Liu Weimin

"Please enter young miss. I'll bring the goods shortly." Manager Wu said. He gestured her to enter the room with had hands politely.

"Thank you." Jiang Ying Yue said. She then entered the room.

What came to view once she entered the room was a young man in a royal blue robe sitting behind the work desk, reading a scroll seriously.

The man then lifted his head up and locked his eyes with her.

Then, his eyebrows furrowed. He seemed to be... angry? But why?

He got up from from his seat then, in less than a second, he appeared in front Jiang Ying Yue!

He slammed both of his hands on the door, trapping Jiang Ying Yue in the middle.

What the-


Jiang Ying Yue was shocked at first but then her face remain indifferent.

"Young master, what is the meaning of this?" She asked coldly. Her face didn't show any anger but her voice was really cold. It could freeze one to death!

Seeing the expression of the woman's face, the young man then chuckled. He did not smile at all. It as if the chuckle was just due to his amusement.He did not answer her question but asked his own question instead. "How did you know I am a young master?"

Jiang Ying Yue removed his hands politely. He resisted so she gave up. It wasn't that she could not do it but she didn't want to create any trouble for her master.

"Young master, when I entered, you were behind the table reading an important document. I knew it was important because firstly, it was written on a scroll and secondly it had an emblem at the back of the scroll. Then, your clothes. You are dressed in high quality silk and it's made by the best tailor in the country. Why? Because they have their signature marking on the inner sleeve and you have it there and your inner left sleeve."

The young man's eye bulged. Before he could say anything, she continued.

"The only hair ornament on your head, which is used to wrap the top of your hair, is made of pure gold with rubies. The way you walk indicates that you have been to an etiquette class for male and you are a high cultivator. Your forehead has a spade shaped mark in half yellow and half green. That indicates that you innate talent is early green. Here, higher bloodline equals to higher cultivation. Does my answer satisfy you?"

Jiang Ying Yue usually wasn't someone who talks a lot but this time, the man made her displeased and she wanted to just get it over and done with.

The man was surprised but he wasn't going to let her go easily. Still with a cold tone, he asked her. "What if I was a fake sitting behind the table?"

Jiang Ying Yue sighed. She felt a headache coming. "Young master, the plaque on the table clearly wrote your name. 'Liu Weimin' isn't that your name? And before you ask me a ridiculous question of how did I know and maybe you are a fake, please do take a look at the name plate hanging on your waist written with your name and this auction house's name. That thing can't lie. It has your blood in it along with the master of the auction house's." She explained lengthily.

Hearing her explanation, the young man's face, from serious, it suddenly broke into a delightful smile.

He opened his mouth to say, "Take a seat young miss. I will make bring you some tea."

He gently pulled her aside to open the door. He then instructed the guard outside to make some tea.

What the-

'Does this man have bipolar disorder?' Jiang Ying Yue wondered.

She walked to a long wooden chair and took at seat on it.

Shortly after, the young man sat down in front of her and smiled.

"Hello. Hehe sorry for just now. Were you scared? I was just playing with you. I was really in interested in knowing Elder Yan Hua's disciple. He rejected me mercilessly before when I wanted to be his disciple haha."

So this man was playing with her? Motherfucker!

"So you were just playing with me huh? How was it? Fun?" She asked sarcastically.

"Ei ei don't get mad young miss. I apologize alright? But you really have sharp eyes. Hmm no wonder he chose you!" He was being honest. He was really surprised with her sharp observation skill.

*Knock knock*

"Young master, I brought tea. May I enter?"

"Come in." Liu Weimin's voice reverted back to the cold one before.

A maid then entered the room and served them tea and snacks before retreating respectfully.

"Have some tea. This is a new tea that was brought from the Dark Star Empire. Have a taste. Have some snacks too." He offered.

Jiang Ying Yue nodded. She then took a sip of the tea. "It's good. Thank you."

Liu Weimin drank his tea too. "I haven't formally introduced myself yet. My name is Liu Weimin. My father and your grandfather are friends. I know, they can be father and son but they are friends instead haha."

Jiang Ying Yue introduced herself too. "My name is Jiang Ying Yue. Ah I see. By the way I have question to ask you."

But before she could ask, a knock was heard.

"Enter." Liu Weimin gave his permission.

The door opened, and Manager Wu along with several other men carrying 3 huge chests came into the room.

"Young miss, these are the herbs and things that Elder Yan Hua ordered from us. Could you please check if the goods are up to satisfaction?" Manager Wu asked nervously.

Yes, Yan Hua was their regular customer but he was a very picky man. Everything needed to be up to standard or he would be dissatisfied.

Jiang Ying Yue nodded and went to the chests. She opened one and checked the herbs inside. She picked them up one by one and accessed them from every angle including the smell. She had already memorized the list when she was in the carriage.

Both Liu Weimin and Manager Wu looked at her actions attentively. They were both shocked to see such a young girl able to check every single herb and her movements indicate that she knew what she was doing. She was a young talent indeed.

They then saw her opening the second chest checked the herbs inside. Each chest contain at least 20 herbs and she went through them really fast. But her action was meticulous.

The third chest didn't contain herb inside but magical beast's cores and other things instead.

It took her less than 15 mins to check everything and she nodded in satisfaction.

"Every herb is in a good condition and the quality was good. I'll bring them back to my master for him to appraise them personally." She said.

Manager Wu was relieved. Her words were like Elder Yan Hua's words himself. A burden was lifted of his shoulder. If any of the herbs or things were not up to satisfaction, not only Elder Yan Hua but Master Liu Bojing would skin him alive.

He did not want to die yet!