh yea. What happened to your other elements?"

Jiang Ying Yue slightly tilted her head thinking of the answer. "Long Xing said that the spells act as a seal. So if I am ever in danger, I can lift the seal on my own and awaken all elements back. As for training, I will still train with all of my elements and my talent is still of violet level. It is just that, the crystal ball will never be able to track my real level making green instead." She explained.

"I see. Meet me here tomorrow. I will formally teach you on how to be an 'Aethereus Healer'."

"Got it master." She smiled and retreated back to her chamber.


Arriving in her room, Jiang Ying Yue waved her hands and the two chests were seen.

She opened them and was speechless.

It was filled to the brim!

Silk robes of high qualities, simple head ornaments but everything was high quality and expensive, bracelets and even hmm inner wear. He also bought some other miscellaneous things.

Jiang Ying Yue did not know this but Yan Hua hired the best tailor to make her autumn clothes based on the measurement taken by a female tailor that came right before Yan Hua left.

That old man was really good to her!