Do You Have That Much Money?

A brown pouch then appeared on her hand and Jiang Ying Yue gave it to Manager Wu. "Here is the payment for it. Please do count and let me know if it is not enough."

Manager Wu nodded and took the pouch. Without even opening the pouch, he said to Jiang Ying Yue. "Young miss, I naturally believe in Elder Yan Hua. The price was agreed beforehand so I don't need to count this. Thank you young miss."

"Do you need our men to carry it into your carriage?" Liu Weimin asked in concern.

"Oh it's okay. It wouldn't fit anyway." She declined his offer.

With a wave of her hand, the chests disappeared.

Only then did they see the exquisite space ring on her finger.

It was small but they could tell the ring was one of a kind. The moon carving was smooth and exquisite. Then, with his sharp eyes, Liu Weimin noticed something on the ring that shocked him to the core.

His eyes was wide open, mouth slightly ajar and finger pointing at the finger, his voice was stuck in his throat.

"Tha- that, is that space ring made by Master Fan Deming? The mark on the side of the ring belongs only to him. Am I right?"

Jiang Ying Yue raised an eyebrow. Looking at her ring, she answered. "Yes, indeed it was made by him."

She saw at the side of the moon carving, a unique carving was seen. It was a small black flame with a sword in the middle of it. She had seen it back then but now she knew the meaning of this mark.

Liu Weimin saw her reaction and decided to explain. "Master Fan Deming is the best weaponsmith in the entire East Continent and everyone knew that only him can carve that mark as it's infused with Spiritual Qi. When you used it just now, that part glowed. Only he can do it that way. And that mark only belonged to him. Every single thing that's personally made by him will have that mark."

He then lifted his hand to show his space ring to her. "Look, this one was made by him as well. But it's not custom made. It's hard enough to get even one space ring from him and I paid a lot of money to get this one but you even managed to get a custom made one! All of the space rings made by him are plain. It doesn't matter if it's jade, gold, silver or iron. Only the custom made ones will be carved."

He was jealous alright? Back then when he wanted to get a custom made space ring, his request was rejected. That old man did not care about your identity. Even if you were there emperor, he would not give you any face.

Wuuu and this girl got a custom made one. He wouldn't even be surprised if she had a sword or whip made him. Hmph! How unfair.

Jiang Ying Yue could not be bothered over such small details. What caught her was the mark would glow everytime you use the ring with your Spiritual Qi.

How interesting.

If only Liu Weimin knew that Yan Hua was a best friend of Fan Deming and Jiang Ying Yue was a friend of Fan Xiu, wouldn't he die of envy? Hehe.

Actually, the way Liu Weimin act it was as if he was not a young master with a lot of connections at all.

Everyone knew that the biggest auction house in the entire East Continent belonged to the Liu Family and Liu Weimin was the next heir in line. He was the only son of the first wife. He had 3 other brothers and 2 sisters but they were all concubine born and the family was strict in giving the position only to the son or daughter of the first born.

But he got all riled up just because of a ring? How weird.

"I'll take my leave first. Thank you for your KIND hospitality Young Master Liu. " Jiang Ying Yue made sure to emphasize on the word 'kind' due to his earlier action.

And naturally, Liu Weimin got what she meant but acted like he didn't hear it. "It is our pleasure Young Miss Jiang. Please let me send you out."

"Ah, before I forget, Young Master Liu, do you know where the bank is? I need to go there." Jiang Ying Yue asked.

Since she did not know the way, it's better if she asks him instead.

"Oh? You are going to the bank? Let's go together. It's within walking distance." Liu Weimin offered.

Jiang Ying Yue wondered his motive. "Why would you want to go together with me? Do you have any business there?"

"No. I am just bored doing work in this office. Plus, I can walk with a beauty so why not. Haha" It was true that he was bored. But he also wanted to know more about her. He felt at ease being with her. He wanted to be her friend.

"Sure then. Show the way." Jiang Ying Yue agreed. She did not feel any malice from him therefore, she let him accompany her.

Soon, the both walked out of the building garnering attentions from the people.

"Isn't that Young Master Liu? Who's the lady walking beside him?

"Ah Young Master Liu is so handsome. Wuu I wish to marry him."

"Dream on. You think he'll like you?"

Another voice was heard. "Isn't that lady the disciple of Elder Yan Hua? I saw her coming out of the carriage from Elder Yan Hua's manor."

"Ha? Wuu we have no hope anymore."

Jiang Ying Yue heard all of the chatting around her. She turned to look at the man next to her with an amused expression.

"You sure are famous. You wanted to walk with me to fend of the ladies didn't you? Tsk so cruel."

Liu Weimin wanted to cry. He just wanted to walk with her that was all. But this was fine too. No flies would try to get close to him after this.

"Yea yea. Whatever you think it is. By the way, back in the office, you wanted to ask me something. What is it?"

Eh? Jiang Ying Yue tilted her head to think. Then she clicked her fingers. "Right. I wanted to ask you why is this town as big as the capital? Things here are of the same quality or even better than the capital. Why?"

Liu Weimin did not expect that she would ask this. But he still explained. "This town is near the border of both Heavenly Cloud Empire and Dark Star Empire. And people knew that important figures live at Mount Caligo. So naturally, a lot of people started coming here from both countries. And now, this is a stop point for big merchants from both countries. A lot of people opened their store and restaurant here making this town as big as it is now."

Jiang Ying Yue nodded in understanding. No wonder it's so big.

"We are here." Liu Weimin announced.

Standing in front of them was a solitary double-storey building with a huge plaque written 'Supreme Primary Bank'.

"This is the number one bank in the entire continent. It's owner is unknown until today. So mysterious right?" Liu Weimin asked her.

Jiang Ying Yue just shrugged her shoulders indicating she did not care. She just came here to make a bank card. She was really curious on how it works. Would it be like in her previous life? Haha. That would be a huge joke.

A woman stood in front of the entrance. She looked at both of them. Naturally, she knew who Liu Weimin was but she did not know who the girl next to him was. But seeing her clothing and hair ornaments, she could tell that this girl was a noble.

"Welcome. May I help you?" She greeted politely.

"I want to make a bank card." Jiang Ying Yue answered.

"Sure. Please follow me." The woman invited them.

She then brought them to a table with a middle-age lady sitting there.

The lady then looked at them. She looked at them before asking impolitely. "Yes? Wanna make a bank card? The lowest crystal card has to have a deposit of 10000 taels. That is 10 gold coins. Do you have that much money with you kid?" She did not check their clothing much. She just looked at Jiang Ying Yue and because her clothes was a bit plain, she assumed her to be a kid from a middle-class family.

Obviously, she was not as attentive as the door lady. She had just started working at the bank recently due to her connection. She was from a middle class family and after working there for less than a month, she became arrogant. She thought that by working there, everyone was below her.

Jiang Ying Yue raised an eyebrow at her attitude. Her face started chilling.

Liu Weimin on the other hand was looking forward on seeing how she would handle this situation.

Would she lash out? Get mad? Hit her? Cry?