Fan Xiu

Two youngsters walked side by side along the stone walkway in the garden. One tall youth in a mint robe and one girl in a snow-white robe creating a serene and beautiful painting early in the morning.

The maids around the manor took secret glances at the beautiful couple.

"You don't have to show me around. This is my third time here. I am sorry if my grandfather made you feel uncomfortable with his words just now. He just wanted a granddaughter and he took a liking to you making him say things like that." Fan Xiu explained.

'This man, even his voice sounds melodious and serene. Wuu what are you? A god?' Jiang Ying Yue thought.

Jiang Ying Yue smiled without showing her thoughts at all. Although.. sadly the man could not see it. "It's fine. I understand it. I am sorry if master offended you with his words too."

She then turned to look at the pavilion by the lake. "Do you want to sit at the pavilion instead Young Master Fan Xiu?" She asked politely.

"Sure. After you." Fan Xiu acted gentlemanly.

Both of them sat at the pavilion and Jiang Ying Yue asked Fan Xiu. "Do you want some tea?"

"If it is you who make it then sure." He answered in an almost inaudible voice.

"Sorry? I didn't hear you." Jiang Ying Yue apologized.

"I said sure. Sorry for troubling you." He smiled.

Fan Xiu was confused. He felt the sudden impulse to get to know this girl better. At first, he was just curious as to what kind of girl caught Elder Yan Hua's eyes that he immediately made her his direct-disciple after years of not having any.

His grandfather had told him that Elder Yan Hua finally found a disciple and he would not stop talking about her and how great she was which piqued his curiosity onto meeting her; which was the reason why decided to follow his grandfather here today.

But after meeting her, he realized that she was different from other girls. Her bearing showed that she was a noble girl from a noble family but she was not arrogant in the slightest. Her eyes did not show lust when she first met him, only surprised then followed by indifference. And when his grandfather suggested for her to be his granddaughter-in-law, she did not act bashfully nor shy. She was just.. indifferent about it.

This could only mean one thing, she did not care nor have any interest in him.

He wondered why she wore a veil to cover her face and he was attracted to the two petals lotus mark on her forehead. It was green in color.

That meant this girl was a very talented cultivator. He too had a green colored 3 petals lotus mark on his forehead. This meant that he could wield 3 elements.

Fan Xiu looked at the girl boiling water and making tea in front of him. Her movement was like moving clouds and flowing water*. Clad in snow-white robe, she looked ethereal.

His eyes followed her movement until she was done making tea for him.

Jiang Ying Yue poured some tea into two cups and gave one to him. "Here you go, Young Master Fan Xiu. I hope you won't dislike my tea."

Fan Xiu received and thanked her. Then he took a sip. "Hmm very good. Is this premium grade green-tea from the Dark Star Empire?"

"Yes it is. Master bought it from there." Jiang Ying Yue answered.

"Oh by the way, if you don't mind, don't call me Young Master Fan Xiu anymore. Calling me Fan Xiu is fine. May I call you Ying Yue?" He asked cautiously.

Jiang Ying Yue had no problem with that. She was from the 21st century and she even studied overseas, so she did not have any problem with who calling her what.

"Sure, Fan Xiu. Just call me Ying Yue is fine." Jiang Ying Yue agreed readily, not knowing the flowers blooming in the young man's heart.

"So now, are we friends?" He asked.

"Huh? Erm.. yea sure." Jiang Ying Yue was not used to this. They had only met for the first time and yet he wanted to be friends? Whatever. She would love to make some friends too. She was all alone here anyways.

Fan Xiu was happy. Hehe they were friends now. With this, he could meet her and know about her more, no?

"Ah right. Will you only be with Elder Yan Hua for 2 years? My grandfather told me that. What are you going to do next?" He tried to make a conversation.

Fan Xiu was not someone who talks a lot. In fact, he rarely talked. He would answer questions when necessary but rarely ask question on his own accord.

Jiang Ying Yue tilted her head slightly to think. "Hmm I will continue cultivating and then join the examination by Ingenium Academy. How about you?"

"Me? I join the examination too. They only open their door once every decade so I have to go. Why not we practice together then? How about it?" He offered.

Jiang Ying Yue was surprised. Thinking about it, it would be better for them to train together but her schedule was already packed. "My schedule is packed now. But I will let you know if there is any news is that okay?"

Yan Xiu was not disappointed in the slightest. He too was quite busy currently. "Not a problem. In fact, I am slightly busy now too. We can practice together once we have time. Okay?"

"Sure. I don't mind it like that." Jiang Ying Yue smiled.

They both soon went to the dining hall to have their breakfast.

Looking at the back of Jiang Ying Yue, Fan Xiu swore to himself that he would try his best to court this girl. Well, he had a lot of time to do so anyways. What he knew was, this girl caught his eye and he would not let her go.


At this moment, somewhere thousand of miles away from Mount Caligo, a man was sitting cultivating in his room when a knock on the door was heard.

*Knock knock*

"Come in." A low, deep and husky voice was heard from inside the room.

A young man in black robe appeared in the room.

He then cupped his fists. "Your- Young master, everything is prepared. Would you like to depart now?"

The man sitting on his bed, looked at his subordinate. His icy-blue eyes swept over his subordinate before answering him. "Alright we will depart now. Remember, once we arrived there, do not make any mistake. Let's go now."

Yes, his eyes, were icy-blue in color. It almost looked like it could freeze you to death when he look at you.

"Yes, young master. This subordinate understands."

The man, along with his subordinate walked out together.

" East Continent, here I come." He smiled coldly.