No.1 'Divine Weaponsmith'

In the main hall, Yan Hua greeted the guests. "Hello old man. Haha have a sit. It is not your first time here anyways." He joked.

The old man chuckled. "Yes yes. I can roam around here without you showing me. Hmph. Old man, I am not that old. You are the one who look older than me." He rebuked Yan Hua.

He was right though. Although he looked quite old too, but Yan Hua's long white beard just gave him the impression of an old secluded master, which was kind of true too. On the other hand, the other old man only had a short white beard, naturally he looked a bit younger than Yan Hua.

It could be seen that these two had a great relationship.

The young man next to the old man cupped his fists and greeted. "Nice meeting you Elder Yan Hua." He then turned to Jiang Ying Yue and smiled. "Good morning." He said.

The young man was stunned when he first looked at Jiang Ying Yue but it did not take long before he recovered.

Jiang Ying Yue bowed slightly to them to show her respects. "Nice meeting you master and young master."

They both nodded and all of them took a sit.

Yan Hua then introduced them to Jiang Ying Yue. "Ying Yue, this is a good friend of mine. His name is Fan Deming. Since you are my direct-disciple and you are like my daughter, you can call him Uncle Fan. This is his grandson, Fan Xiu."

Fan Deming was displeased hearing Yan Hua saying this little girl as his daughter so he scolded him. "Old man, what daughter? She is young enough to be your granddaughter. This won't do. Change it. Do you think that you are that young?" Then he turned to Jiang Ying Yue and smiled. "Child, don't call me uncle, I am old already. Call me Grandpa Fan. Okay?"

Jiang Ying Yue nodded. "Got it Grandpa Fan."

Yan Hua glared at his best friend. He had no choice but to give in. He too suddenly felt it was weird for Jiang Ying Yue to call men as old as them as uncle or father. Alright, for once this old friend of his was right.

"Alright. She is my granddaughter then." Yan Hua gave in.

Grandpa Fan, upon hearing her calling him grandpa, was on cloud nine. He was heard saying: "As expected, having granddaughter is the best."

Fan Xiu just shook his head helplessly at his grandfather's remark. What to do? Both him and his brother were males. There was no female sibling in his family.

Fan Xiu's father was the only child as his grandmother was in a bad health after giving birth to his father. Because he loved his wife so much, his grandfather, Fan Deming declared that he would only have on child and that was enough. He did not want any concubine.

And after Fan Xiu's father got married, he too did not take any concubine and his mother gave birth to two sons. Fan Diu and Fan Xiu. Which explained why his grandfather was so happy that Jiang Ying Yue called him 'Grandpa Fan'.

"Ah right. Let me formally introduce her to you. This is Jiang Ying Yue. My direct-disciple and the only disciple I will ever have in this lifetime. She is a gem alright?" Yan Hua introduced her proudly. His chest was puffed up and he grinned for ear to ear.

"Yes yes. I know. Who else could be here in this manor other than your disciple? You talked about her all the time when you visited me the other day remember?" Grandpa Fan rolled his eyes.

Suddenly Yan Hua seemed to remember something. "Oh right Ying Yue. Grandpa Fan was the one that made your space ring. He is a well known weaponsmith in this continent. He does not live far from us but he always spends his time at his store at the main town. So that's why you are only meeting him now."

'So he was the one that made my ring? If he lives near us, meaning he lives at this mountain too. Master had said only people with special identities live at this mountain.'

Seemingly remembering something, Jiang Ying Yue's eyes suddenly glistened in surprise. 'No wonder that name seemed familiar! The Jiang brothers have mentioned him before. Fan Deming, the number 1 weaponsmith in the entire East Continent! Better known as the 'Divine Weaponsmith'. The weapons and space rings made by him are hard to get and could reach up to ten million gold coins for one spirit sword. Unexpectedly, he made her space ring! What an honor ah!'

Jiang Ying Yue bowed her head slightly and thanked him. "Thank you for taking your time to make my space ring Grandpa Fan."

Granpa Fan waved his hands. "No need for thanks. I am happy to do so. This old man finally found his perfect disciple and he would not stop talking about you when he met me. As long as you study well under him, I'll be happy enough."

"Got it, Granpa Fan." Jiang Ying Yue smiled. He could not see her smile under the veil, but her sincere voice was enough to make his heart jittery. He wanted this disciple as his adopted granddaughter ah! He wanted to ask Old Yan about this and he did just that.

"Old Yan, how about making her my adopted granddaughter? Hehe" He shamelessly asked.

Yan Xiu almost face palmed his forehead. This grandfather of his...

He was always strict to any other people including but now he was acting shamelessly. He really couldn't understand him.

Yan Hua was taken aback. Red in the face, he scolded Yan Deming. "What nonsense are you spouting? No good. No good. She is considered as my, the great Yan Hua's granddaughter already. You can't rob her from me. Hmph hmph!"

Fan Deming was lucky that he sat quite far from Yan Hua. If not, who knew how much saliva would land on his face when Yan Hua was scolding him.

Fan Deming did not want to give up. He smiled mischievously. "If she cannot be my granddaughter, she can be my granddaughter-in-law. Hehe Fan Xiu is handsome, talented and from a good family. He is only 17 this year. How about it?"

Fan Deming really did sell his own grandson!

Fan Xiu wanted to faint.

Jiang Ying Yue almost chocked on her tea she was drinking.

What the f--?

Yan Hua looked like he was considering Fan Xiu. He tried to look angry. "No no. My disciple has her own family and she is still young. She did not even know this grandson of yours."

Getting Yan Hua's signal, Fan Deming was all happy to follow his rhythm. "Ah is that so? But here, once a person becomes a disciple, and direct-disciple at that, his or her partner would have to be chosen or blessed by the master first. Then the parents no?" He smiled.

Yan Hua was all happy with his best friend's words. "Oh it seems that it is like that." Then he turned to look at both youngsters. "Ying Yue, go show Fan Xiu around. We old people have important things to talk about. Bring him to the dining hall for breakfast after one stick incense time."

Jiang Ying Yue would be dumb if she did not realize by now that he purposely chased them out. She was just too lazy to call him out.

She smiled and looked at the handsome youngster. "Shall we go, young master Yan Xiu?"

Yan Xiu nodded and followed her out.

Two pairs of eyes followed the two youngster's silhouette till they could no longer be seen.

After seeing they were gone, the mischievous old men looked at each other and smiled.

"Hehe let them warm up to each other first. We will see how this goes." Fan Deming spoke first.

"Of course. Let's hope that quiet grandson of yours would know how to court a woman. If he fails, then it's his own fault." Yan Hua warned.

"I'll beat him up if he fails." Fan Deming said.